For those that Missed PAX stream - Xbox only get Vapor Aura

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Proxystar, Apr 24, 2016.

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  1. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

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  2. Dibrie Committed Player

    oh lord we have a grammar nazie, well im autodidact so i think i do a pretty good job at writing in the engrish grammar and isnt even my native language.
    please stop your lack of reading and comprehending, it is making me cringe and wanna troll you.

    So lets agree we dis agree.
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  3. Dibrie Committed Player

  4. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Did you just quote yourself lol
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  5. Dibrie Committed Player

    damned man,
    Thats what happens if you a member of the short attention span audiance :p

    Its not the first time and i recon not the last time i f up simple things :D
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  6. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

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  7. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I can see where XBox exclusive content is a bit irksome. There would be no XBox version if PC and PS hadn't been supporting the game for five years.
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  8. Off Side Well-Known Player

    Yeah, I know... that's another slap... but the example about "stats matter" was implemented 2 months ago, before they said any word about "how power balance really work"... when they said it was when they killed Rage last GU, and until now, I've not read anything about CR differencial is up again (maybe I'm wrong here), 'cos the thread was closed for other reason, not for the feedback...

    Honestly, I've always thought that things said it in Test threads is useless, not for bad, is due they do whatever they want... do you remember those times when people said "X" power is op, for example, and they even knowing that they launch the update and fix it after 1 or 2 months?... do you?, well actually still happens...
  9. dcuobestmmo Committed Player

    I agree with for the most part with exception of adults spelling words correctly. You can't tell me you have never misspelled a word as an adult unless you just turned 18 moments ago. :)
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  10. Harlequin Devoted Player

    That's rediculous. Adults always spell there words right.

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  11. dcuobestmmo Committed Player

  12. dcuobestmmo Committed Player

    Lol..I just did that in another thread...

    Embarrassing. :)
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  13. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Sorry but PC players dont understand. PC received a client hotfix that fixed most of their issues. While us PS players are still stuck with problems.

    So before you feel the need to say that everything is ok now. It is not ok.
  14. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    The population issues are mostly resolved for both, I believe. I'm still getting the occasional crash on PC, but at least the server itself seems fairly stable.

    And yes, as a PC player, I am aware that PS still has UI related issues and mail issues. Some PC players do understand. :(
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  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Exclusives have a decent impact on supporting the promotion of a title, and are required by MS. I'd add what we went with is a few styles appropriate for Xbox, not content or features or anything else you would really miss in the long run.
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  16. stärnbock Devoted Player

    i bet they will ask themselves: "how do i get this batman legend? vendor? no. marketplace? nope. ah, it was a preorder bonus 5 years ago? hell, i was so young and so stupid, i didn't preorder the game 5 years before its release on my console..."
    devs be like: "oh, you want this batman skin because its the coolest? well you can't have it, deal with it!"
  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Will there be alternate versions of the vapor aura in booster bundles in the future for all platforms?
  18. Harlequin Devoted Player

    While this:
    would be funny, I'm guessing it'll be something like this for the emblem and cape:
    but with the pulsing color in the X.
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  19. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    did we though?
  20. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Exclusives are required by MS ? Wow, I never knew that. MS is so shady lol
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