Flashpoint Paradox feats

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dwild, Aug 16, 2021.

  1. Dwild Well-Known Player

    Since they added the Paradox Princes/portals etc to the the current Flashpoint DLC, there are apparently four feats directly concerned with the new content. One is to close 50 Portals, another is to kill 250 of the little Paradox beasts, the third is to knock out 50 Princes...and there is a fourth which I believe is called Pillar of Paradox, which requires you do download a Paradox Uplink device. There there is ANOTHER feat which you get if you accomplish all four of the new feats. I got two, working on knocking out the 50 Princes, but is the Uplink device mentioned sold by Penguin's henchman vendor in Flashpoint? Cause every time I post an inquiry on the wiki it sends me back to the Paradox DLC in Central City. Where do you get the 4th feat for the Current Flashpoint DLC?
  2. Shalayah Committed Player

    The uplink device is dropped from the princes I believe. That’s most likely where I got mine. I’m pretty sure you could get it on the broker, but you’re better off just getting the 50 first and then if you still don’t get it. Try the broker.
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  3. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    It drops from the "Tyrant" type Prince only. Good luck! (also broker)
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