Future Episode thread: What episodes do you want to see next?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ughitsjaylon, Sep 7, 2024.

  1. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    He's actually appearing in the Speedster solo from Metal I, as last boss for villains. He is also showing up in the Smallville alert,
    Boss in The Demon's Plan, and more. https://dcuniverseonline.fandom.com/wiki/Green_Arrow

    So he appeard a few times as a supporting character, but he never really had his own episode with Star City being introduced.
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  2. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    I don't want to see another episode there is already enough episodes doing nothing for nobody collecting dust for players at endgame. The only episode I want to see is them going back to episode 1 and relaunching it with a new gear system and a second skill point tree for feats 2.0 update as a refresh to the already existing feats in the game. This is how you relaunch dcuo and bring back the player base and grow the game back to the way it was
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  3. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    A bigger Legion DLC. Legion is so expansive and we barely cracked the surface.

    Salvation Run would be sweet, like the Justice League finally catches us and puts us on the prison planet and we have to work for Lex, Joker, or Circe in a total gang war depending on our original mentor choice. That would be the best dlc ever.
  4. Aren Sul Committed Player

    Thanks for the info, Eve :)
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  5. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Literally an elite only episode.
  6. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Would love a Doomsday Clock ep (Watchmen) but it probably couldn't be done justice. Outside of that, I kinda wanna know what Hecate was warning us about at the end of Cursed Themyscira.

    As for the suggestion for a Doom Patrol episode, as much as I love Doom Patrol content, it's probably a little too esoteric to boil down to a handful of <15s cutscenes. Watchmen/Doomsday Clock essentially has the same problem thus my first point of the format not being able to do it justice. I'd love to be wrong on both fronts though.
  7. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    A Nightwing-centric episode set in a rebuilt Bludhaven, involving his rogues gallery with appearances from the Titans and Batfamily. It's been a while since Nightwing's been in a episode and Bludhaven hasn't been featured aside from the alert where it was destroyed by Chemo which happened before New 52.

    If the voice actor situation is figured out for Batman and Joker I want to see something inspired by the Knightmare Future, you already put the Knightmare Batman cowl in the game.
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  8. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    That or repurpose the Australia PVP map.
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  9. DocFeelzGoodMan New Player

    I want to see episodes tied to previous stories from the comics, in a flashback kind of manner. It would be a nice way to establish some of the history of this (the game's) universe. For example, let's have one based on Our Worlds at War. Anyone here that knows of Imperiex definitely wants to throw down with him.
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  10. SolarSniper23 New Player

    I would like a episode based on the comic from
    Sins of Youth: JLA, Jr.
    May, 2000
    You Gotta Be Kidding!": The JLA have been turned into teenagers by Klarion. With the help of Anarky, they're able to escape the angry crowds and Point Men, and retreat to the Justice League Watchtower. Meanwhile, Klarion summons Amazo and turns him into a teen.
    Note I don't know how to put in a image but maybe somone could Google this comic and put up a picture of the cover. Kid jla looks cool! <3 martiankidhunter
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  11. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    fantastic idea. We could even have some content where we all transform into kid versions of ourselves.

    I was also thinking maybe trying to pitch some ideas revolving around some characters in upcoming movie and tv projects: the Creature Commandos and the Authority particularly. Even if we only end up with a few characters from each team it would still be something new. The carrier could be a fun place for a raid and even a new league hall.
  12. TheMikeB Active Player

    Armageddon 2001. Introduce Monarch and Waverider.
  13. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    I mentioned Salvation Run several times in the past as a potential episode....

    And, yeah... It was sad we got a Legion DLC and it only had, like, 4 Legionnaires repeated over and over throughout the episode.
  14. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player


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  15. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    A DPS only episode? Dps obsessed selfish players can really enjoy that and blame each other.
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  16. CharlesVerde Level 30

    lantern content is long overdue
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  17. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    Something to do with the heart of almost every super hero in comics, their secret identity revealed. What if Riddler hacked Oracle"s uplink to Watchtower and steals the classified information on every superhero's alternate identity. You can have collections that would unlock a function that lets you type in your own background origin story that people can inspect and read. This would also add a function to base items that you can have make interactive by clicking them and having a pop up where you can type up a story for each item further enhancing your character's origin.
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  18. The Great Predicto New Player

    Yes! Being able to pick your background, even if very limited in scope, would be really cool.
  19. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    Kramer vs. Kramer vs. Batman
  20. Trilight New Player

    Anything not in DC. As an off and on player (trying to have the game really grab my attention) every time I come and play, the latest episode is in DC.