ForFeatsSake is recruiting

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Bobby Paul, Jan 19, 2018.

  1. IamShifty Active Player

    Hey are you guys still recruiting? And if so what specifically are you looking for?
  2. Bobby Paul Well-Known Player

    We are always looking for cool and fun people to join ForFeatsSake! We are looking for people that are fun willing to be excepting of others and active. Other then that we have always been a league that wants all its players to have a good time and just be you!

    If you have any other questions feel free to ask!

    I hope to hear from you soon!
  3. IamShifty Active Player

    Just a few lol, my mains a villain and Im normally helping my villain league, so I dont think i can log into my hero daily, would that be an issue? Im 212cr atm on my hero so im not that far off, 290sp too. I have 342sp worth of feats to buy but trying to avoid that lol, would that also be acceptable? :p
  4. Bobby Paul Well-Known Player

    I don’t think that would be a problem. Who knows you might even like it here and wanna play more on the hero side. I’m online today Thur Wednesday so hit me up if you’d like to join! Tally Wacker is my characters name.
  5. IamShifty Active Player

    I sent ya a tell but I dont think ya saw it, but my toon is Vitalise
  6. Bobby Paul Well-Known Player

    Sorry about that. I whave ok cool be on most of the day. I’ll add you as a friend and hit you up when I see you sign on.
  7. IamShifty Active Player

    Alright sounds good
  8. Bobby Paul Well-Known Player

    We are st Ok cool recruiting! Hit us up if you’re interested!
  9. Lowen B Holde New Player

    Hey I am an old player that has been gone for a while. Have multiple toons. All were in the 190 CR range if I remember. Looking to jump back in again. Still recruiting?
  10. Bobby Paul Well-Known Player

    Yes sir we are! I’ll be on the game around 8 ct. the other names that I put in the post can inv you as well. Hope to hear from ya soon.
  11. Lowen B Holde New Player

    I redownloaded the game this morning after work. And I ran into about 17 issues with the launcher with corrupted files etc. I still haven't found a solution to it. I'll be trying again (I work nights currently). However I am very intetrsted and hope to fix this soon.
  12. Bobby Paul Well-Known Player

    Still recruiting. Hit us up!
  13. BagelPendant New Player

    Hey hey hey! ForFeatsSake is still recruiting! I couldn't ask for a better group of helpful, mature, cool people to run with. Wherever you're at, the group is friendly and willing to run both old and new content, feats, and just hang out no matter the CR or SP. Come check it out!
    • Like x 1
  14. Bobby Paul Well-Known Player

    Good evening guys and gals! The new Aquaman episode is approching fast! If you wanna grind for this skill points and want to raise your cr hit us up! We are a fun and active league that are willing to help everyone with what they need!
  15. Bobby Paul Well-Known Player

  16. Skidmarkus12 New Player

    Im a returning player from WAY back . I started this toon Skidhealz last thursday and am 115 cr but am starting to see the importance of skill points.. so im basically going to spend all my time farming feats. Im 29 and have a mic. If you could use a future healer then u can send me some mail in game... Ill leave the league im currently in. Its just me and 1 buddy in it.
  17. Bobby Paul Well-Known Player

    Awesome! I’ll be on most of the day (Tall Wacker). I just added to you my friends list. Hope to chat with ya when you get on.
    • Like x 1
  18. jam2315 New Player

    Just here to say this is an awesome league. People are great and very willing to help out and have fun. I couldnt have asked for a better environment. People are very down to earth and open minded. We also have a FB chat set up for those who like to keep informed on whats going on and for scheduling specific feat runs. We accept all roles and level players. HIT US UP GUYS
    • Like x 1
  19. Bobby Paul Well-Known Player

    Atlantis is coming up! Need a good league? Hit us up!
  20. She-Ra Well-Known Player

    I'm glad to be back and playing with such a great group of guys. Thanks for the add!