Flags from other nations

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ryll, Jun 23, 2023.

  1. Ryll Committed Player

    All of those criteria you mentioned also work for the addition of other flags to the game.
  2. Plowed In Loyal Player

    They haven’t told you ‘no…’. And you continue to hedge on what you want…so great post, I guess…

    Can they? Yes.

    Will they? Probably not.
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  3. Ryll Committed Player

    Gotcha, so you seem to fit into the no more bumping side.

    Thanks for the bump!
  4. Plowed In Loyal Player

    I’m more on the “S**t, or get off the pot,” side…stop wasting the internet.

    Tune into my “Top ten reasons they won’t add other flags” podcast coming soon or never. Remember to lick and subside….err like and subscribe, whoops.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    What's to convey? He was offended by the pride flags being deleted. That sounds pretty clear. Wouldn't bother me, except that the fact they will sell in the broker for a few Mil in a couple of months, so it seems wasteful from that aspect. But I'm not sure what sentiment he'd need to convey other than what he already did.

    However. I can tell you that IF he was offended by deleting those base items. And IF someone posted a video of such action...it was for the express purpose of gaining some sort of response for the poster. Anger...solidarity...confusion...maybe other reactions even. But likely that response would not further his own agenda to get more flags added by burning...deleting...the ones that have been already.
  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I don’t believe Plowed In falls on one side or another. He is merely stating a fact as to the current state of things. He has presented precedence for his assertion, and explained how the devs are basically abstaining from making any kind of changes at the moment, leaving open the possibility they may make a change(s) in the future, if at all.

    Most likely once they have personnel and time to dedicate to rendering other nationalities’ flags they may do so. At this point, it is a US flag flying over a high school in a fictional US city. Nothing more, nothing less.
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  7. Ryll Committed Player

    Not sure about you but I have unlimited access to the internet!

    Thanks for the bump again :)
  8. Ryll Committed Player

    Golly gee! It sure is a good thing that I plainly stated why I posted it then!
  9. Ryll Committed Player

    The funny thing about every reply to date is that not a single person has been qualified to answer! I don't know if it is a situation of inflated self importance or what have you.

    Yet people keep bumping the thread for me and keeping it active!

    Appreciate it!
  10. Ryll Committed Player

    Look everyone, my original question was.....and still is....worth asking. Please feel free to bump the thread and keep it active for me!
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah. You waited 18 days to make a 1 min video with no context, that was a reply to no one....to shoot down any nay sayers who didn't believe you actually deleted them (there were none) AND bump the thread. Then only mentioned it was strictly for THAT purpose after 3 more days...3 days in which a few of your posts are just 'thanks for the bump'....so OBVIOUSLY, a simple 'bump' post would have revived the thread just fine....which you knew all along.

    I mean I respect the needling game with the video. I'm sure a few people got all harumphed up over it...but to then pretend that wasn't the intent....man....stick to your guns and own that stuff.

    It was honestly the most interesting thing you had posted all week at that point.
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  12. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Great job asking the question!

    Is it worth answering? Probably not.
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  13. Ryll Committed Player

    You and I have already gone over that it took a whole 7 mins for me to create and post it. Even with my making a coffee while the video was exported to my channel.

    Bumps can be posts that exist all on their own. They don't have to be in reply to anyone.

    Posts can say as much or as little as people would like them to say. Again, you only have control over what you post...hopefully someday you accept that.

    I didn't post any follow up because I wasn't active on the forums much as my family and friends were being evacuated from their homes for wildfires and frankly, they are far more important than any of you needing justification.

    I don't have to pretend anything, I plainly stated why I posted it. That in itself is "owning" it.

    Your opinion of interest for my posts means nothing at all to me.

    Again, thanks for the bump!
  14. Ryll Committed Player

    That is what the forums are for right? To post questions and thoughts to engage in conversation?

    Also, please don't go over your data allotments with this thread. I mean, forums are mostly text so they probably use up very little bandwidth but I wouldn't be too heartbroken if you wanted to post conservatively with costs in mind.

    Otherwise, thanks again for the bump!
  15. Plowed In Loyal Player

    No worries, just be sure your “bumping” of your thread doesn’t become seen as “spam and/or non-constructive.”

    See below:

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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well, if you were evacuating people due to wildfire, I'm honestly sorry to hear that. Hope things worked out with everyone safe and sound.

    As for the rest...I'll just say....'sure'.
  17. Ryll Committed Player

  18. Ryll Committed Player

    Thanks, I have not been involved in the actual evacuation but family and friends have been relocated to where I live and other major regional centers capable of the supporting the sudden influx of people. So far, a little over 20k people have been displaced with minimal injuries and fatalities. The people left are basically just essential workers - fire fighters, pilots, support staff to keep that machine running of controlling and directing the fires away.
  19. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I had extras, so I did what I always do with extra stuff in the game: I put it up on the broker. I happened to get them just before I read your post, so I thought it would be funny to let you know they were going up on the broker.

    They sold, BTW, in case you were wondering. Anyway, this thread has become less interesting, so I'll be skipping it after this, like I do with other threads that just turn into arguments.
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  20. Ryll Committed Player

    Apathy is a wonderful thing.

    Thanks for the bump!