Found a new interesting HL rotation

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Rokyn, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    So I've been experimenting the last few days with some varying powers and found some neat things so far. I have ran this rotation through SM, WoT2, Lockdown, and some t6 alerts. The most important thing is that it's troll friendly and terrific in single target dpsing. It's a boss killer/target add killer basically.

    I've decided to relook how I envision Hardlight to be and since I always complain about the lack of AOE I decided to look at HL through a different lens per se. What if we embraced it for what it was as a single target killer and used the AM in combination with WM? You're probably thinking that it's impossible but you will see what I mean.

    I'm running:

    Grasping Hand, Fan, Handclap, Chompers, Inspiration, Strafing Run with Two-Handed WM

    Now consider the
    1) WM>Chompers/Inspiration
    common AOE rotation
    and a AM rotation of
    2) pwGH>coFan/pwFan>pwHandclap>coHandclap/pwGH (">"=next in rotation "/"=clipped)

    Why not put them together and add some clipped 2h attacks in between? Here's what I came up with:

    1) WM>Chompers/Inspiration>Hammer Throw clipped by
    2) Grasping Hand>comboFan clipped by powerFan>Hammer Throw clipped by powerHandclap>comboHandclap clipped back by Grasping Hand and rinse and repeat till Inspiration goes off cooldown

    Now mind you #1 and #2 are entirely situational and I ONLY use both #1 and #2 when fighting bosses or targeting a specific add....That's where that rotation shines and I will always use #1 when fighting multiple adds.

    I also have specced for Lightblast BUT I am only using the the combo version of it after Grasping Hand. Well why? Well because it's a 35% and under finisher, won't take a spot in my loadout, and as the PRECISION can hit really hard especially if you're specced for precision (it's the only 35% finisher that is precision based). I'm specced might/prec on my reds and the rest I'm prec/another stat, my generator mods are full prec, I run a prec/might trinket, and my SP are towards more prec. Lightblast splits after two targets so it would be wise to use on both SM bosses to kill them off quickly without splitting.

    So for the ultimate finisher I go:

    1) Orbital Strike clipped by Might/Prec Trinket>Supply Drop clipped by Inspiration>
    Once you see the bubbles on the ground from your Supply Drop
    2) Strafing Run>Grasping Hand>comboLightblast>then spam WM>Chompers

    And watch the 3k-7k ticks from both SF and Lightblast and remember to use Strafing Run and Supply Drop whenever it's ready because you will be filling up SC (you won't get extra the SC bonus with Hammer Throw according to the weapons guide on the Oracle Database). Your SC will fill up fast due to Two-Handed's fast combo regen, your ranged WM which has about 4-5 ticks, and your Hardlight combos.

    If anyone wants to repeat this and test it out, please let me know your results...hopefully I don't sound too crazy but it's something that has been doing great damage lately. Will post combat analyzer results soon.
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  2. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    I guess if you want to use an exploit then it works well.
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  3. Victor99dcuo Well-Known Player

    i like this, its a Strong new combo,
    am going to try it out, glad to see not everyone gave up on HardLight. theirs Still hope.
  4. Victor99dcuo Well-Known Player

    great idea you made thumbs up
  5. Victor99dcuo Well-Known Player


  6. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    Well it's a clipped Two-handed ranged move which you could also replicate with a Martial Arts ranged move...aside from that I wouldn't exactly call it a exploit till the Devs say it isn't intended...I would consider it as "clipping" as a nicer term.
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  7. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    You can clip the throw immediately because it has no cast bar when you spec to WM, if you don't spec to WM you can't clip it immediately because there's a cast bar. Call it clever use of game mechanics if you makes you feel better about it, still doesn't mean it's intended.

    And MA is long overdue to receive a cast bar on it's BB, no BB should be immediately clippable for damage it just causes imbalance in the weapons in pve and pvp.
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  8. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    I actually didn't know about if you spec into WM then there would be no cast bar. My apologies. The MA ranged hit is only single target and yields low damage so it's balanced IMO...but yeah I guess you call the 2-handed thing an exploit but it requires good skill at clipping if you intend to mask it completely. It reminds me of pre-36 dpsing.

    It's fun and easy damage in PVE....obviously no good in PVP due to the counter windows...and a hold>wm does more damage than a hold clipped>into whatever. I mean I'm not harming anyone with it...I'm just maximizing my damage per second without straining my trollers which is my goal as a Damage dealer.
  9. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    At best I will quote my buddy TheDark about two-handed:

    "Clipping precision attacks with powers is permitted but 2H damage registration is too early. A slight delay in damage input will bring it inline with the other hold attacks which can register damage when clipped with powers if timed right. "

    It's not too OP if it's brought in line with other holds. I myself can almost clip a hold from Handblaster quick enough to make the animation quick but that's's rewarding your timing so yes I guess the 2-handed range move can be adjusted according to this standard. Thanks for letting me know that, Comet.
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  10. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Too bad the questionably unintended 2h is the only thing that can make HL good. Also, the 2h works better with powers that have a build up mechanic like Gadgets, Nature and Electricity. So even if it does work good for HL, it works better for those 3 powers.

    HL just needs help, it's AOE capabilities are so bad, easily worst in the game
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  11. Dylan Top5 New Player

    I agree, it's how clipping should be. How on earth will clipping be ever able to keep up with WM when all range attacks have a cast bar and therefore cannot be clipped?
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  12. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    As long as you don't start a thread complaining when they fix 2 handed.
  13. Terri Ashra Committed Player

    Glad you can play at the awesome level laid out here :)
    It's actually a lot of fun
  14. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    Please refer to Omaar's HL DPS Guide coz it's an entirely different story there from what you're saying here :D
  15. Nemesir Well-Known Player

    Bro please share your great HL guide here at Omaar's HL DPS Guide so we can all test it out. Thanks so much ;)
  16. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    Thanks for sharing. Just to throw in some info on Light Blast..... Light Blast above 35% health will hit for a similar range as a Whip Thrash cast. The difference being the time it takes to get through the animation and WT being clippable. However LB under 35% does deal good damage. With INS active and a decent amount of SP(more Prec build oriented) it can be quite good(especially with that trinket up to or if in PvE gear and using the Relentless Prec mod HT).

    Anyway's, Just wanted to add that info in under LB. A lot of players stay away from it but if the enemies under 35% health it can be effective.