Game suggestion

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tekwash, Oct 22, 2017.

  1. Tekwash Level 30

    Perhaps we could get a VIP system put in place that rewards you for mpcash bought/spent and has additional perks, something to ramp up going beyond legendary

    A lot of mmos have similar systems in place already
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  2. Fed up player #10 Well-Known Player

    No just no! Because it would get turned into method to progress your character with money and not game play. If it was guaranteed passive then maybe. But if it affects game play then no, not now not ever.
  3. Tekwash Level 30

    Should be passive , and sub fees should count
  4. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    Good idea but you'll probably get a ton of people like the one you already have. There seems to be a lot of players who play this game to death and live on the forums devoted to this game, but when it comes down to anything that involves them to spend a dime on it they panic.
  5. Tekwash Level 30

    I feel it would bring additional value to money spent, including subscription
    People always want extra perks for their membership fees, so it could be a chance to bring that very idea
    Especially if implemented well
    Of course you get the people who want everything for free, but that's just not how the world works
    If these same people were In the developers place they would want to see a profit too, it's hypocracy at its finest
    Then there's the fact that x amount of people don't even play anymore, yet troll these forums like every decision the develop makes teeters the balance of them playing... you don't play you have no valid opinion on the game or its direction

    Dcuo needs incentive to get people to spend money, it could be win win for player and developers
  6. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    The OP will also get people who make passive aggressive attacks against members who are more responsible with their money.
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  7. Tekwash Level 30

    Responsibility with money is why I'm doing very good in life lol
    It would be no sweat off my sack to drop a few grand, the incentive isn't there though
    In terms of mmo structures dcuo is a little behind the times
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  8. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    I agree. But responsibility with money can mean different things for different people. I've been in situations where other things in life were more important than spending extra to play a video game. I've also had a little extra where I could get my subscription and also pay for bonuses in the game to increase my enjoyment. I feel that sometimes people on these forums forget that the game exists as a means of entertainment. Entertainment is not always a priority in life.
  9. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Anything rewarding customers is A OK 2 me
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  10. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    PSN does it, if you spend a certain amount a month they give you some back. I don't know if that would be a good or bad thing for dcuo....
  11. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    I initially assumed this was directed at what I said? The problem with it is that your own sentence is the example of passive aggression. Not mine. I am guessing you didn't actually take psychology? You probably should before throwing around related terminology in an inaccurate manor. ;)

    You're the first person I have seen use the "responsibility" card. However, it is kind of a contradiction as well. You say that responsibility with money can mean different things for different people, but then you make a flat out statement about entertainment not being a priority. Would the same rules not apply here?
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  12. Atomis Maximus Level 30

    Not all of us are as eager to jump head long into the pay to win rabbit hole as you are and you making comments about others being passive aggressive is hilarious.
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  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Careful calling people out on being passive aggressive, they may take offense and say they didn't mean anything by it. Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything.
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  14. Wallachia Devoted Player

    4 in every 3 threads in this place is devolving to arguing.

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  15. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    Let's see: I directly confronted you as being passive aggressive. I did not avoid confrontation. Your blanket statement was not directly confronting anyone that I could see. Please show me how you were not being passive aggressive and how I was, Dr. Psycho.


    What rules? Apply to what? Please try to be specific.

    I never flat out said that entertainment is not a priority. In fact, it's a very healthy priority in most people's lives in terms of time spent. Numerous studies have shown that unwinding, de-stressing, etc. is important to being productive in the workplace. It is also important to overall health. When one form of entertainment becomes less of a priority, it is usually because it is no longer affordable, either due to monetary reasons or time constraints, but entertainment itself should always be sought in one form or another to promote physical and mental well being.

    And yes, I should also have been more specific when I said "Entertainment is not always a priority." I was speaking more about certain types of entertainment than entertainment in general. There are a lot of free ways to be entertained, e.g. recreational or outdoor activities through physical activity. Those also require less of a time sink since we can work our schedules around them. A break from work to take a short, brisk walk, for instance.
  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    only if tracked MP transactions before system went live ;)
  17. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    b/c the game itself doesnt hold ppls attention ;)
  18. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I kinda agree here. Tho I really like the game still I can't spend many hours in it without doing something else. Oh wells.
  19. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    For every month you subscribe you get 1% off the price of Quark merchandise...retroactively. :D