Everytime a new DLC is coming people always assume we're going to get a new power When they're forgetting we've had the same 3 movements since the game came out and have only had 1 new weapon and that was the Last Laugh DLC which was a long time ago compared to the DLCS we have now We've had enough powers for a while, give us a break and give us something new, we've gotten so used to having 3 movements that we forgot we need something new.. I would recommend for a new movement something like a Green Goblin/Static Shock glider Sure you could say it's flying but it could have a turbo or something, I'm not sure, just guessing but we need something new Plus with Weapon Mastery out it would be a good time to give us a new weapon to combo with And when you release it please don't make it DLC required, I'm sure the F2p and Premiums are getting tired of nothing but DLC content, half the powers we have require a DLC
Didn't they say we were getting "Scimming" as a movment mode some time in the future? I remember reading something about it possibly from Larry Liberty. If I remember right they said it would be based off of Statics movement.
Not diverse enough. Would need many different styles. Too close to having mounts. Would create too much clutter in hallways and such. I'd rather see FX added as well as selectable animations for existing movement modes.
Thorugh Concrete, Chuck Norris Style A Glider (Flight), a Motorcycle (Acro) and a Teleporting (Speed) movement could be upgrades to the current movement modes or the next three options, they could also be trinkets available to all me too
As far as I remember devs said that they cant add new weapons because PS3 cant handle them, probably the same goes for new movement modes.
I'd be happy with getting superspeed up to the speed you could achieve back in City of Heroes. Anyone ever run a movement speed modded SS character in CoH? Freakin fast, man. Like a real blur of motion. SS in this game seems more like jogging in comparison.
If they add a new weapon nobody has to buy a respect token to use it and if they add a new movement mode they have to add in a ton of new races and I'm not sure they can come up with a movement mode that would be original enough to get people to buy a movement token to change to it . Maybe they could add movement style to the marketplace but I don't think they will . They easiest way to make money is with a new power.
Devs do lie especially when it comes to hardware limitations as well as the amount of man hours it would take to do something. That said, no thanks on new weapons or movement modes. A new weapon is only really useful if it's one of the best ones and a new movement mode will likely not add anything worthwhile to the game. I would rather those man hours be put elsewhere.