Friday Night Legends is DCUO's weekly community-focused livestream hosted by the Developers behind the game. Join us this Friday and every Friday on Twitch for live look-ins across the game worlds to see real players in action. You’ll also get behind-the-scenes information, the latest news and Developer commentary, spotlights on Leagues and other player-run organizations, ringside views of the best PvP battles, and so much more. Next on Friday Night Legends: League Spotlight: Ascension Format: PvE Challenge (Link may not be displaying correctly. If so, click here.)When: March 07, 2014 - 4:00PM PST - 5:00PM PSTServer: EU PSFollow us on Twitter @DCUO and @Spytle, and use our hashtag #DCUO_FNL!If you want more information or to be part of one of our next episodes, click here!
Hi folks, Hey mepps..... How or where can i signup my League for FNL pve Challenge????? Thnx and c ya
Send a private mail to Mepps with your league name. There is a seperate forum page which explains this if you need further info
"To sign up for a Main Event FNL, PM Mepps with the title “FNL Main Event: <League Name>” and a brief description of your league. Make sure to note who you would like to face, if you have contacted them, and how to contact them. (To send a PM, on the official forums, search for “Mepps,” click on Mepps under matched users, then click Start a Conversation.) Alternatively, send an email to"
Sorry the last one was for PvP Main Event *Facepalm* Third time lucky: "PvE ChallengeReady to show off your PvE skills and...let's say, adaptability? Join us on the show and bring your best stuff, because each show we'll pick a PvE challenge at random, and you'll have the rest of the show to complete it. Win and you get prizes, glory, and fame. Lose? Well, trust us, you don't want to lose. To sign up for a PvE Challenge FNL, PM Mepps with the title “FNL PvE Challenge: <League Name>” and a brief description of your league. (To send a PM, on the official forums, search for “Mepps,” click on Mepps under matched users, then click Start a Conversation.) Alternatively, send an email"
I think I saw that league name in WT her and there. So I guess it's a hero league? Anyway, good luck! Make us proud.
Now that name I remember. xD Which challenge did you choose? PBG or Nexus? I heard you can choose form both, but I never saw one pick nexus.
PBG, seems like its the current trend at the moment and it will allow us the compete or atleast compare ourselves to other leagues which have done it
Best of luck! I don't think we had the option when we did PBG (Defection) but it is nice to see how others make out on the same map.