Just curious on what dc characters y’all would like to see come to the game in some shape way or form I’ll start Firestorm!
Wally West Wallace West Jon Kent Ma and Pa Kent Ace the Bathound Damian's/Robin's herd of pets (Goliath, Alfred the Cat, Titus, Batcow) Comet the Superhorse would be funny Red Hood since all the other Robins aside from like Steph or Carrie are in the game except him, not counting just his outfit Spoiler Maybe Arrowette (could be a fun nod to the different Young Justice media as well, since she was one of the members of the original version of the team in the '98 comics) Arsenal/Red Arrow We have Starfire, so Blackfire could be fun We have Terra, so Geoforce could be fun Secret and/or Harm from the '98 Young Justice comics Dex-Starr Catman Nightwing and Flamebird of Kandor (any pair/version, honestly) Batmite Animal Man Jessica Cruz Bumblebee Flamebird/Bette Kane Wonder Twins Zookeeper or whatever his name was (the Beast Boy villain) Alfred Blue Beetle since we're getting the gear (I'd be quite happy to see both Jaime and Ted, really) Mister Terrific Bunny Constantine because it would be funny Iris West Joan (Jay Garrick's wife) I'd sell my soul to see Oracle in person (non-silhouetted) Some of these have references or items related to them or briefings/investigations but not he characters themselves in the game so far. Be fun to actually see them for real.
Another one of these again? I'd say load the whole universe up. But, at this point after 11 yrs of not much changing regarding character diversity, it's a pipe dream -_-
Any set of Vertigo characters, as they were in the Vertigo books. This is probably why we'll never see Death, a Vertigo Constantine, Dream, A Doom Patrol DLC etc. etc. etc. Because allowing any kind of R-Rated content would obviously be way way way worse than some of the racial epithets, slurs about somebody's sexuality, or referring to genitals that I routinely see in chat on a day-to-day basis. Interesting fact: If I called someone a "******" in real life, I'd expect them to be pissed off. If not violent, if I've never met them before. If I told them they were talking bollocks, I'd expect the same. Amusing-sounding British English profanity really isn't that amusing. Or as PG-13 as people in the US believe. EDIT: Aaaaaand... I do believe that the forum profanity filter has just demonstrated that even though Constantine says "w4nk3r" in the game... I can't say it here.