This reminds of a video I saw recently. A reporter asked John Lennon if The Beatles were going to get haircuts because their hair was 'un-american.' His repsonse was perfect. "That's very observant of them because we aren't american."
Yes... After you questioned my reply to Rejchadar... In which they were insinuating that there are people offended but don't want to "speak up" due to getting hit with stones or something
Could be we were both typing up a post at the same time. Either way, if you don't want a long winded's all good. Np
Lol let's take a step back here shall we. This started with, the devs added an American flag, so in fairness shouldn't we get more. My answer was honestly no. This isn't about fairness, it's about an asset in the dlc. Does that mean I'm against more flags, also, no. Just that having the American flag doesn't automatically mean there needs to be others out of fairness. Now if the next dlc had a Canadian location...with a flag in the open world, then fairness would dictate perhaps a Canadian flag. Get my position and logic? The fact that if the devs add 20 flags, they're still leaving out 175 other ones. So, some players will be upset and claim that they are underrepresented. Sooooo unless the devs do all 195 countries, it seems kinda unfair to everyone right?!? And I dunno what it'd take to make and release 195 flags, but I'm sure it's resources that could be better spent imo. And yes, there were mentions of people not liking America, specifically those that support BLM. Which to me is absurd, since the whole reason they had a movement, and get recognition is the very fact they are in America. What do ya think would happen in some of the more oppressed nations, dictatorships? Do you think they'd be allowed to even protest, or would they be silenced or even worse, lose their lives? That's the beautiful thing about America, progression. We are not perfect obviously but we strive to be. That's what that flag represents to me, as well as my family and friends who fought and died for this nation. Last, to your make believe characters, cmon, lol, you didn't really give them nationalities and bring it up here?!? That's silly, but I appreciate your creativeness.
Just put some flag items on the cheetah vendor, it's really not that complicated, nor does it need to remotely become political. The antagonistic patriotism is unnecessary. People just want to put their own country's flag in their base, it's not a big deal, any opposition to this is just petty. There was nothing wrong with adding the American flag and there's nothing wrong with adding any others.
I'd rather not have national flags in this game. But what I "WOULD" love is an appreciation of SPORTS...... Sports is something that brings folks together. How about jerseys? Here's one I'd recommend they do FIRST: They could even do a crummy - I mean - competitive - Lakers well as other teams and sports.
Why not both? You don't really have to use the flags anyway. They could probably make a marketplace pack\Doctor Fate vendor pack of Flags and call it a day. Idk. And then make sports inspired clothing for Daily Rewards?
I don't really care for sports, but I like football jerseys. Maybe DB could add jerseys for in-universe teams? Maybe some sets of different sports uniforms for sports-themed toons?
Why is it silly to have fleshed out characters in an MMORPG? That's.... part of what the game is for. And I never said anything about you personally being against other flags or it being obligatory, I just said the thread was about wanting them. And I bring up those characters because.... they're my main reason for wanting these base items..... just like how my Red Lantern is the main reason I want a Dex-Starr base and/or combat pet and/or ally. Why is that silly? This is a game about making your own characters in the DCU.... and I did that.... and I gave them backstories.... and I want base items that tie into those characters.... it's not a political thing, at least not in my case, I literally just like the idea of base items that would be fitting and make sense for some of my characters in a game about making characters. And yes... they have nationalities.... because they don't just manifest when and where it's time to fight. They have nationalities just like Batman or Superman have a nationality. They live somewhere. This thread is about wanting base items in the game.... so I talk about characters I want those base items for.... because that's what the thread is, at least supposed to be, about. It's turned into some weird argument, but the point of the thread was base items. And it's a thread in the forums of a video game. I brought up characters in the game. Because we're talking about the game. The premise of this game is making characters that operate in the DCU. I did just that. How is that weird or silly? I did what the game asked. Batman is American, which is his nationality, but suddenly it's weird when my characters have nationalities? What, are they supposed to just not live anywhere? Or have no race or ethnicity? I gave them a backstory and that involves originally being from Japan and now being in America. I also have a fictional country other characters of mine live in. I made characters. In a game about making characters. And I brought them up. In the forums for the game about making characters.
Some people will never understand your points you made. I know quite a few people who have done the same for their characters.
I stopped watching the nba because its all travels and focused outside the arc. I did recently pick up the dramatic death emot and would be flopping all over the place if they did!
When you say "American/America" you mean USA right? Because if not, your post is a little confusing. About the quantity of flags, have you checked the flags in general? Most of them are quite similar, you wouldn't need 195. For example with the Spain's flag you can do the argentina, the german, etc or with Italy you can have the mexican or the belgium, etc maybe you would still need to put the emblem in some of them but once you have the emblem slot in one it shouldn't be harder (and depending on the position maybe you don't need it at all). Some of them are unique (as the Cyprus) but in any case they wouldn't need to put all of them at the same time and could do it through the time. And even if they do not add any of them at all no one will complain, it'll be awesome to use them but if they don't put them is not the end of the world. Also, to add more flags is not going to be then of the world. About complaining because "my country is not here" i don't think so, right now you have episodes about USA, about Egypt, about Greek, but not about France and Asterix (as we can see they appeared on the Action Comics 579) did you see anyone complaining about it? No. Would they apreciate it? I'm totally sure every french would love it. Furthermore, in <<fairness>> anyone can [and should] ask for anything to be added to the game, in the past i asked for more asymetric styles or more girly styles or for urban stuff as weapons (a traffic light as a two handed, a stop signal as a shield, for two wield a pipe tube and a wrench, etc); then the developers can skip those ideas or not, think about the forum users suggestions like a brainstorming for the developpers. To be honest, i would prefer they bring flags more than a totally "new" Batman* suit. *Batman or any other superhero which we have dozens of styles which are quite similar and have a slightly change. Maybe it's just me but i do not see any difference between the shoulder of the "Amazon polemarch" and the "Multiversal amazon" (which in this particular case makes sense because is an amazon from other Earth and some things can change but other remain the same, but you get my point i guess). About your last question, yes, i do give them nationalities, they are from that piece of heaven on Earth called Spain, but that's me others will think in their character as someone that grown up in their neighbourghood, did it change how i play the game? Not at all but it gaves my characters something unique. All of this text to ask the devs if they can add the bull of Paco Roca's cover (Batman the world), as a emblem, as a base item, as everything (i need more than the poster hehe). Or that Goya's painting (Saturn eating his son) we saw on Black Adam's episode.
I think Marvel has done a great job at showcasing other nationalities' superheroes and villains and whatnot... Two of the more prevalent ones I can think of are Alpha Flight (Canada) and The Soviet Super Soldiers. Can't figure out for the life of me why MCU hasn't latched onto Alpha Flight (yet)....they've had numerous crossovers with Hulk, X-Men and Wolverine..... And the Soviet Super Soldiers? Another sleeper team. They've crossed over with NUMEROUS Marvel teams and and heroes, like X-Men, Iron Man, The Avengers and whatnot... Perhaps we are closer to National Flags than I previously thought - at least on MARVEL's side of the house.
I would guess there would be a Major licensing expense there. One that wouldn't necessarily translate to a profit for the game. Oh...wait. That's right, I don't work for DBG, so I'm not allowed to put 2 and 2 together and assume an NBA Jersey with one of the most well known old-school players would cost anything.
Good points...I had not thought of the financial ramifications... I just wish that such a venture would be profitable for BOTH sides. I mean - who could go wrong with LARRY??