For your problems we get?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by evilmufasa, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I agree with the sentiment, but this was totally in their control...

    We got the apology from the President of SOE.... Them giving the two days was the right thing to do, and then they also extended the summer event another week. They did the right thing with this problem.

    No reason to keep crying and moaning about it at this point.
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  2. NecronDaark New Player

    This feels silly and petty to think you "deserve" something for time you couldn't play a game. Extending my Legendary two days is fair because I paid for a month. So those days deserve to be replaced. Period. Would it be nice to get something else? Sure. But thinking you are ENTITLED to more than the time you already paid for seems ludicrous to me.
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  3. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    i'm just happy the games up and running.
  4. Skyfairy New Player

    I applaud you for acknowledging your request was a bit over the top. A lot of people never admit when they are wrong even if the entire board is disagreeing. So well played sir!
  5. MinuteMaster Well-Known Player

    After a while I started to come to my senses, I was being a bit over the top and I do apologize for it.
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  6. The Doctor Loyal Player

    I think that premium members have every right to be upset about the lost time. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Sadly, these guy's track record has been to only do the absolute minimum for its customers when things like this happen (i.e. the two day extension).
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  7. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Free to play or premiums aren't costumers??? Really? While I'm legendary member, I just want u to take a sec and read what u wrote.....most of dcuo revenue is from the free to play and premiums. They buy dlcs and they not legendary, they buy replays not all of them but most of them, they buy the styles toys and what not that the market offered. Heck the last league I was in had 78 members and 63 of them where premiums and free to play and all they did was buy dlcs, replays and escrow increases lol.

    Believe me the amount of legendary compared to premiums and freemiums are low. They are out number us by 3:1 ratio, I'm just throwing numbers Cuz I dont know the exact but I do know they are one of the reasons helping the way I'm not attacking u or mean anything bad, so hope u don't assume I'm jumping on ur back even though it sounds like it lol...just want u to know though that premiums and freemiums are just as much costumers as legendary if not probably more
  8. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    If that equals 2 days of Legendary, I'll take it!

    Again, the 2 days does nothing for a paying member!

  9. PKMN12 New Player

    not from F2P players, You literally cannot be a F2P and have EVER bought something. The moment you buy ANYTHING you go premium. Also, the person said F2P players are not customers, which they are not.
  10. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    I think freemiums and premiums are just as costumers as legendary...I'm a legendary member for almost 4 years, and I know a lot of friends and leagues out there that are free to premiums and all they do is buy dlc, replays and escrow increases as well as toys and styles from the market, I consider them costumers u still paying SOE/ what I HAVE to be legendary to be considered costumer all those 100 of dollars free to play and premiums pay mean didly?? Unless u still full time freemium then yea I don't think they deserve anything cuz they haven't lost anything lol
  11. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Huh? If a free to play bought a DLC they would be a premium.... Technically a Free to Play COULD be a customer if they spent $1-$4, but I'm guessing the odds of that are slim to none.

    I was unaware of your position in DCUO Accounting to know where their revenue comes from. Can you give us the actual numbers and their breakdowns? Every single thing you said is pure speculation on your part based off a small sample size you've seen... It would be like me saying the entire player base is Legendary simply because everyone in my league is Legendary.
  12. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    I did mention I'm just throwing out numbers and don't know the exact amount if u read what I wrote ud see that. I also forgot to mention few things and couldn't edit my post, 1st yes there are few ppl I know that spend 2 bucks here and there and not much. And 2nd ur right if they do spend the 5 or more bucks they go premiums. But that still doesn't change the fact that premiums ARE costumers, that's where I was trying to get at. Forget freemiums ur right they have no right to be mad as they didn't lose anything. But premiums on the other hand they lost a little at least

    And about ur lil sarcasm sayin about my position knowing dcuo revenue there was a post months ago if I can find it I'll link u, just shows the average premium spends in a month which ended up being about 35 bucks compared to legendary which we get everything for 15
  13. Tikkun Loyal Player

    You're confusing Free-to-Play and Premium. Premium have spent a minimum of $5 in the Marketplace. They are customers, but they are not subscribers. Free haven't even spent $5. A player cannot buy DLC or subscribe for a month and still be in Free status. Free players are not customers.

    Personally, I spent more money to keep up with my playstyle as Premium, so Legendary saves me money. I never said Premium players weren't customers; they pay a-la-cart for products. All Access are essentially renting time to access content while Premium own the content.
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  14. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    What exactly did they lose?

    They're not paying for a fully unlocked game that's based on TIME. Members pay to have the game fully unlocked for a specified amount of time.

    Don't forget they're now using the term membership and members. If you're paying monthly you're a member, if you're not paying monthly you don't have a membership. Read Mepps' post very closely and you'll see that he specifically mentions it as such.
  15. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Yea I realized I made an error with free to play, I meant it as those who went from f2p to premiums, on my fone was typing too fast and a lot and didn't make wat I wanted to write as proper as I wanted...point I was trying to make either way was premiums are still entitled. They spend money on escrow, dlcs, replays, styles and wat not, they are considered costumers in my book
  16. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    They lost time as well. They might not be legendary, but buying dlc, replays, ecrows and what not doesn't that make them costumers??
  17. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I'm not saying they're not customers. They're totally customers. They aren't members though. They're not paying to access content for a specified amount of time....

    If they're not paying for full access game time, why would they be given something for losing time? The only thing that they could've possibly said they missed out on based on that time loss was the summer event, which was extended by seven days...
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  18. Jamie New Player

    Correct. Legendary lost time that they paid to play. It's like TV. If you have cable and can't watch it due to a problem on the cable companies end then they need to compensate you for the downtime. If you are using an antennae then you are not due any compensation. It does not matter how much you paid for the antennae since you already received it.
  19. Minnion Devoted Player

    Reading comprehension for the win.

    FTP are potential customers.
    Premium are customers who currently are not subscribed.

    The guy in your quote wasn't saying that premium players weren't customers, they just didn't pay for a limited time service. Simply put Legendary lost more than premiums(Because they payed money for time. SoE simply reimbursed them by giving them an extra couple days of service to make up for the couple days they were unable to provide said service.)

    Simply put many lost a couple days that they could have been playing the game. SoE can't give that time back to us. They can however give those who payed for legendary service the service they missed those couple days.

    What service did Premium players pay for that can be given back?
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  20. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    I'm not sayin they need something big to compensate those 2days, but something. My other main point was trying to make is how half the ppl in here were saying thwy aren't considered costumers and I was trying to make a point to say that they are. I know what u mean and what u tryin to say, I am legendary myself and been 1 for almost 4 years now...but sayin premiums don't deserve anything either is wrong. U say they not.legendary they don't get full access, buying dlc and raking ur escrow for a week or so isn't considered in a slight way somewhat full access?

    If a premium has all dlcs, bought extra inventory and bank spaces, raised his escrow once a month isn't considered in a slight way full access? I know few ppl that do that. Again all I'm sayin is premiums could get a temporary escrow increase, maybe a day of legendary or even a base item lol. But excluding them completely isn't right either. Because they are supporting the game just like we are but in their own way. And honestly in some sense they end up paying slightly more at times bit that's on them