For the Devs: Community thoughts on what makes a good tutorial.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Great Architect, Jun 11, 2018.

  1. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    I know of this. My point was, that most wikis are maintained by the online community. It takes a devoted and dedicated person or group of people to maintain them, to keep them updated. Just like with any sight.
  2. Great Architect Loyal Player

    And I am that person. I'm not intending to cover what DCUOWiki or DCUOBloguide do - I simply intend to produce and maintain a complete tutorial the game. I did all the research years back, but the Revamp made some things harder - but a lot of things easier. But it did put a huge spanner in the works (as did CR Differential before it).

    But I shouldn't have to.

    The game should come with a complete tutorial. Since it doesn't, then I intend to make one. It won't stop there (because there's no point explaining [e.g.] early R&D without expanding it into the later levels, where Scraps and Essence start to exist), but that's the core project. Later I'll correlate all the *other* info I have.

    So - rather than being solely a thread to tell the developers how to craft a tutorial ingame, I think I also started this thread with an eye to what people's priorities are for a tutorial. I hadn't considered that until now :).

    Basically, it's *their job* to make a tutorial - and if they won't ingame, then I'll do so outside.
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  3. DCUO SmackThem Well-Known Player

    It’s hard to create a tutorial explaining the game, and how to actually play it when the devs themselves DONT PLAY THE GAME. Don’t get me wrong, I completely agree with what you’re saying it’s just it will probably never happen because the only gameplay you’ll ever see or hear of anyone from DBG ever playing DC is in their livestreams when showing off styles, and I’ve seen NOP, and Mepps struggle to change styles countless times so lord knows if the devs actually know how play this game.
  4. DCUO SmackThem Well-Known Player

    As much as I want to see improvements in the tutorial, and the building up to level 30, I would be surprised if they did even just a little of exactly that
  5. Great Architect Loyal Player

    NofP and Mepps are the Creative Director and the Community Manager. They make stuff, and tell you about it, respectively... There *are* players, but those people are not them ;).