Flashpoint Briefing & Investigations

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by lieliey, Apr 15, 2021.

  1. lieliey New Player

    A. The Flashing Lights of Gotham
    #1-3, 6 - Fp Gotham worldspace
    #5 - Fp duo
    #4 - Fp alert, Atlantis part

    B. The Cosmic Speed Force
    #1, 4, 5 - Fp Gotham worldspace
    #2 - Fp alert, temple part
    #3 - Fp raid, Flash to the Future

    C. Kid Flash's Diary
    #6 - Fp Gotham worldspace
    #2-4 - FP raid, Flashtastic Voyage
    #1 - Fp raid, Flash to the Future
    #5 - Fp raid, Flash to the Future

    Flashpoint Gotham City


    Alert, Atlantis part

    Alert, temple part

    Raid, Flashtastic Voyage

    Raid, Flash to the Future
    • Like x 11
  2. jamiejacket Well-Known Player

  3. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    thx that helps alot but isnt a6 an blue one?
  4. lieliey New Player

    those can be previewed on Flashpoint vendor, just scroll all the way down

    good catch!
  5. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    well not that bad at the end we got maps were the brifing and investigations are and thats what count :D
  6. DedWynd New Player

    Vid with Screenshots
    • Like x 4
  7. Eve YouTuber

    Very helpful, thanks!
  8. Akaiko Well-Known Player

    Thank you!
  9. routier1642 New Player

    Most excellent work.
    Thank you very much!
  10. The Cat-Lady Well-Known Player

    Thank-mew very much!

    Teekl, Isis, Emmy (the emerald kitten) and I appreciate you for mapping things for us! :)