Game Update 29 Loot Changes Discussion

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Crafty_Crafter, Aug 29, 2013.

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  1. Elysia Well-Known Player

    I swear to you its always been 2x 86 wether it'd be 86 Healer Chest & 86 Brawlers, ive seen the 86 Belt & Chest,
    86 Tank waist and 86 Tank Chest.

    Atleast in my experience I assure you 2x always Guarunteed 86. =)
  2. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I agree. the difficulty didn't affect me, but the DLC basically took all reward out of the game. I completed my T5 gear within a month without getting half way through the Nexus raid. By the time I ran it through the first time, I was there for for the chance that something nice would drop for me. It didn't and with the exception of my chest piece, I've earned very little good gear from Nexus.

    I'm still trying to complete Paradox but I'm not in any rush because there is no reward at the end of it, just a chance I'll get something good. At least now, if something good does drop, it's mine, but it's still a chance and not a guarantee. Because of that, I don't feel compelled to complete it which is probably why I've only completed Nexus about 10 times so far and haven't been in a rush to do Paradox.

    If the best gear in the game was purchasable with Marks earned only by completing the Raids, the Raids would have a purpose with a guaranteed reward at the end, making the content a lot more replayable.

    For the other players who are still struggling to get to full T5 due to the extreme hike in difficulty, they provide another reason why DLC7 hurt a large section of players. When those players finally complete Nexus, they're going to be bitterly disappointed with the loot drops as the difficulty of the raids doesn't match up to the rewards given.

    I expect Paradox Wave to drop amazing gear, but the chances are that it won't from what I've heard. At least the blow is softened for myself and the other players by knowing that whatever does drop goes straight to me and I don't have to fight for anything anymore. A step in the right direction, but they were way off the mark with the T5 gear, I'm afraid to say.
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  3. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I can also swear to you I've only ever seen 2x 86+ items once or twice in my 10 runs of the raid. It's definitely not guaranteed. Possible, but not guaranteed. I'll never forget my first loot drop after spending 4 hours in there. 85 DPS armor, 86 Healer armor, FE5 and a Giant Quarter. My reward that night was completing the hardest instance I'd ever played on any MMO.

    The best drop I've seen featured an 86 DPS drop and 87 duel wields but most of the time its been 85 armor, 86 armor then either a plan or base item and a focusing element 5.

    You are extremely lucky if you've had drops like that :)
  4. Crafty_Crafter New Player

    There's a lot of good responses in here, I really appreciate it, and I really appreciate you all being respectful and well-thought-out with the conversation.

    If you have bugs, as noted by another poster, please post them in the Arkham Asylum forum, they will get seen faster there, as they might get buried in a discussion thread like this.

    What you're missing right here is the part in the "after" where we drop all of that per person. We are dropping 8 guaranteed items as opposed to 2. In addition to that, overall there's a greater chance of all the non-guaranteed lists dropping when you account for all the players in the raid. We didn't reduce the amount of loot that drops at all, but we did reduce the amount of guaranteed loot you see and that's the difference.

    Also the Traces in Time drops in the same lists as the Guaranteed items, so it's either an 86 item/weapon, or an 87 item/weapon, and then a chance at a Time Traveler piece of gear.
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  5. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I have a question for you, Crafty, regarding the drop rates of items.

    Are the drop rates of items limited to a certain number of drops every 24 hours? Or is there no limit on the amount of times the items can drop?

    If there is a limit on the amount, has the amount been adjusted to take into consideration that each raid run will pull loot out of each of the bosses loot table equivalent to what 8 raids would have previously done? A concern would be that the system denies loot because it exceeds the limits previously imposed on the drops in much fewer runs, if it operates in such a manner. (If that makes any sense >.<)
  6. Elysia Well-Known Player

    Hold the phone "Traces in Time Guarenteed" that cant possibly be right?!

    After a few seconds of thought I understand what your saying about Traces pieces being in the category of the [Guaranteed Gear Item Piece]

    I dont remember encountering this instance personally but that would explain how from Nexus final boss you could possibly get The 86 Healer Chest & that extremely common Traces in Time DPS waist as the 2x guarenteed Gear Item Drops.

    ok Gotcha
  7. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    That guaranteed traces drop... i know people will go crazy over the guaranteed codex drop so they can finish norse'. <and so forth and so forth>
  8. Kordana New Player

    The main thing I don't like about the new loot system is that if there's a bunch of stuff going on on your screen or the ending scorecard pops up at the same time as the 1 second message on your screen that shows what loot you got, then you miss it. I miss it all the time. Then I have to go searching through my (very unorganized) inventory to find it all the time.

