ForFeatsSake USPC/PS hero league! You, yes you with the fancy spandex! Step right on up to the counter and let me tell you about the wonders of ForFeatsSake! ForFeatsSake is a league of helpful and mature superheroes from all walks of life. Gay, straight and everything inbetween. We are close and we are helpful towards one another as we strive to better ourselves and have as much fun doing so as possible! We are a feat hunting league! Getting skill points is one of our many super powers!!! Yes, we have a league hall and all the amenities open as well. It's fantastically awesome! That being said, folks.. We do have some requirements, which we do not believe is too much to ask for. * Type of player - Sociable - Open minded - Helpful * Level and Age Requirements - No cr requirement - No sp requirement - We will help you with that - At least 18 years of age. * Chat options and rules - we use Facebook messenger for league chat when someone has questions or comments on about the game. We use in-game League Chat in both text and voice forms. We would greatly prefer it if you were able to speak with us through a mic when we are working on feats. We feel that it's so much more easy for us to get to know each other as work on feats. - ForFeatsSake is an open league and a place of acceptance, friendship and family. - Some background noise is fine but if you have an excessive amount of noise going on, please be respectful and mute your mic. Thank you for reading this post and if you have any other questions feel free to hit me up here or in game! * Points of Contact - Tally Wacker - Knuckle Dust -xLAST SONx -Sundowner IV Hope to hear from you hero’s soon!!!!
Awesome! I’m on right now and will be most of the evening. Just hit me up! Tally Wacker is my toons name.
Still recruiting? Back from a long break from the game and playing catch up. Hit me up if so in game xLast Sonx
Only two days until The death of Superman episode Comed out! Need a league that will help with all content you might wanna join ForFeatsSake! Hit us here or in game!
For sure! Someone will be off and on all day. My characters name is Tally Wacker and I’ll be on around 6 ct.
One more week and DoS raid comes out! If you need a great league that will run all new and old content we might be the fit for you! Hit us up!
im an active player looking for a league that does feats. if your still recuiting could i get an invite please. my toons name is wonderflirt
Hello! ^-^ My Fiance and I might be interested in joining possibly. We do have some questions though. Ign: Miss Harleen