So I made an iconic steel toon but wanted to tank and use gadgets as well. So I specced into defense/toughness as well as dominance using the gadget powered shielding. I tested it on T1 and T2 alerts some raids and it freaking works. So far I could give decent power and get up close without a tank. I have yet to try it on powercore, i want to wait until I can jump into expert and really challenge it Now of course this build can't be a true tank for 3 reasons: 1. Can't pull aggro 2. No armor defense bonuses 3. Distract will kill everyone else if I use it. But so far: 1. Thrives in crowds of adds. 2. can Keep power and shields going 3. Gives decent damage and debuffs to compensate defense 4. The hammer is the freakin truth, dominace helps knock enemies away from teammmates So any thoughts? and do you have an experimental build toon? and if not a gadget tank what would you call this?
lol i see your point, hardly I mean there's no ice powers that can let you replenish power. All you got are iconics and superspeed supercharges that can give brief pot a weapon that recharges SC fast but... not very effective without increasing vitalization.... YES!!
This is only viable if you're overgeared enough to not actually need a tank. You could hold aggro by using consumables though.
As MetalMario stated, you can use consumables to Taunt opponents: Provocation Agent: Single Target taunt Mass Provocation Agent: Multi Target taunt Gadgets has access to the following positioning powers: Taser Pull Mesmerizing Lasso Movement Tree: Grapple Line Attack, Low Pressure or Tornado Pull Gadgets has access to the following Damage Prevention powers: Holographic Decoy: Transfers 25% of incoming damage to Decoy Energy Shield: Damage Prevention Shield only activates if your Health drops below 35% Neural Neutralizer: Damage Prevention Shield Anesthetic: Supercharge that prevents damage and provides a small Heal Distract: Prevents damage but also detaunts Amazonium Deflection: Adds 5000 Defense Hard Light Shield: Damage Prevention Shield Clown Box: Stuck in Box while preventing damage Movement Tree Supercharges: Perfect Poise, Dustoff or Dash Attack If Superspeed: Phase Dodge: Adds 5000 Defense
Why you want to be a tank when you can be a Mighty DPS Gadgets? Thumbs up for your initiative, but your Steel based toon can kick the enemies *** too.
Lol yea but Steel is a 10 ton hero that's why I wanted to build a tank like gadget. And in control role I don't get a damage output reduction, the dominance helps with shield strength. also with my hammer, defense debuffs and shields i can pop as long as I can keep my power up? I do some pretty decent damage without taking it.
I commend you for making a gadget tank. It reminds me of the kind of characters i tried to make when i first started playing this game, but was not quite knowledgable enough or skilled enough at the time to make work. Althought I dont know how effective it would be in a raid, i am sure alerts duos and challenges are pretty fun with that kind of build. Would still be interested to see how that turns out in a raid.
Yes,just get that supercharge that replenishes power and get that hometurf mod that gives power back to the group while u use ur weapon, thats what i do
Thanks why I'm all for all powers having one more role. Sorcery controller? Why yes. Fire healer? Heck yeah!