Flapping in the Night is the Best Race You've Ever Made

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AV, Oct 10, 2021.

  1. AV Loyal Player

    That's good. That should indicate that the timers are player-side. Makes the inconsistency with start time forgiveness weirder. I wish there was a countdown with milliseconds instead of the verbal countdown.
  2. nanoUSB Well-Known Player

    Well I don't know, am not very observant about such details to be honest. The thing I did notice is that I superspeed ahead about half a second or so before it says GO, but always from the middle-ish as I kept getting false starts otherwise.

    Anyway, here's my entry. Seems to be today's peak as I'm just crapping out now :D

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  3. AV Loyal Player

    Yeh looks to be about the same level of start forgiveness.
  4. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

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  5. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I guess I have been playing for so long I honestly don't really pay attention to the controls anymore.

    But after reading your comment I started investigating while playing on Switch, what I found was that if you just press the button to go faster/movement mode and let go, you go in/out of your movement mode.. however if you press and hold it, you just engage super speed/fight.

    You don't have to hold it forever, just like a full second, and if you can get used to that, I think it will improve your time greatly.

    I ran it twice on Switch today and got 1:10 docked with the pro controller and like 1:15 handheld.
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  6. AV Loyal Player

    Nice. Is that from when Zoom applied or just from doing something different entirely?
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  7. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    My main problem is the losing track of the horizon so to speak. I have tremors, so precise motor movements are elusive to me. Tho I haven't tried since they changed up my medication...which does negate my tremors slightly.
  8. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    The best thing I can think of for you situation is to only use the boost for longer routes and not during the shorter quick turning areas. I don't know if that will get you the record, but it should help at least a bit, well I hope. :D
  9. Wildcat Committed Player

    Wow so they have development time for races and don't have for new legends characters.

    For me those races were probably the worst possible thing in the game, same stuff we had on Striker Island years ago, my god, races... :eek:
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  10. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Well one of those things needs legal licensing agreements to create and the other needs some spare time from a few devs. I wonder which is more practical.
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  11. BumblingB I got better.

    I can probably guarantee this was one of the races that was already designed from before the game launched and wasn't released. They said back when Earth 3 was being developed that there are a lot of unused assets that they can tap into and pretty up. I bet this took one dev to finish and implement. Wouldn't require a whole slew of QA, licensing, and balancing to do more of.
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  12. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Personally I don't hate it but don't like it much either. It's very annoying that you stop just by touching a tree or the ground, which makes you stop and lose time. I got all the feats so I don't mind it anymore, but I'd appreciate if it didn't feel so clunky.

    But I'm not against races in general or adding new ones, I love the Valentine's one.
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  13. BumblingB I got better.

    That one is a puke to me. lol
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  14. nanoUSB Well-Known Player

    Wow, no way! We must have missed something massive then! More than 5 seconds... :eek:
  15. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    All the hearts exploding and pushing you away because another player got the boost, making you even slower than a snail lol still, I find it more enjoyable than this :/
  16. AV Loyal Player

    I'm guessing it's from before they changed it so Zoom's speed buff didn't apply in bat form. Wish I had ran it with him equipped on test then, as the turns at that speed would have been super fun.
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  17. BumblingB I got better.

    I actually like the Arkham one more. It's in an iconic area. The bat transformation is cute. Plus, you get to hear the PA guy talk about losing your way to report to a security guard immediately. <3

    Vday one is in the middle of nowhere, too long, and the fact that it does have boosts and annoying tricks, just makes is meh to me.

    Though, it is more interactive and does feel more like a "race", it still is puke to me.
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  18. nanoUSB Well-Known Player

    I see, thank you for the info! I haven't looked at all into the allies yet, preferred to spend my first few days back catching up with league mates and... well... that race :D
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  19. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Not to mention that Halloween race awards 4 marks, and Valentine race awards 1 mark which makes it so... not worth it. :oops:
    I like this one more as well.
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  20. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i'll just leave this here.

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