Fully Modded t6 150 Skill Point Plus SM Runs

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by thelight420, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Suggestion: Take a second healer.

    I know we live in an age where people don't even want a healer for 4 player content, but in 8 player content, a second healer will fill in the blanks.

    I'm yet to see a group with 2 healers fail because they ran out of power.
  2. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    He was talking about trolls utilizing WM. Not healers.
    Who runs SM with one healer?
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  3. LooQ New Player

    They actually do run out of power. And I am running with 2 healers.
  4. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Well then your controllers are terrible. Or your healers are terrible.
  5. LooQ New Player

  6. thelight420 New Player

    I see the same for trollers over utilizing WM Combos, not giving enough power to the main troll because they want to hit every weapon mastery. Give me a couple recharges in between each WM Combo.
  7. Mister Brees New Player

    That's the best GFY comment I have ever seen. Love it.
    • Like x 1
  8. thelight420 New Player

    It's all about team work. If the healer is low on power your dps should layoff power use until the tank and healer regain a sustainable amount of power that will allow a postive flow of power to form. Synergy.
  9. Zezimar Committed Player

    Finally, someone that can make me laugh on this forum, haha nice one m8 ;)
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  10. Biester New Player

    Not trying to sound insulting but you lost me at USPS3. PS3 means someone will probably disconnect which makes it not a Survival Mode worth running. Again, I'm not trying to insult PS3 players. I have many PS3 players in my league and they've all quit running SM until they upgrade to PS4 or some rules are changed on letting players back in that have DCed simply because they know that the PS3 can't survive in Survival Mode.

    I wish you luck though. I hope the group you assemble goes very far and represents for USPS.
  11. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Lol. Have fun!!

    Soo not doing SM.
  12. thelight420 New Player

    PS3 Players.
    Delete all your old messages.
    Delete all your old unplayed demos.

    I rarely DC and it is usually Dox. Nothing else.
  13. Sbel Devoted Player

    Do you PvP at all? There are a lot of feats in that and the PvP styles.
  14. Opamp Committed Player

    When I run my T6 content with only 87 SP no one complains :)
    Then again..they never ask ;-)
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  15. xColdFront Committed Player

    You don't need players that are 106 cr with however many SP. It's all about team work and knowing what your doing and being on top of pick ups.
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  16. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I always hoped that people would get rid of the elitist attitude of gear > teamwork. skill points > actual skill.
    That's why league's are so important, you know very well how good a person is and know how well they work in a team.
    • Like x 3
  17. sterl320 New Player

  18. SuperBell Loyal Player

    To the people asking, the reason others are mocking his post is because of the general attitude of a lot of players. They will exclude people that have lower stats than themselves, yet what people with higher stats to carry them throw. And considering this is Survival Mode he's talking about, it's easy to look down at a person with even 150 sp. If you don't have 180 sp, don't even bother.
  19. Minx New Player

    I'm stealing this for future use. :D My popcorn post got deleted and I got a "tsk tsk" love letter. Apparently the Mods are visually biased...
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  20. Hero of Justice New Player

    Getting groups for SM is a little different than getting groups for most content, if you are doing it with the express purpose of going as far as you can really high requirements are a means to that end. This is all about the top level of challenge and being as ready as you can (both with gear/sp's and with coordination between the team), and as this has no progression element having very high standards isn't as much of a problem to me in SM, considering no one has ever beaten it. It's not like ridiculous requirements for any other content in the game, as that has been proven to be very beateable without crazy standards. Survival Mode is a different beast.

    That said, I personally don't find these requirements necessarry or essential (coordination and skill are far more important than gear/sp in SM in my book), but that's just me, I am by no means the expert on SM. We'll see if they do any better with the higher standards.