    Should give players some kind of window showing you the loot you just got. Some version of the normal loot roll window would work fine (but without having to roll), but I want to see what loot I just got before it gets mixed in with my inventory. The new way is so unceremonious.
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  9. Hraesvelg Always Right

    It doesn't show up in your loot tab?
  10. The Sullster New Player

    in the default chat windows setting there is a loot chat tab that shows everything you pick up even cash, if you have deleted or changed your tabs u can make another one in the chat tab settings
  11. Kordana New Player

    yes, I realize this, but I never look at it either. It's just not as fun to receive loot this way. I always liked the loot rolling box
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  12. juicy j New Player

    I like the new system, especially when your not in a league group it allows you to get styles that you may not get. For example I'm a healer when I'm with a dps I pass on dps gear even when I need it too. But it does suck if it is a league run because you can't help your under-geared teammates out. But overall I love it.
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  13. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    I'm personally happy with this change and am looking forward to seeing it applied to the other tiers. I pug exclusively at the moment and I think that has a lot to do with me being happier with it than some.
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  14. The Hornet New Player

    I think it would be perfect if the gear dropped unattuned, or there was a way to mod a piece of unequipped gear in one role/spec (i.e. might or precision dps) into the desired role/spec. The argument against this posits that toons will gear too quickly, but random unattuned gear drops doesn't mean you get to select what piece of gear drops, ala Home Turf reward loot.
  15. Craven Green Loyal Player

    Good morning I have yet to try Nexus or Wave since the new loot implementation but I am very happy with how I see it working in the new Alert and Duos. I ran all last night and while it dropped me nothing higher (wasn't expecting anything as I'm already 86+ ) I did get a whole lot more items that I could salvage and this is one of the feats I need to concentrate on and I got a new style of rifle . Several people I played with were happy that styles they needed were dropping out of the Duos and that they didn't have to beg or fight for them. Since I have finished those styles I will be looking forward to the reward boxes after 5 x completion of daily mission for those new styles. I am loving the new content : missions etc. Well done and I will comment further when I have run Nexus and Wave.
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  16. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Disagree entirely. It would be perfect from a lazy gamer standpoint who can't be bothered running the content, but no, it shouldn't be all unattuned. Especially not when you consider how generous the loot drops are (equal to or greater than the stats to the gear which you can buy) and how cheap BOTH sets of gear are.

    I would still like to be challenged. I can deal with the system not giving me the gear I need. I can't deal with players winning an item I need. Especially not when so many people refuse to run content with you if your gear is less than the person who beat you for a lucky drop.
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  17. Remander Steadfast Player

    I think it's just fine (described loot drop bugs notwithstanding). Yes, it's not great for leagues, as they usually are good about distributing loot, but it's fine. I actually got more loot out of running all the SoT content last night than I ever remember getting for a similar amount of time running. Yes, a lot of it was salvage, but I also got the might trinket, a CR 85 2-H (not my favorite, but still), and a piece of CR 85 gear. If I was not already CR 95, I would have also gotten 3+ upgrades in healer gear and a couple in DPS. And that's with one run through the content. I can't wait to get my CR 86 and 88 alts in there!
  18. SoulflyMike42 New Player

    I really appreciate the new loot system! I feel that there is going to be way less animosity towards other players. Even though I run mostly always league and don't worry about random players grabbing gear that they should communicate about if others need for stats. Know people are just having fun and the architecture and sounds are just AWESOME!!
  19. akaivy Dedicated Player

    We ran Trigon's Tomb yesterday with one healer, 2 dps and a troll. Every drop we got was for a troll. Our troll was very happy, and we love him, so we were happy for him. But we were disappointed for ourselves. I don't know what we would have gotten in the end, we really needed a tank :) we wiped 3 times and decided to come back with more people next time.

    Also, I ran one of the solos and did not get a loot box. I actually had run two missions. When I came to Circe to collect I only got one loot box and I only had to talk to her one time, but both my missions were gone. Do you have to talk to Circe between each mission in order to get a loot box or is this a glitch?
  20. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Now that I've tried it, I don't like it. I was all excited that I might be able to finish "dps" style sets with this method, but the trade-offs are too much. Instead of possibly getting multiple items from a key boss, I only get one. Generally, working out with my teammates who picks what, I find that rolls are more likely to go in my favor. I'm likely to get the pieces for my role, and Focusing Elements when I need them, even if I do miss out on those styles.

    If it's going to stay this way, at least make items tradeable within the instance.
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