Game Suggestions?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Conduit, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. Conduit New Player

    I have 4 computers in this house. 2 laptops and 2 desktops.
    One of the desktop's is the one I use to play DC on a regular basis, it has very good gaming capabilities. [The other desktop is insignificant]
    My roommate and I own the two laptops, his can play DC, but only barely. You can't do anything other than solos or the occasional duo without mass lag and crashing.
    But my laptop is the worst, I can't even get the HUD to show up on DC, so I just uninstalled it.

    Anyways, the primary question!
    Does anyone have any suggestions for free, small, fun and non-torrent using games for PCs? Downloadable, obviously.
    I tried to put Slender on this computer and... It ended badly.

    Basically I'm looking for a game, or games, that I can play in my spare time when the other computers are occupied.

    Suggestions? :D
  2. Alice Liddell Well-Known Player

    Alice: Madness Returns
    American Mcgee's Alice
    • Like x 1
  3. Conduit New Player

    I'm not much of a fan of that series, I'm more action oriented.
  4. JayJay2515 New Player

    Mass Effect series
  5. Conduit New Player

    That's not free, and I just said I don't have a good computer -.-
  6. ZeroAccess New Player

    Lord Of The Rings online (never played it just did some searches to see what you could play)

    QuakeLive (used to play this it was a lot of fun) Live

    World of Warcraft can be played on a calculator (kidding but some old machines can run it)

    It may help to know the specs of the machines also an idea what your looking for.

    There are a ton of flash games that are fun too and some people have even ported entire Sega/Nintendo games onto flash

    Edit: I didn't see where you wanted Downloadable only sorry about that. Let me rethink and get back with you.
  7. Conduit New Player

    I don't have the money to play these games! Dx
    Just gimme some suggestions for small games that are free x.x
  8. ZeroAccess New Player

    The games I mentioned are free except Wow well technically you can play Wow for free now too till like level 20 I think.
  9. Conduit New Player

    I also said I have a cruddy laptop. It won't even load the HUD on DCUO. I uninstalled it, but I'm looking for something to do on it besides mindlessly watch videos on Netflix and YouTube.
  10. Conduit New Player


    [First time in 7 years I've 'bumped' on a forum :'D]
  11. Snow New Player

    Wizard 101 (FTP) LOL :p
    Sims 3? (I love Sims!) :D
    Or those games from
    Anyways, it's hard to find a game with your requirements.
  12. SuperMia New Player

    You should play Sims Social and other fb games that are free! XD
  13. insinceremelody New Player

    Try Dynasty Warriors Online. It's a F2P by Aeria Games. If you've played any of the Dynasty Warriors games, it is essentially the same. The bonus is that it works well as a side-game because there really is no meaningful progression in the game, at least not like in other MMOs. The only downside is that the Japanese servers get so much more love.
  14. Conduit New Player

    HELLNAH I'm not playing Facebook games! DEVIL! DEY AR DEH DEVUL
  15. Im Charlie New Player

    League of legends is fun and free. No pay to win in that game but you can pay to unlOck characters if ur too lazy to actually earn them.

    It is an online only multiplayer pvp game And it does have a high learning curve
  16. Conduit New Player

    I'm not much of a PvP kinda guy, and I'm looking for something that's single-player and very low grade [Graphically]

    But I've found Minecraft. 'Nuff said. LOL
  17. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    what about TIBIA?
  18. Conduit New Player

    Low graphical requirements? What's the gameplay like?
  19. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    man it just a simple old school mmorpg, i like it :)
  20. ZeroAccess New Player

    Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein, Command and Conquer, Pac-Man (i kid), umm

    If you do go Quake download the zeusbot and set them on high difficulty...its a way to at least feel multiplayer with no Inet connection needed. Diablo(1) , Old Sims were already mentioned, Star Craft, OLD OLD Warcraft before the WOW stuff, umm
    that's ideas google for more