For your problems we get?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by evilmufasa, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. AlphaOrion Dedicated Player

    LMAO, Really!! FTP and premium were inconvenienced how? They don't pay a monthly subscription, sure like TheRealDeathern said we're only losing 66 cents as Legendary but regardless it's our money we're losing. FTP and premium our losing nothing except time from the game, go outside enjoy the sun for 2 days. As a legendary i honestly don't care if i get anything, I mean really it's 2 days come on.
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  2. evilmufasa Well-Known Player

    Im graceful for this as the unicorn trinket. They screwed up even soe pres said so but 2 days extra legendary ? gracious gift indeed:rolleyes: Never did entitlement thought cross my mind when i made thread. Im loyal to game. They have a "mishap" then try say its your isp and we fixed our end but heres 2 days extra legendary for not being able to play. Which btw extends me 2 days on my 90 day plan by 2 days. Im thankful for those 2 extra days though :p
  3. Ice Lantern New Player

    You have a very loose definition of the word "fact".
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  4. Tikkun Loyal Player

    The point is Premium and Free do not pay for time so they are not owed anything.

    Asking for 500 SC (=$5) for a 2 day outage is extreme. $5 is essentially worth about 9-10 days of gameplay for a 2 day outage.

    Sure they could give replays to Premium (again Free aren't owed anything ever as they are not yet customers), but the point is it would be above and beyond and unnecessary.
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  5. TheRealDeathern New Player

    Really? @#$%^ they get everything!!! SMH. :D
  6. Burnt New Player

    LOL A whopping 66 cents! Their generosity is way out of control. If they keep this up the company will go bankrupt :D
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  7. MinuteMaster Well-Known Player

    I love how legendary players just disregard premium and free-to-play players. Just shows how well the community treats others :)
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  8. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Yeah it's because the amount was above the max amount of money you can have on PSN. They still could have found a solution and make you pay online outside of PSN and then be provided a code to input on PSN. Owell...
  9. MinuteMaster Well-Known Player

    I don't see how $5 are worth 9-10 days of gameplay.
  10. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    It's pretty simple math.... A subscription is 50 cents per day. $5 would get you 10 days of a subscription even though you were only down for two, and many people were down much less time depending on their ISP.

    Why do you deserve $5 of station cash for two days of service interruption?
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  11. Hraesvelg Always Right

    It's twue, it's twue!

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  12. Tikkun Loyal Player

    $14.99 (we can round to $15 for clarity) is the All Access cost.

    $15 = 1500 SC

    Take 500 (the specified amount) and divide by 1500 (the All Access cost).

    Answer is .3333 (more or less 1/3 the cost of All Access).

    1/3 of a month is 9-10ish days.
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  13. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    What problems? I have not noticed any problems other than not being able to log into the forums for about an hour or so.
    Or am i just really lucky about the time i play?
  14. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    Im a premium player and $5 is absurd to ask for.....but I also lost time to play content that I purchased, and now the weekly reset is very close and I wont be on today....but I honestly dont care :)

    I understand why legendary will get something(no sarcasm)
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  15. Minx New Player

  16. evilmufasa Well-Known Player

    Fwiw i said 50 replays which its quite close to the equivalent of 180sc which is near .66 each day for time missed yea its 1.32 but close enough just sayin either im content :D
  17. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Rather have 50 replay badges instead of 2 day subs.
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  18. winter13 New Player

    They owe us nothing...I think that tends to be forgotten
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  19. Hraesvelg Always Right

    They should go all Willy Wonka.

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  20. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    So every legendary member is getting a 2 day extension, even though I suspect the majority of them weren't even affected by the outage. Pretty generous if you ask me.
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