Fixing PVP

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by OmniKingOfEarth, May 5, 2020.

  1. OmniKingOfEarth New Player

    I played this game throughout High School. It was my favorite game of all time. I left when I started college and recently returned because of quarantine. That is just a little background. It’s been 6 year so my feedback isn’t top of the line but, here are the things I’ve noticed. In PvP there are PC players who glitch. They can spam weapon combos quicker then the eye can see. It isn’t clipping it is definitely some kind of glitch. The fact that the gear hasn’t been updated isn’t to bad, but roles should be able to de-buff other roles again please. One new gear set and a few maps would be nice also. Also if there are so many sets of gear and not a lot of players can you all make the PvP content drop more marks. Me being a adult I don’t have a lot of free time to play. Last but not least the block breaking system isn’t as crisp as it once was. Me and my brother duel and sometimes I get a block break when he blocks and sometimes he is able to let go of block and rush me. I don’t know if it my connection but this is my general feedback as a old player coming back that genuinely likes this game and would like to see it become as great as it used to be all around. You have other players that feel the same. Our DCUO is in your hands please help us out and show us you care. There are a lot of adults that spend valuable time and money on your game. Thank you again & have a great day Dev. Really good memories on a really good game.
  2. Frankzilla Committed Player

    Only way to start fixing pvp on ps server is to send pc to their doom. Give them to the xbox players let them deal with em for a while.
  3. lordexecution365 Loyal Player


    Why don't they just just run an experiment with the community.

    2 instances or 4.

    2 four party instances, two 8 party instances.

    Use same maps but pick 2, one for 4 and one for 8.

    Have 1 be a free for all, not deathmatch, just free to use everything you would normally use. Only exception being the gear. If you use PVE in the match you will only receive the lowest Ievel gear stats, from your gear no more probably even less than that. Restore the p/r/s and transformations. Bring back ghosting and PvP buff sodas as well, with a limited soda vendor only while running the experiment. Can put all PvP buff sodas with an expiration date and they get removed automatically.

    The other instance remove all buffs. Only gear and whatever stats you have from SP. No artifacts, no augments, no base mods. Breakout trinkets are the only allowable trinket.

    Announce it and run it as a PvP seasonal event.

    At the end, the players will tell you which mode they enjoy and which one they don't, by the internal data of which had more traffic, of which it is easier to track.

    Just use the community, to filter out the things we want and not soley rely on a few that would only want to play only one way.