Flamming Pheonix Feather Drop Rate Is Horrible!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ItsMeAgain, Dec 2, 2024.

  1. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

    Why not? That's what I'm doing. I have no need for anything else. I own and collected everything in the Quark vendor so all I have left is finishing 2 rare collections to get them off my list. Once a new capsule drops I get everything from it and complete it early on. I just didn't do that back when the feather was there and that was my mistake. If I were to get the reward I'd end up selling it cause I already collected it.
  2. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    You have had literally YEARS to either buy it on the Auction Broker when people regularly listed it there, or to obtain it via a private trade or purchase. So that's on YOU. Waiting so long, you're going to pay a LOT more for it now than you would have if you had obtained it, say, 5-6 years ago when it was more commonly found on the Auction Broker.

    The people that are most likely to have it these days want to charge $600+ in Real World Money for the Shaded Comic Material that's far newer, so you can imagine how they'll try to price gouge you for that Feather. :eek:
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Hey, you do you. It's your 3800 stabilizers...though I kind of doubt that number if you say you also are not buying any. In fact...where are you even buying that many Amazonian TCs from and how much do you pay for them? If they are costing enough, you've probably blown the same money as you would have had to save to buy one for in game cash.

    Good luck Don Quixote....or is it Captain Ahab?
  4. QuantumFlange Well-Known Player

    So you’ll pay multiple subscriptions but are aghast at the concept of buying stabilizers?

    You still failed to address the point I’ve raised multiple times: if you really opened >3,000 capsules (which no one here is foolish enough to believe), you could’ve bought enough phoenix feathers to stuff a mattress.

    Lie better next time.
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  5. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

    I could careless about what you believe. The fact is I did open them and it was what I said it was. You are not comprehending what I said in the post. I'm stating that the drop rate is horrible across that many capsules. Also that I'm trying to finish off the collection because it's unfinished. I have multiple people in game that could verify this seeing that I'm a well know player and been around since Beta, Birthright Origin, 908 SP, 464 CR on my main toon. I have no reason to lie to impress you or anybody else, I'm venting to DC about their crappy drop rates. I came up with a plan that me and my friends/league discussed and wondered how many capsules would it take to get one. Once I hit that number and still nothing, I decided this game was full of it. Not just from this alone, but all the other things I've stated too that have been going on far to long. I wish I could pull up a in game log, but they don't give you that option unfortunately. Saying I'm a liar is insulting when you have no proof that I did indeed lie. Instead of calling me a liar cause of jealousy, envy, or whatever, get your game up and on my level and maybe you'd have enough to open 3000+ capsules too.
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  6. Tros Well-Known Player

    I remember opening hundreds of Qwardian Time Capsules and not getting the Void Essence. I remember watching one or two videos of people opening over 1,000 Time Capsules and still not getting the Void Essence.

    Don’t tell me that buying it with Quarks would solve the problem, because that just shows that trying to open the most sought-after Time Capsule simply isn’t functional.

    I recall that whenever I try to open a newly released Time Capsule, it doesn’t take more than 300 keys to get the most epic collection. However, with older and more coveted Time Capsules, even 1,000 keys don’t seem to be enough.

    Does that mean that those buying keys are just farming Quarks, hoping that one day they’ll have enough to get their dream item?

    To me, this is RNG manipulation.
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  7. Tros Well-Known Player

    Well, I don’t see any reason for you to be lying…

    There are videos on YouTube of people opening 1,000 time capsules…

    Now, when you mentioned 3,800, that particular number feels like something someone actually counted. You know, if you didn’t know the exact amount, you’d probably say “3,000+” or maybe “almost 4,000.”
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It was never supposed to BE a functional way to get the things you want from TCs though. Hence why it's all tradable. They know that some people will buy and open many capsules and other people will not, but they will do the things to generate money and buy the items they need. If TC items were not tradeable A) I'd bet the drop rates would be more realistic, as no one in their right mind would assume they should buy enough to get ALL of it and B) I think they'd see stabilizer sales drop off as no one would buy more than they needed to get tradable items.

    Allowing a guy who is open to spending LOTS of money buy as many as he wants so that a person who doesn't buy any can have a shot at getting items via the broker or trade is the better route for DBG, and why it's always been this way. The quark vendor is a decent add on they came up with likely because most people won't keep opening the same, old, TCs in the futile effort to catch a 1 in 100,000 chance at a single collection.

    The point of what everyone is saying that by now those 3800 openings should have yielded more than enough items, he could have sold and the BOUGHT the feather from someone who had much better RNG luck and probably caught one of opening 1 TC. No change in odds needed.

    That having been said, sure...they could lax the drop rates, but again, I'd guess that would come at a huge expense to their income, so it won't happen.
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  9. QuantumFlange Well-Known Player

    908sp and you’re opening 3000 TCs for a collection piece lol.

    Also, if you’re able to care “less”, it means you care a little bit already ;)

    If being on your level means crying over a collection piece, opening 3000TCs for and not realising I could easily buy that piece, and not understanding when someone AGREES with me that the drop rates suck - then I'm good on my own level thanks.

