Game Update 45 Is Now Available, Featuring Celestial Powers!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. T102NEMESIS Active Player

    this is why i don't like the updates. on this one u can see the favorites of the admins i mean celestial? what about others? ice fire electric special electric is one of the weakest powers in the game. players choose their favorite elements but not every power is same good no matter how they put their loadouts and mods. the game would be easier for everyone if it keeps the balance.
  2. killercomic Dedicated Player

    The Eastern Lair base amenities are still too loud. Could you please lower the volume.
  3. CrossBud New Player

    Uhm. Celestial is one of the last powers to get updated. I can't say much for fire, but Ice and Electric's damage is nowhere near "weak"
    • Like x 5
  4. Fading Topaz New Player

    Good with an update, even better done while i was otherwise occupied.
    A wish for a future update:

    "Add a jukebox to the League halls, after ½ a min it gets boringly silent with no music at all there."
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  5. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    How many Raven's will we see now I wonder.
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  6. prophecyboy New Player

  7. Itazuki New Player

    Now Earth's turn...?

    Never mind; Earth getting something good... Hah.. My brain had a hiccup.
  8. Dcuo Candy New Player

    Mepps you guys should give f2p and premium escrow and just come up with another benefit to give members its not fair for new players and for premium limited cash is pointless and the brokers pretty much useless if your free to play or premium. Everyone deserves unlimited cash regardless of membership status
  9. RavenXxx New Player

  10. Legion_of_One Well-Known Player

    Do we know which Celestial powers qualify as a "multi-input Celestial Combo" ? Would these be, for example, celestial combos requiring more than two clicks?
  11. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    It's any combo as far as I'm aware.
  12. Irmensul Well-Known Player

    Not sure
  13. PapaKringle New Player

    Not every nature healer uses bug form.
  14. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I think what Derio meant was that the power back mechanic is too powerful in comparison to a non Bug form Nature healer using WM to use less power. As it is a Nature healer can basically power him/herself with little need for power from a troll.
  15. Master Play Committed Player

    All of those powers you listed have had revamps already. They may get another in the future, but there seems to be an order the developers are following here.
  16. ReAni Mator New Player

    Yh I made this point at an earlier stage. The power back mechanic of Nat in heal via hive mind should be available in normal form also. Bug can be sluggish, it's flight, which I hate for healing, and I get sick of looking at him tbh. Plus healing in norm form seems more power hungry than it was before the revamp, kinda pushing you to use bug, maybe it's not, but it seems that way to me. As far as Celestial goes, healing seems ok, but the rest is a pile. I was destroying the T6 solo's etc from day 1 with nat, but as soon as I go celest, i get very nearly killed by a single ad. Everything seems to be interruptible, power back is way too stingy with very little stuns etc.... bleh. A well rounded power is more than just damage, to me anyways, which is why celest is a fail, same as quatum, due to how incredibly dull it is. It's getting so respec token should have a 24hour 'return to previous power' feature. Totally turns me away from the game when I shell out cash and I'm left with a product I dislike. In most other businesses there are steps you can take so you don't feel ripped off. Should be the same here.
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  17. °Paradise New Player

    Yesterday i played TOD normal whit my league and in LB sometime 6 ppl getting tp it's a bug or ?
  18. Big Cokina New Player

    So, when can we exanche the Symbols of Power for marks?

    I have a bunch of them doing nothing on my inventory.
    • Like x 1
  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    There are absolutely no plans for this. Symbols are not Marks.
  20. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    So when the new marks come out is that old gear going to cost symbols and MoT then?