For Obsidianchill

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Savior Prime, Aug 26, 2019.

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  1. Great Architect Loyal Player

    No. The world is *figuratively* on fire. If that's even true.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  3. Great Architect Loyal Player


    "Good God" - capitalise the beginning of the sentence AND the proper noun

    "what is it with you people and this" - that doesn't make any sense. "what is this" instead, with "that you people have" after either "IRRESISTIBLE URGE" or after "to correct things" is better.

    Multiple duplicated punctuation marks at the end of a sentence are redundant. You probably meant "!?" or "?!", either of which denote an exclamation AND a question, and either of which is acceptable in an informal context.
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  4. Great Architect Loyal Player

    That, and IIRC you had to unlock slots 3 and 4 with MoV too. That carried over to when Wildcard Slots started appearing on standard gear.
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  5. Great Architect Loyal Player

    I never said *I* was sophisticated at all, just that my position is objectively more sophisticated than yours, since it's based on a reasoned thought process, rather than yours, which is kicking off emotionally about the things you perceive in the game to be flaws. But feel free to get your straw men out.

    My "soul" is my own affair, and you really are in no position to judge it's shade. Because you are not me. You can guess or assume all you like, but you'll never know. Enough to say that I am at peace with myself, for all of my flaws, and for all of my virtues.

    And yes, a wise man does know he has much to learn. But just parroting that doesn't get you into the Wise Man Club. You need to apply things as well as say them. And a lot more things than one aphorism.

    You claim that putting profit first is bad (which I agree with) - but your arguments are all about you not wanting to spend money - not about profit, or loss, or even turnover for DBG. Who is *truly* concerned about the money here? DBG, or you?
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  6. Great Architect Loyal Player

    • Warning: The DCUO forums are for everyone. Please be respectful, constructive, and kind. Please welcome contrasting views and stay on topic. Do not insult or attack anyone.

    It's not twisting it. It's just a statement.

    I don't have a self-inflated anything - I just don't agree with you, and you can't stand that, for some reason.

    I'm wondering if you think this is personal, rather than just me explaining my point of view, and you assuming that that is something people aren't supposed to do on a forum?

    AGAIN I didn't say I was more sophisticated than you, so try not to base your reasoning on that. If you can't see the difference between an argument that has a factual basis and one that's purely emotional, then that's your problem. And I know this year's buzzword is narcissist, so yeah - throw that one in there too :). Whilst ignoring that you are *absolutely* demonstrating the behaviour you accuse me of... something that genuine narcissists do.

    And do you know what people often use as insults against others? Their own worst fears.

    I'm on this game because I enjoy it, and I have a lot of free time. You can decide what you like, but it doesn't make it true, does it?

    If you really think I'm a bully - tell me which of us has been throwing statements deliberately intended (but failing) to hurt in their posts - you or me?

    And my words aren't fancy, just because you say so. I make an effort to ensure that what I am saying can't be taken in any other way than the one I intended it to be taken. I choose my words carefully. It's not my fault that that bothers you.

    If you want to keep talking to me, send PMs - I think we've derailed this long enough. Unless your only reason to be ranting at me is to get some sort of public attention and approval, which I can pretty much guarantee is not coming.
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  7. Great Architect Loyal Player

    It is? It's still better for a Healer than even the Elite Helm in Power and Resto, and way better than the Standard. If you mean for DPS, I'd agree...

    It might be good to know who exactly is talking when you're replying here - otherwise there's going to be a lot of "ObsidianChill said it's best to salvage my Atlantean OP Helm now! Oh."
  8. FoolsFire Devoted Player

  9. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Proxy pointed out that you had a mistake in your sig and you got arsey with it, then MissTickle chimed in, and rather than realise you were being trolled, and laughing it off, you went up the wall at him, calling him a snob, and basically lost it (again). So I joined in. Because, as I said in the other thread you are referring to, you can be a complete dick - and that's one example. That's two now. Although I think the rest of your responses on this thread are a good case for a third.

    And it appears that you didn't get "asked to be nice" - you got *told* to stop being rude to people - a warning from the Mods. Those two things aren't even close to being the same - you just framed it in the way that makes you look like you have a choice, and that you're being magnanimous by agreeing. Again, typical behaviour if you are actually a genuine narcissist.
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