For your problems we get?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by evilmufasa, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Premium I and especially free to okay are owed nothing .... This isn't about legendary players belittling those who are not.....

    Legendary players pay upfront to get specific amount of play time, any time lost should be compensated in some way since we have paid fir that time we lost....

    What premium players pay for they get at the moment of purchase.... You're not paying for a set amount of time ....

    Free to play pay nothing the should receive nothing....
    • Like x 3
  2. MinuteMaster Well-Known Player

    Ah, okay. Thanks for the clarification.
    Sorry if I came on as ignorant or defensive, it's just that I feel like we should get something, anything, but we know that won't be the case.
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  3. Noisereject New Player

    Personally i'd like an aura (any plasmic imo, but thats asking a bit much lol)
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  4. IWineAlot New Player

    Considering that I'm the only player in DCUO that plays for 23 hours and 40 mins per day (damn you 20min daily maintenance!), I am the only person that deserves the extra two days of legendary.
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  5. Hero of Justice New Player

    Sorry, didn't look past this, this sets off all of the warning bells in the book (of forum info, anyways).
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  6. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    This right here, you got free and pre crying they get nothing....

    What about the lifer or the auto-renew folks, technically, they get nada from this!

    Re-plays are what needs too be done, what the hell is 2 days going to do for anyone?

    This shows that SOE could give a rats behind about the folks that keep this game alive, sad!

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  7. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Hey I'm happy. I remember the days of downtime with no compensation. Truth be told I went to work, came home and did my normal routine and logged on with no issues.
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  8. PKMN12 New Player

    I do not think anyone DESERVES anything. legendary are mainly paying to access the DLC, open Lockboxes without keys, and the 500 SC. NONE of that was effected by this.

    As for F2P, since it is impossible to be a F2P and have ever spent money on the game, then that means they are paying completely for free and thus also losing nothing.

    Premium (like i am), bought stuff from the marketplace, or were ONCE legendary, once again, we lose NOTHING from this.

    The simple fact they are doing ANYTHING for "compensation" is simply a nice gesture.
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  9. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    The two free days for legendary players is just a way to give you something without giving you anything.
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  10. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Yes, we are paying for ACCESS to that content for a specified amount of TIME. Not being able to access it for a certain amount of time means we were paying to NOT have access to it...

    They did the right thing here. I would've rather had some replay badges and 10 sand dollars, but the two days is what we lost out on so that's what we were given.
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  11. kawe Loyal Player

    They are giving us what we lost/missed out on basically, 2 days of legendary access. So I'm ok with it.
    But I can see that for those with lifetime membership or longtime subscriptions aren't thaaaat happy (just bought a 6 month sub 2 weeks ago myself, so I'm not rly gaining much of the 2 days either)
    50 replay would have been a nice alternative, but I'm not fussed. I was at work anyway, I barley noticed the servers are down. (still had my fun looking at the buyable SOE domain tho. ; >)
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  12. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Don't take my comment and think I'm supporting some sort of alternate compensation. I just like being a snarky *******. I flushed my DNS and was back in business in about ten minutes after they got the domain back. Prorated, I think that means I should get an eighth of a replay badge.
  13. Hero of Justice New Player

    Also, let's not do the whole "we are paying to not play the game" argument. Anyone who plays an MMO knows that you are not paying to play the game at all times. Downtimes, even unscheduled ones are a common aspect of these games that we all knew (or should have known) about full well before subbing in the first place.

    We are paying have access to the game when it is available. Sometimes it isn't due to downtime, scheduled or unscheduled, but both are elements that you accept when you subscribe to an MMO. If a game has too many downtimes or is offline too often, taking and raising issue with that as a Member is your right. But it doens't entitle us to compensation every time something goes wrong.
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  14. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Curious: How does one access a DLC without playing the game?

    Also, to those who say those who play are not entitled to anything, I recommend reading the TOS and EULA. If SOE did something that restricts access due to a block from our ISPs, access is denied due to something they had "reasonable control" over. They made a mistake and are offering compensation for that mistake, as it should be based on their part of the agreement. At least, that is how I view it.

    Did they have to provide compensation? No. I'm sure they could find a loophole in the agreement to get out of it, but in my opinion, compensating customers is the right thing to do for those paying a subscription.
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  15. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Never bite the hand that feeds you.

    Thanks for the two days!
  16. Tikkun Loyal Player

    Section V: Fee-Based Station Games (from the TOS)

    "You also acknowledge and agree that SOE and its Third Party Providers do not ensure continuous or error-free access or availability of any game content, feature, game-play, service or server and may change, modify, disable, suspend or remove any such content, feature, game-play, service or server in their sole discretion."

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  17. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    As I said, they could probably find a loophole. Here is what I read:
    As I understand it, SOE made a change to their DNS info, so the loss of access was within their control since they caused it. That's what I was referring to in my previous post. This is one of those access issues that could probably go either way, but since they were responsible for the access issues, I still believe they are doing the right thing for subscribers to add that time back to Legendary periods.
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  18. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    The initial problem was solved mid morning (my time) yesterday. The lingering aspect of the problem relates to the resources of your ISP which is out of their control.
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  19. Tikkun Loyal Player

    I agree with you (though I didn't dig too deep to find the section you referenced). The "loophole" would be that we subscribers agreed to not being ensured error-free service so then it becomes a debate over reasonable control vs the definition of error-free and if human error falls into that category. Simpler to give subscribers 2 days extra, eh?
  20. tukuan Devoted Player

    The system doesn't differentiate (at least on the PC) between SC bought and SC given. The trigger for FTP to Premium is 500 SC spent, not obtained.

    You're basically saying that all FTP players should get premium status for a couple of days of inconvenience. Bit much I would say

    I can't speak for everyone but for me it was a 2 days of inconvenience, not 2 days of not being able to play. I played yesterday without any real problems as once I saw the notice in the morning, I didn't bother to play on my lunch break as I would normally do. By the end of the day, I had no issues.

    An acknowledgement of what happened is expected, an apology is better, and some compensation is awesome.
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