id like to thank myself for bumping it up here, Thank you Lycan. oh you are welcome Lycan lol........nothing to see here move along lol
id say lmfao but that wouldnt do justice to how much and how hard im laughing about that lol EDIT: I am in no way shape form or fashion offended by this i consider it a badge of honor so if you lovely green name folks wanna leave this one thing up id be ok with it
Not so much flags as emblems. City of Heroes does it, and it doesn't cause any problems there. I really love being able to make my "Captain Canada" and "Soviet Striker" characters. It's fun.
Nobody seems to have mentioned that "national" flags aren't uncontested. If you have a Spanish flag, should you or should you not also have a Basque flag? If a Canadian flag, also a Quebec flag? Should native American tribal flags be included? What about the overall Indigenous People's Flag? Does Palestine get a flag? Does Gaza? What about separatist movements around the world? Regions? U.S. states? Does the UK rate one flag or five? Does Chechnya? Do we include the Puerto Rican flag? How about Guam? And on and on, through all the world's different separatist movements and regional identifications and sub-national movements and territories. Do you have to belong to the United Nations? How about just as an observer? Doing "all" "national" flags isn't cut-and-dried. DCUO would end up having to make countless rulings/decisions. Maybe this wouldn't be a big thing, but it wouldn't settle any of hundred or more different controversies, and we'd back immediately to still arguing about which flags deserve to be in the game and which don't. It's a can of worms. Any way about it involves picking and choosing on some basis or another that can always be questioned. I'm not inclined to argue about specifics, myself; I think arguing about flags in a computer game is pretty trivial compared to the jillions of real-world issues that actually matter to people's lives. But inevitably some people would still argue pro or con about some flags. There's no way to ever please everybody.
actually can i get this as a flag in the game? lol im not even joking here (ok maybe a lil but still)
i think i mentioned it somewhere but if they dont really wanna sit there and go thru all of that they could go by what countries play DCUO the most and then add any popular requests kinda thing, yes it leaves some countries out of the mix but i believe this would be an excellent starting point that can be built upon later on down the line
As for the "where do you stop?" question, the same could be applied to other base item groups/categories as well, to be fair. They can just add the ones people ask for the most consistently (with some discretion, of course, given stuff like the North Korea issue that's been mentioned or the various places China gets mad at you for calling countries lol). That's how they do it with other base and style items (not that that's the only way they decide on those, but you know what I mean). Like.... there's so fraggin' many emblems in the DCU but the game can only have so many and just adds the ones people show a desire for/DC and WB let them/can fit well into a piece of content. Can do the same for flags.
This is my original post. Nothing about politics. Nothing about how many should be added or left out. It is a simple question. The flags that aren't representative of countries has actually been brought up a couple of times. Funny that you bring up Palestine because a couple of my Israeli friends have commented in discord conversations about that flag specifically. They are fine with it as long as the Israeli flag was also included. If that doesn't speak to a desire for equality I don't know what does.
"Some of my best friends are X and they say" is never a guide to anything. I'm Jewish. Guess what? Jews disagree with each other all the time about things. About anything and everything. Including politics. So does every other group of human beings. "I know an X who feels Y way" doesn't change that there's always another X who feels Z way. This is exactly my point: there's no solvable question as to "what counts as a legitimate flag of a people?" There just isn't. There are only disagreeing opinions. In politics, there is always contention. And there are always people who agree with one side, and always people who agree with the other side. There's no one "fair" way to deal with such questions. Regardless of how many friends you have of whatever persuasion. This really should be obvious to any honest person. Personally, I'm fine with more or less every flag -- but even I have exceptions: I would strongly object to a **** (those German folks we fought in WWII who are still around in most countries, in essence, if not explicitly) flag of any persuasion. But my personal opinions don't matter. The fact is that whatever I think, someone else is going to inevitably disagree.
So, Taiwanese flag, or not? Hint: there's no way you can please everyone on such a question. And there are, if one looks closely, many similar such questions.
Lol their voicing their opinions is a guide for how they perceive an issue. It is only by asking these types of questions that we discover what people think. Lycan has provided the most reasonable suggestion but I would include countries with players from them. Regardless of amount. It isn't much of a limb to say the flag of the censored group would ever be considered. Considered it is censored to begin with. Not to mention examples of their beliefs is a violation of TOS. So please, stop with the extreme examples that would never happen. They aren't helping you in any way. That is what should be obvious to any rational person.
