Flags from other nations

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ryll, Jun 23, 2023.

  1. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player


    ~runs to another thread~
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  2. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    You probably won't believe it... but this topic is not about that, this topic is just a question of whether other flags will be introduced into the games due to the fact that a number of innovations involve a change in how certain topics are seen.
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  3. Emoney Loyal Player

    Except the OP has stated a few times the flag is controversial? Why is it controversial? It's a piece of fabric on a pole. No, the only reason it would be controversial is if people don't like what it symbolizes right?!? Same reason we here in the US would find any flag symbolizing dictatorship controversial....like a Chinese or North Korean flag.

    And that's where I extremely disagree with the OP, I wish they'd leave this flag, all flags, and the BLM stuff out of the game. Games are an escape for me, I don't need every aspect of my life saturated with political stuff, no matter who or what I support...or don't.
  4. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    have you ever actually tasted a fried cat...or a dog...hmmm...a crow...?
  5. Emoney Loyal Player

    I've had reindeer, is that close enough? Lol
  6. Ryll Committed Player

    This. 1000% this.
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  7. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    I havn't seen OP state that the flag itself is controversial. I've seen him recounting the initial reason given, for any national flags being unlikely to ever be included; given the controversial nature of any national flag.

    I fully agree on your second part.
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  8. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Since we're all roasting you, can I ask for a Medium Roasted Ryll?
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  9. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    the taste sensations are very different...well, psychologically for most there is a big difference between a "favorite" pet...an object of hunting and a bird that is not considered an object of hunting for most ...;)
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  10. Emoney Loyal Player

    I didn't mean to imply he said it's controversial...to him. Just that it's controversial overall, and has been part of the conversation since the first page.
  11. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Okay that's all great but I wasn't replying to you exactly for this reason of some long winded discussion. I was replying to the dude who was insinuating people were being offended.
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  12. Emoney Loyal Player

    Say that to Santa! Lol, or any child around the holidays!
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  13. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    A deer is just a deer, a cat is a cat and a flag is a flag...but symbolism by definition and essence is subjective and therefore controversial ;)
  14. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    That's it, I'm adding you to my DCUO stew. What level of roasting do you prefer?:D
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  15. Ryll Committed Player

    Uh...the quote you replied to was mine lol

    But moving on....
  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I refuse to answer that question as it may incriminate me.
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  17. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    None of us are against the flag being here or having "anti-American sentiment".... what? We just think continuing this as a line of base items could be fun. I'm American, too. Also.... who said anything about the first amendment? If anything, we're all exercising our freedom of speech here. This isn't about America or if it's good or bad. It's just about base items we'd like to see. We don't have a problem with the flag outside a high school. After all, we just had two episodes in a row with the open world being Washington DC and with several details like the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument there. You could literally read the Gettysburg Address and put it and Lincoln in your base. You can't actually reach it but you can see what's obviously the White House in the distance from certain points. None of us took any issue with any of that. It was neat. Nor do we take issue here. We just went "ooh, if we're doing country flags, these ones would be cool for our characters from other places" and somehow that became this big argument and an accusation of "anti-American sentiment."

    I have Japanese American characters.... Japanese AMERICAN characters. They're the ones I was mainly talking about when I said it would be nice to have flags for them to show their heritage. If anything, I'd likely have both flags in their bases. Again.... if a game adds cats and someone suggests more pets that could be added as well, no one would call that person anti-cat. If I pet one of my dogs and then move to petting another so they each get love and attention and neither is left out, does that mean I hate the first dog? No, that's ridiculous. If my mom hangs out with me today and my brother tomorrow, does that mean she hates or doesn't love me? No. I just don't ONLY love one of my dogs. My mom just doesn't ONLY love me OR my brother.

    We ask for more base items like this with other flags because we like this one. If we didn't, we wouldn't want more of it.
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  18. Ryll Committed Player

    None of my posts are anti-america. They are pro base items lol
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  19. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    The US flag having its own controversies has only been brought up as a counterpoint to that being a reason to not have any other flags. It's not us being offended by it or taking issue with it. It's just a point that if that's a reason not to have any other flags, it should also apply to this one or it's hypocritical. Are some flags controversial because their countries are controversial? Sure, but the point is simply that that isn't enough reason to just not have ANY flags. Plus, just because a country's government has..... issues to put it lightly - which China does - doesn't mean the CITIZENS are bad or don't deserve acknowledgment. Put the flag in for the PEOPLE, not for their governments. Granted that doesn't necessarily apply so much for North Korea since.... they can't play an American game like this (that's actual anti-American sentiment) so it wouldn't actually do anything for them. But I find it quite unfair to say we can't have, say, the Canadian maple leaf flag because North Korea is fragged up.
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  20. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    A-- Alf? is that you?!?
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