    Anyway, for the fourth time - you can buy the collection with everything you’ve allegedly got from opening capsules :)
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  10. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    IF the OP can even find one now. While the Amazon Time Capsules are STILL available on the Auction Broker, there are currently no listings for either the Flaming Phoenix Feather, or the old Amazon Provisions Capsule it used to have a chance of dropping from prior to Game Update 75, when that Sub-Capsule was retired.

    At this point, I think it's time for the rarest Collection Pieces to ALSO be put on the Boo$ter Gold Second Chance Vendor for Quarks (but not as many as the fully completed Phoenix Material) for those people that want to complete the Collections and get the Feats for doing so.

    As it is, in some of the Episodes, with some Collections, the Devs put one Collection Piece in a Vendor's inventory, and players have to buy it from that Vendor. So having some Collection Pieces in a Vendor already has a precedent in the game. At this point, they should just throw completionists a freakin' bone here!

    This is the way. I have spoken.
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  11. QuantumFlange Well-Known Player

    I’m also suspicious as to where the constant stream of Amazon TCs are coming from lol, which also go for a pretty penny…

    Completely agree RE collection pieces on Booster. I feel the same way about all these insane drop rate pieces in old content (flight ring, uplink devices, supply drops etc). Stick them on their respective vendors!

    If they’re only available in Elite runs, then I at least think it should be 1 guaranteed drop per completion.

    I’m only logging in for Seasonal runs at the moment because I’m so burnt out by Legion HQ and DMe T_T
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    First a question. I'm not even sure the price of the Material in there, but lets say it's 6000 quarks. What would you say the single collection piece should be priced at? Not that I think they SHOULDN'T be added, but the pricing would be very particular, not just 1/12th the price.

    And then, how do you make it so the system knows the difference with a collection completed with quark bought items (quark items are untradable) and one completed with drop items (tradable)? Cause the ability to ADD more tradable phx materials and collections would mean that people 100% would stop buying stabilizers for old TCs (Amazonian or otherwise).

    And for your precedent thing, the collections that are sold for these new drop collections, or even the OP collections which generally have had 1 piece sold in the vendor, is not the same. Those were ALWAYS in the vendor, not added to compensate for low drop rates. Also, those were added as a marks sink for episode currency...which generally increases replay use, especially for the OP collections, which you'd generally want to complete while the OP items was still viable.

    Again, I'm not poo-pooing the idea outright...just saying there are a LOT of caveats involved.
  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    FWIW, I have probably 500 still on my TC alt....I sell some on occasion for some cash when I think about it.

    That alt probably has 70,000+ total TCs of all the different variety's.:D
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  14. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I generally send all the TCs to one of my bank alts (other than the ones I plan to open for the count feat). I know I have several hundred of each one, starting with whichever one was dropping in Fall 2022, though I've never competed a whole stack -- I think.

    Speaking of hoarding TCs, I've noticed that, starting with the Halloween seasonal, they seem to be dropping less often than they used to. Previous TCs, I'd get at least one per alt that ran the seasonal. Starting with the Halloween seasonal, I was getting maybe one every other alt. This seasonal, I'm lucky if I get one across all 12-13 toons.
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  15. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    I'd like to think that the game will make changes to this system because someone should be able to get every item from a time capsule after opening so many. Like, if every 100 opened TC's (of a certain kind), you unlock the ability to pick one thing guaranteed from the TC as a "thank you" from the game. Sure, someone could get quarks and go after the item (if and when it's on the quark vendor), but I want to finish some collections goddamnit.

    I'd like to think that would happen, but I have no expectations it will. Until then, Billy's Tiger Backpack will forever be out of my reach.
  16. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    thats why they added a second chance vendor
  17. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    The second chance vendor doesn't complete any collection. It simply allows you to buy the item you would have gotten from completing the collection.
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Completing the collection is not needed for the feat or the style. YES...I understand completionism, or OCD, or whatever you want to call it....but just giving us whatever we wanted because we opened 100 TCs basically means no one would open more than 100 TCs. As there are some who open 1000's, either because they want something bad enough, or they want excess items to make money on, those sales would decrease substantially.

    DBG is counting on someone who will keep buying till they complete every collection. It's a sales model that has worked very well for them...why change it? If they really wanted you to have a better shot at getting these items while spending less money, why remove stabilizers from Dr Fate? Why remove them from the current DLC vendor? Why remove from the daily grant you could pick up over 21 days of just logging in (and I think it was only 18 or 19 for the stabilizers really), and put them back into a run you HAVE to run every day to collect on? They obviously already though that getting these TCs completed was too easy...and took steps to remedy that.:oops:
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  19. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    I'm not sure that opening 100 TCs (assuming some cost on our part) is "giving" us anything other than letting us choose the reward instead of random.

    But then... I don't need more styles. Other people do, that's fine. I'd prefer to complete things, not spam my styles tab with another thing I won't wear, if ever, for more than a day. No complaints if that's what others want.

    I'm merely saying what I'd like to happen. No more. No less. I also don't expect it and don't worry about it.

    But I agree! It's very clear, imo, that they removed the stabs from the daily login for that same reason.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    'Let us choose'....'giving'. It's splitting hairs. But no...I doubt it's worth worrying about, as it won't ever be that easy.