I love how you left out the indoctrinated portion of nationalism I mentioned. Also, my original question was concerning inclusion more so than nationalism. Like I have said several times in this thread, it is obvious they are willing to accept controversial additions to the game. A prime example is the addition of a national flag. There is also the additions of the other flags and the BLM graffiti. All of which are examples of inclusion. The nationalism examples of this thread came early on from your first? second? post? Raven Nocturnal was also in early with another. Then somewhere along the line mike b jumped in with more. People revive threads commonly here. Raven Nocturnal just revived a couple of threads that are what? 2+ years old? My original question is still worth asking at this point. The part of my comment about painting in corners was because you tried to dictate that I only had 2 viable responses to your post which there is obviously several different ways to go about it. All of which are clearly lost on you. It seems that you are familiar with the process of posting content. Let me put your mind at ease that it only took me a grand total of approximately 7 minutes to create & post the video. I may have extended the time as I made myself a coffee as twitch exported it to my channel. The only reason I did was because I mentioned I deleted them in an earlier post and didn't want to leave it open for speculation if I were lying about it. I can also assure you that it had nothing to do with appearance of toughness and more to do with reviving the thread. Again, which I have seen people revive threads recently that are literally years old. At this point, all your posts are doing is keeping this thread active. So I guess thanks for the bump?
I was more correcting your poor choice of word and punctuation. Questions mostly get answers. If you don't want answers, don't ask questions in a public forum. And I didn't say they were the ONLY options....just that 'so?' would have been a BETTER one as there really isn't an answer for that....save 'because'....which according to my mom was also the best answer when asked 'why?' And I'm happy to help bump the thread. I've had some good posts in here...everyone should be able to enjoy them. Thanks for drawing attention to MY posts in your otherwise dull thread about nothing. We're all in this together! Me....you....and all the other Zimbabwians. It really is a pretty flag. I hope it gets added for you.
Still, mine (as another pointed out), was blatant sarcasm with a possible "swell of good old fashioned patriotism". Why bring me into this mess? I ain't PostRyder. I only revive my own threads and that was a month+ ago. I usually only refresh page 1. Plus, my threads aren't politically controversial. I also don't purposely antagonize by making a video of "deleting flags". That could easily be seen by many as the same provoking game-version equivalency of outright burning it. Edit: Anyways- Oh yeah, I forgot, I still don't care if they add other nations flags.
if this topic would result in a claim of "cultural appropriation"? then I'd just dismiss this whole potentially "woke" topic as I understand how Companies like disney, budlight, target, usually tend to fall apart... no... This is a very unstable idea. maybe during times where people actually get along with reason rather than using reason to loot stores causing prices to sky rocket and blaming it on inflation... no thank you...
Still trying to dictate what people can post. As I did answer your question about if I were wondering, I am familiar with answering questions on a forum. I guess it only counts when you do so. Your opinion of the thread being dull is irrelevant, because like you literally just pointed out....forums are a place for peoples questions to be answered.
Sarcasm or not, unfortunately it is still an example of the prejudice that may grow with the indoctrinated nationalism. Later posts in this thread (by mike b) I don't believe were sarcastic. Like I mentioned in discord, I didn't bring you up with ill will in mind. You bumping your own threads is not dissimilar to what I have done. No malice intended. It is odd that is being compared to flag burning though. An action I thought was protected by the first amendment in the US?
Funny. I don't really remember saying you can't post questions you don't want answered...just that maybe you shouldn't if you don't want the answers. See, that's a suggestion....a 'dictate' would be something like 'You must delete your account along with those flags'....let's see how much 'dictate' power I really have since you are so worried about it. I also didn't ask if you were wondering....I made a statement 'in case you really were wondering'. There was no need to answer, as it wasn't a question. A question would have been something like 'Hey Ryll? Do you really want to know about George Washington?" Note the use of a question mark vs the little dot (we call it a 'period' in the US) at the end of the sentence...denoting a 'question'. Don't worry.... as I already know you don't care, no need to answer that one....it was just an example. See....I figured you didn't know how questions worked. I'm glad if I helped you out today. We are all in this together after all. Not so 'fun' fact...although your government is a supposed republic with free elections, It's actually a military dictatorship. I know you all were hoping for change after Mugabe's fall in 2017, but alas it was just more of the same. Maybe that's why you are so sensitive to the whole 'dictate' feeling and getting your flag in game. I can't really blame you on that one....hang in there buddy.
This will be my last post in reply to your continued attempts to hijack the thread. Not all questions require the use of a question mark, feel free to pursue that information through a search engine of your choice. Getting back on topic of my original post, it was worth asking when I started this thread and it still is worth asking now. As I have stated several times that the company has obviously displayed their willingness to take steps for inclusion with their recent additions to the game.
Not sure I ever said you couldn't ask. The internet is full of silly and serious questions...some get answers...some don't. I'm sure this conversation has been a hot topic around DI HQ the last few months. However...when you come back to your post and 'reactivate' it by posting a silly video of you deleting base items...with the sole purpose of trying to get some sort of response out of people...well, 'ya gets what ya asks for' I guess. Deleting the existing flag would have 0 to do with asking about adding further national flags. You know why you posted that video....c'mon. You hijacked your own thread....
Lol. So you think your general inquiry will garner a specific reply? There’s plenty of very specific base item requests, style requests, etc. You don’t even have a specific request… Is it possible? MAYBE…
Actually I pretty plainly stated why I posted the video. I believe it was Proxy who brought up the immediate removal / deletion of the base item in reply to another poster - meaning it was still on topic. Thanks for the bump!
You do realize items can and have been added to the game without any sort of specific requests right? Are forums not the place to post general inquiries?
You do realize the context in which the flag pole was added, right? It’s outside the high school, so thematically it worked… What flag do you want? Is it in the DC comics (precedence)? How could they “justify” adding it to the game? None of this is required, but all of this helps, when they decide what additions to make to the game.