RULES: PLAYERS ON USPC ONLY. 2-person team(s) must sign up at Team Captains please use both characters name, Your Name First. (I.E. Teams SPYTLE & MEPPS, Daddio & Oiddad or FOXY & BADD.) Please use in game names. No Inappropriate names or league names will be allowed. (May be banned from competition) Winning team Captain will report WIN on All matches will take place in 2v2 Batcave scrimmages. Captain in top of bracket sends scrimmage request to the Captain in bottom of bracket. No two of the same LEGENDS CHARACTERS may be used. Please add the FNL in game chat channel to your channels. Do not start matches until instructed by Oiddad or Daddio in the FNL channel Other Legal stuff here PRIZES: FNL Tour: Living Legends II (US PC)·Format:2v2 Legends ·Prizing Per Team: 3000 Station Cash (1st), 2000 Station Cash (2nd), 1000 Station Cash (3rd) Winners will have prizes awarded to them in game. TIME AND PLACE: All matches will take place on Friday, December 20th, 2013 3:30 Pacific will be the start of all matches. finish time is unknown Initial matches must be completed within 15 minutes of start time or Forfeit will be reported Registration closes on Thursday, December 19th, 2013 or when full. Players can choose to meet up at the Superman Statue in the PVE phase. All instruction shall be given in FNL chat, please have it enabled. Please phase with Oiddad or Daddio for instructions.
Variety is nice, the ps3 manages to incorporate arenas into their tournaments especially with all the recent complaints by the community about the state of our pvp community having a reason to step back into arenas would be nice Also you wouldn't have Clutch&Slob breeze through the competition continually
Arena tourney would be great, esp if it could be slipped in before the new season as like a season opener.
Give Squad a week or two. We've got quite a few top knotch players who want to come into the tournament, and seeing who can make it and with whom they will partner up might take a bit. haha
Please remember this is a 2v2 tournament and you need a partner when you sign up. Single player names will be deleted.
Supreme Champion:Clutchmeist3r/Future SlobWorthy Adversary:Wonderp/AfricanAmericanAdamMaybe Next Time:Pyro/Mr Sqwash