So, Taiwanese flag it is. Guess how that will go over with patriotic mainlanders. You're also blithely ignoring just about every point I made as regards what constitutes a "country." But, hey, easier than answering questions that can't possibly be answered in a way that everyone would agree with. Let's just pretend these questions don't exist! Not a solution. Pretending that there are no controversies in any country as to what is or isn't a country doesn't make the controversies and wildly different, angry, opinions, disappear. Even in less passionate parts of the world: Do Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and England, get separate flags, or just a United Kingdom flag? How about the Isle of Manx? Alderney? Guernsey? Jersey? Sark? If you or anyone wants to say "well, I've never heard of these places," ignorance isn't an answer. Best of luck getting all British people to agree. That's just one example of a question that has no single "correct" answer other than arbitrarily. Does Puerto Rico get a flag? Guam? The District of Columbia? Samoa? The U.S. Virgin Islands? And on and on. I asked, and you just blithely pretended these questions don't exist. But there are in fact hundreds of such controversies/possible opinions around the world. There are no answers that everyone can or will agree with. Pretending otherwise is simply a fantasy.
You're making this way more complicated than it needs to be and trying to drag well established non contentious countries in to the highly volatile, highly politicized nature of the minority and then extrapolating that to apply across the board. The reality is that American flag is now in the game and America is not exempt from your attempt to over politicize the request for others, unless of course you fully, whole-heartedly and without doubt also following this post request, affirm and endorse the immediate deletion of the American flag base item, failure to do so makes you a hypocrite. I think you're actually just jumping on an opportunity here to be melodramatic but let's see if you're consistent in your view, they can either delete the American flag or introduce equally non contentious country flags. Choice is yours, it was the devs that opened Pandora's box.
I haven't ignored any of your points. Very early on, replying to Lorax I very plainly stated that they opened the can of worms by adding the US flag into the game as a base item. That is why I mentioned only your irrational example of the censored group. Because I had already stated what introducing any national flag does to begin with. You could go back and read the thread to find my positions and statements on these matters. I haven't ignored you in the least. Bringing up any sort of ignorance is simply just you trying to get a rise out of people. It also doesn't change that Lycans suggestion is the most reasonable method to addressing this. They could even spin it as them saying thanks for supporting the game over the years. But I guess all I can say to you at this point is this: Thanks for bumping the thread.
I didn't state any view. I pointed out that there is no way to avoid controversy once one starts making flags available. I gave plenty of examples. I entirely specifically expressed zero opinions about any of the controversies, save to note my single exception, which had zero to do with my overall point (which is why, in retrospect, I shouldn't have mentioned it, as it was only a complete distraction from my point; it was an example of a NON-controversy). That's my "view." I otherwise expressed no view whatsoever on any of the specific examples I gave. Should the game include the Taiwan flag or not, for example? Man, I wouldn't touch that question with a five-thousand-mile pole. Should the "United Kingdom" be represented by the four constitutent flags, or the single "United" flag, or all? I wouldn't dream of expressing an opinion because I don't have one. But lots of people who aren't me, do. My point was simply that there's no way to include "all" national flags without taking stands on the many arguments as to what is and is not a "nation."
So you support the immediate deletion of the American flag base item then, good to know, like I said the devs chose to open Pandora's box, pretty hard to close it now. You (Daybreak) can't be apolitical then make an exception for one country, you've either got to do it properly or not at all. As for my personal opinion, there are numerous countries not in contest as to their sovereignty, they are internationally recognized without dispute, you start with those countries and ignore the rest. Just as a side note as for your United Kingdom example, you'd provide all of the above, I think you'll find very few people now days in the United Kingdom get hot under the collar about acknowledging the sovereignty of each individual part as well as the whole. The monarchy isn't what it was during the American colonial days, it is the people in those countries that even choose not to seperate from England for personal reasons, England is not holding them to ransom at threat of violence.
Sorry but i find this whole thread hilarious. Leave it to Americans to try and complicate a simple thing of asking for more flags. 10 pages! What is this an eog thread or clamping?!
I know there is at least 1 Canadian who has spoken against it too. Either way, I appreciate the bump.