Game Mechanics in Seasonal Event

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RealTegan, Jun 23, 2016.

  1. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Agrecian, don't know why people say to ignore the turrets, because if you don't change them they will be shooting you!!

    But this, like all the other seasonal instances, relies on people paying attention and not thinking they can do it just by DPSing
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  2. motionsick Well-Known Player

    Burn Ocean Master/Aquaman. Kill any adds that walk by, and turn on the turrets when they pop up to make life easier.

    Hang out by a yellow bulb thing. Keep your eye on another. When it comes up (after everyone gets knocked back), hit it, and zoom over to the other if no one is there and hit it. You and 1 other person can manage all 3.
    It's ESSENTIAL the 3 yellow bulbs/platforms/whatever cogs are hit whenever they come up. Without those you will not complete the instance even if Aquaman is at 0 health.

    (It feels like you'll also take more dmg if you have a mix of levels in there, but it's still doable.)
  3. JeffEllis Committed Player

    I don't get the complaints about this. If you click the things around the room, this is an easy fight. If you stand in the middle and pew pew oblivious to your surroundings/screen messages/mechanics then yea, it's probably hard so don't do that. Fight smarter not harder. Not every fight is a DPS race.
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  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    PUG = Pick Up Groups

    or in other words 3 other randoms either found from just queuing in alone or using LFG
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  5. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    That can sometimes depend on how quickly the mobs being spawned to help Aquaman/Ocean Master are being taken down. If those NPCs are dropping pretty quick after spawning then they don't get the chance to use the turrets against you.

    That said, I take the "better safe than sorry" approach. I do my best to take down the mobs AND secure the turrets. :D It was especially fun on my Quantum character yesterday. He's a speedster and I was using a loadout that included Quantum Tunneling, so even if I was slowed down by combat or grounded I could go to Tunneling to make up the distance. The rest of the group was handling damage pretty well, so it was actually pretty fun just zipping/teleporting from one spot to the next, securing turrets and the consoles when they came up.
  6. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    As soon as i get into the instance, i say "Hit timed cogs when boss pop us back", and surprisingly i haven't had any failed groups, and i've ran it over 30 times. I can imagine what xbox players are going through, bet it's the most challenging 4 man content yet for some
  7. iClip Committed Player

    This is a super hard game mechanic. Its must be nerfed.
  8. L T Devoted Player

    On top of that, if YOU don't get them, the Atlanteans will... and then when the other cogs pop you won't be able to activate them if you're standing in the wrong spot because you're taking damage from the turrets.
  9. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    I imagine there are issues with being interrupted by adds when attempting to use the devices. I think this seasonal could be improved by getting rid of the batteries and the current turrets, and replacing them with four mannable turrets akin to the ones added in Amazon Fury. When Ocean Master becomes vulnerable to damage, the turrets will activate and adds will spawn. You will then have the intercept each add before they pilot a turret, then use the turret yourself to fire at Ocean Master. If the add takes the turret instead, they will shoot Aquaman. This takes the focus of attacks on the player, but on an npc ally instead, making for a more simplified objective that fits the criteria for a seasonal better than the current setup does. What's more, it puts more emphasis on manning the turret when it's available, which doesn't necessarily mean you have to wipe out all the adds, which then opens up for additional tactics such as tank pulls, controller stuns, etc, while keeping pressure off and present healers, as only the players sitting in a turret will be receiving damage from the particular add that's trying to boot them out of the spot (unless a tank has taken aggro).

    Plus the AF turrets were a cool addition that defo' should be used more often, and not just for that one DLC, which is skipped through so fast now that few people will ever see their use now.
  10. BumblingB I got better.

    I was about to say, is no one mentioning this?

    You want to succeed? Hit all the turrets, as that is what usually does the most damage to the players and prevents you from hitting the cogs on the 3 consoles.

    It does make it easier with a tank, but the boss does tend to stick to one person. So 3 people by consoles and hit the turrets when they can be hit.
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  11. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    If you are waiting on the sidelines waiting for the Cogs to activate, it doesn't take much time nor effort to also activate the turrets
  12. metalfenix Committed Player

    Everytime I go to the seasonal, I just go to one side, attack at range from there, and activate turrets and the final cogs like a madman. This is even easier than the spring seasonal and trying to "tank" swamp thing to the red gas.
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  13. MacFuego Active Player

    Ahh screw it, just give us the style basee items and feats. Why do anything it all for them, it will just be too hard.
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  14. megamanzero Loyal Player

    why are people saying that this is hard? what makes it so hard?
  15. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    it is only difficult for players below level 30. it is difficult for under level 30 players if a group queues in with roles who cannot play those roles. i tried tanking as a dps yesterday. the other players were not getting the turrets or objectives. whoever hit ocean master first would get killed in 2-3 seconds if i did not get his attention first.

    most 1-30 players do not know how to follow on screen instructions. those who do get frustrated because the group dies too easily when they attack.
  16. Van_Gho Committed Player

    Other People do, pretty clever I say, the difficulty doesn't come from the game just your team mates lol

    Get a good group, cake walk
    Bad Group, Million year war with mass casualties
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  17. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Aw forget it you will have a hundred threads from the same 3 or 4 people till the next problem comes up.
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