For your problems we get?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by evilmufasa, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Um, What? No f2p players and premiums got a month of legendary. It was people who had previously BOUGHT legendary in the same year.
    I am just showing your complaint about a complaint is invalid.
  2. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    o_O you seem to be implying that premiums do not support the game with money. In the month or so that I've been on USPS, I've spent more on DLCs and Marketplace Cash than you would on a month or two of subscription.
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  3. Solutha New Player

    Actually not all Free and Premium players get that. You only get it if you have purchased a subscription before. No free player should have gotten it because they never bought anything and Premiums who only bought DLC wouldn't get it either.
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  4. Biester New Player

    LOL, please give this person their yeti boots already.
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  5. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Why are some even comparing to what free...not even, they don't pay for anything, however, premiums pay for things as well, so I don't understand what some people are saying. :confused: those that are complaining about getting 2 days free, I find it funny because to those that can't afford legendary, would be happy for those 2 days free for if they were legendary, the Devs were being considerate enough to give you guys 2 days free, what more can you guys ask for? :confused: Sorry if I am coming off as rude, but come on now. Heck, if the Devs didn't give you guys anything, that I can get, however 2 days is something, they were being considerate enough.
  6. Biester New Player

    That is what you picked up from my reply? No, I was implying that devs don't just cater to legendary players, they cater to every player. Congrats on getting set up on the USPS server, enjoy the constant disconnects from everyone while in sm.
  7. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Others have pointed out the problem with your statement - but the upshot is that the devs cater to Legendary players (past and present). Premiums only got the free month if they were legendary in the year etc.

    I neither have the skill or the interest to run SM, so that's all good. And don't think that EUPS is a ray of sunshine....I've seen DCs and lag so bad I could explore entire raids whilst enemies stood still.
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  8. Kharhaz Committed Player

    The worst thing about this legendary membership is the way you are dismissed when your membership ends. I have every intention of renewing when I get paid, but if its a couple of days after my membership runs out, I am thrown onto the discard pile. I lose my trinkets, my belt, my money, everything. There is no loyalty bonus, there is no "thanks for your custom" its a simple, ok off you go.

    This needs to be changed, a loyalty scheme needs to be put in place. If someone leaves and have no intention of returning then by all means, cut everything. Long term customers deserve better.
  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Its only two days, get over yourself. Pretty sure you could have been playing another game during that time.
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  10. Biester New Player

    You are right. I personally just think it is an invalid complaint that only legendary players recieved a benefit from this. They paid for a subscription which is basically a contract stating that they will recieve 30 or more days of full access to DCUO in exchange for their payment of money. If they only recieve 28 days of full access to DCUO then a reimbursement of some type should be given for the 2 days they couldn't access the game.

    If you are a premium player then it means you bought something from DCUO. If you recieved the item you bought then both sides of the transaction have fullfilled the initial agreement. DCUO being down for 2 days does not conflict with that agreement. I'm not trying to bash premium players here, heck, I will be a premium player in a couple of days until the next dlc comes out. FTP players on the other hand...................................
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  11. No Aywok New Player

    I could do some major damage to the feats for the 2 DLCs I do not own in 48-hours time...

    That being said, Tikkun summed it up best earlier: As a Premium, I, personally, do not pay money to "borrow game time", so to speak.

    Enjoy your 2 days, peeps.
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  12. MinuteMaster Well-Known Player

    I've already spoken about how wrong I am asking for more in game content. Please read more of my posts.
  13. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Pokemon X & Y!
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  14. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I bet your parents loved Christmas time with you. "But...but...she got a...."
  15. LordStrongsword New Player

    I'm thankful that the devs did something nice for us, even though they were not obligated to do so. F2P and Premium players really have nothing to complain about because they are not paying re-occurring fees like Legendary subscribers are. Truthfully, pay for a few months worth of subscriptions then talk about all of the downtime issues. Yes, it sucks not being able to play, but it's worse when you pay to play for 30 days and you lose out on 2 or more of them.
  16. HeirToThaThrone Committed Player

    The game was down? :eek:

    - bows head, squats down, and rubs finger in the dirt- nobody tells me nuffin.
  17. RapidRay Committed Player

    Consider this...
    Legendary subs are PRE PAID. SOE has compensated the two days lost to Legendary players because they were responsible for the two days of those contracts. That seems fair to most people.

    If the SOE team were to give 2 days of legendary access to FTP and Premium players, do you understand what that would do?
    FTP and Premiums would automatically be awarded 150 replay tokens and 500 Legendary reward points. It's a part of the programming for Legendary subs.
    They'd also have open access to their escrow as the cash cap would be removed for 2 days. The same would happen for Promethuim Lockboxes...2 days without the need to purchase keys. Throw in the unlimited ability to trade items and cash.

    Even two days of all the DLC content?

    Plans and materials for mods, buying and selling higher priced items in the brokers, access to higher level gear and the words "feeding frenzy" come to mind?

    Asking for a couple of days of free Legendary isn't as simple as many of you would make it sound.
  18. Mad009 New Player

    I don't care if I was affected or not. I want 2 SP as compensation.
  19. RapidRay Committed Player

    “So every legendary member is getting a 2 day extension, even though I suspect the majority of them weren't even affected by the outage. Pretty generous if you ask me.”

    Everyone was affected.
    The DCUO game servers were knocked out when SOE didn't renew their domain service.
    As it happen, ALL of the SOE games, websites and forums went offline as these domains were ones that redirected everyone to them.
    There were a few workarounds that eventually made public for PC players, but the PS players couldn't use them.
  20. Eternity's_Girl Committed Player

    I am a proud Premium player of games and have been with DCUO from nearly the start of their f2p system. I fight for logical rights of Premium players all the time but this is not one of those logical things.

    Both the Premium and f2p players only lost a chance to login and play, where as Legendary players lost days they paid for. There is in no logical way that the non Legendary players should ask for financial compensation for lost time that did not cost them anything to start with. To ask for such a thing only puts a bad light upon the non subscribing community that already is looked down upon.

    With the exception of compensating the Legendaries for their lost time, all SOE and DCUO owe us is a heartfelt apology for things that were out of their control.

    EDIT: Yes this posted :D!!!
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