Flash's block breaker nerf was Overkill

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Jacob Dragonhunter, Sep 2, 2016.

  1. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    So as you all know I had a hatrid for the Flash's block breaker.

    At launch when the flash Came out, his block breaker did roughly 500-650 damage per second, After Nerf his block breaker has very weak damage potential: Only 64 damage.. that's laughable.

    So Overall: Nerfed to useless in Legends PVP now, he had rubbish melee combo damage, a lack of Counter or Defensive Properties. And his block breaker, that would make up for this has been over nerfed.

    I hate to sound like the Nerf/Buff guys around here, but flash needs his BB damage raised or he needs a complete revamp.
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  2. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Flash doesn't deserve to even be mentioned in the same sentence as John, especially considering John was further nerfed with the weapon changes as his bat combo damage was cut in half.

    At this point in time, the only thing John does well is give a prime example of what happens if you listen to nerf cries from a crowd with an insufficient knowledge base.

    He has a prec finisher, how can you say he lacks burst? The finisher alone can crit for over 2000 damage (1/5+ of even the tankiest of legends total health) and hits just short of 2k non crit let alone when it's clipped with a power.

    If you want prime examples of characters without burst, play characters like superman/power girl/kilowog. None of them have any way to do burst damage, and they all have a rather low damaging weapon in brawling and mediocre safe damage options (supes being the worst of the bunch). Flash at least has ma 4 tap hold to use, which still hits pretty hard (and can be fit into counter punishment safely).

    Flash also has a pretty strong safe damage ability which is also pretty power efficient for the damage it does.

    Flash definitely isn't a top tier legend, but he definitely has enough tools to where he definitely isn't a bottom tier legend let alone one which rivals John.
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  3. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    It's just my opinion, I've used bane very recently and I've been doing better in matches versus post-nerf flash.

    His finisher can crit for 2k, but It never actually finished off some people for an odd ball reason.
  4. Absolix Loyal Player

    Bane is top tier, so of course you do better with him than with a mid tier like the Flash. He has an unblock able combo, a strong Dot that doesn't split, and a great supercharge.

    The Flash essentially has the same execute as Super Girl, Shazam, and basically every other legend with an execute that comes from combining a power.
  5. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    the BB is fine. BB was never used for dealing dmg. at least for me. its just a way to get counter and then go bananas with counter punishment after i get the immunity. i even sometimes immediately clip my BB with a power which in some case my BB literally deal 0 damage and im 100% fine with it. so for me its a non issue even if his BB deal very little damage cos he actually have a good burst damage. and no, he DOES NOT have a rubbish melee combo dmg, that statement is just missleading. and clutch just reminds me he does have a prec finisher which can be clip with another power which make it even better for burst/counter punishment.

    so is he useless now? depends. if u are just looking for an easy win just stick with ur bane, bizzaro, cat, 2face, shazam, lex or whatever cheese u're used to. but if u are looking for an average legends that u just want to use for fun, the flash is fine as it is now. not OP, not broken, not suck, not an issue xD
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  6. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Hes fine to me, I personally use the BB tele as a escape route or if im feeling dank ill spam it for good ol times sake. He is fine. Top tier if played smartly.
  7. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Batman is cheese too ;-)
  8. NoPhilosophy Committed Player

    You're mad because you can't spam a bb? I'm I reading this right?
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  9. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    It can counter enemies and you can't spam it and expect to get the same damage as someone who actually used counters. This wasn't a nerf, it was a much needed fix.

    I'd love to see Legends get their Powersets revamped for something more unique, but Flash isn't one of them.
  10. Pults Loyal Player

    Less cheesy that he and robin was before at least. Their nerf to BB was step in the right direction.
  11. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I will support this if you bring back my Big Daddy Steel. Now he's just steel.
  12. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    No, now steel is dumpster
  13. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I actually found a use for him not to long ago. When the new pvp map was out and everyone was abusing Circe. He was actually very good. I used his lunge on all the push beaming ladies in the air. If I got knocked to the ground. Shield and mine. The explosion pushed all the pets away. His hammer throw that's a dot kept them from running to fast. I was using him on my alt and loving it. Everyone saw I was steel and moved on to a Circe on my team. OMG, was it fun.

    But yes, he is poop now. Not nerfed as bad as Mr. Stewart, but still pretty bad.
  14. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    I think steels nerfs were worse