Fix Throne of the Dead Elite

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by TheShawtyBlaze, Feb 15, 2015.

  1. TheShawtyBlaze New Player

    Can you devs please hurry up and fix throne of the dead and the door glitch. This glitch has been out forever and there are many people that are 115cr that just glitch. Majoritty of them being quanutm DPS. Not only that, but wavedox was taken down today in protest of what you are not doing, fixing the raid. We need this fixed pronto I don't want so many people already being 115cr because they are quantum with replays
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  2. HunterThe1st Well-Known Player

    They should take away all 101 gear that has dropped since this glitch happened best way to solve it they know who is cheating look at all the spam replayers
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  3. Bendmetal Dedicated Player

    That would hurt most of those who earned it legitimately
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  4. HunterThe1st Well-Known Player

    If they want someone to blame, blame the cheaters
  5. Bendmetal Dedicated Player

    The hate would unfortunately be directed at the devs. This is the dcuo community we're dealing with
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  6. Lightws Dedicated Player

    That's complete BS because my group has legitimately come up with a way to do this. And just because some scrub quantums decided to glitch it doesn't mean my people should not get any gear doing it legitimately. So that whole roll back everything 101 ingeneral is a terrible Idea. We also have been doing elite since it dropped so im pretty sure we should be keeping all of what we got.
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  7. HunterThe1st Well-Known Player

    Or just remove the elite raid and 101 gear in general the community wasn't ready for a challenge without glitching
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  8. HunterThe1st Well-Known Player

    You don't have to worry the devs don't care they want the money nothing will be done about the cheaters
  9. Lightws Dedicated Player

    If a group beat hades they should be stripped. Because it is next to impossible to beat hades legit.
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  10. TheShawtyBlaze New Player

    I earned three pieces of elite gear legit. It took us about 300 min per run but we did the first two boss fights twice. I don't want my gear taken away, but I do want the stupid glitch fixed. I hate having people that all they do is glitch over and over and end up getting the best gear I don't think that is a challenge like the devs told us there was going to be.
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  11. HunterThe1st Well-Known Player

    Throne Of The Dead (Elite) more like Throne Of The Dead (Cheat)
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  12. High Troller Loyal Player

    I downvoted your posting because you fail to supply any concrete details on the who, what, how, when, why's
  13. TheShawtyBlaze New Player

    Lol that is great. You can down vote whatever you feel like.
  14. HunterThe1st Well-Known Player

    Obviously only people that are cheating and want the glitch to be in the game will downvote you
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  15. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    The devs can find out who cheated and who did not.
    So I cast my vote in favor of gear removal from players that cheated to get 101, and NOT REPLACE IT WITH ANYTHING.
    Having to climb the CR ladder again might teach the cheaters a thing or two about their roles/powers.

    Also, anyone who replayed and glitched and repeated until they got the Golden Mask should have it not only taken away, but banned/locked from ever getting it again.
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  16. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    My two cents on Elite version's "unbeatable" status:

    Throne of the Dead Elite was so named for a reason.
    Normal is very difficult, and elite SHOULD be near impossible. Why? Because WE ARE FIGHTING GODS. Not aliens, not interdimensional beings, not mutant creatures. GREEK GODS. They are deities of the Greek pantheon, any of which have formidable capabilities in their spheres of divine influence. And not just one, but TWO OF THEM in the same raid.
    And of all the gods to fight, these particular two are the worst of the worst.
    That should be the first hint that the cauldron of torment that will be dumped upon any group going into it would be worthy of the History Books.
    Second, Clown box allowing you to avoid anything except damage for a small amount of time is a bug, so yeah; you're glitching. My advice would be to stop using it.
    Quantum Tunneling used to go through anything other than space on the battle-field floor in order to reach a place where you cannot be attacked in any way but still damage adds/bosses is cheating.

    Third, This raid was intended for those who farmed the normal version enough to have ALL 100 gear, because it would take AT LEAST that, ON EVERY PLAYER, to have a chance (however slim) at beating Elite.
    Key here is that upon reaching Hades Elite, you would have been able to farm the first two phases of this instance enough to replace the 100 that got you there with the 101 that you can obtain from Ares and Judges.
    I suspect you will find that the "Elite" group the devs had in mind for actuall beating Elite Hadeswhen releasing Elite Throne...was 8 fully 101 geared players.
    I love this new content. It is deliciously difficult, and I find myself looking forward to coming back and trying throne again...even if I only get as far as the Hades fight... I'm still getting 100 pieces here and there, and my strength is growing. When the day comes where I finally beat it with the right group...I will feel as though my hard work has paid off. When I can finally get into elite, I will feel as though I have EARNED my right to be there. When I finally beat it, I will have the same honest feel of accomplishment. Which is something that cheaters and glitchers will never know.
    I won't just blaze through the new content, get the gear, buy the collections, get the feats and disappear until the next DLC...this new content is different. It has staying power.
    So I'm calling the Devs out on this one. Devs you stand accused of having released good content overall (minor bugs notwithstanding, we all expected those).
    How do you plead?
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  17. HunterThe1st Well-Known Player

    This sums up all elite groups right now
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  18. Troll New Player

    Cant watch that while at work, can you tell me what the gist was?

    This glitch is still ongoing right? When they tried to patch it the other night what actually happened? Did they patch the original east door method?

    What is the reasoning behind needing a quantum for the new method? As the old east door method worked with sorcery too.
  19. HunterThe1st Well-Known Player

    summing up my video i asked why they need a quantum dps and they said they were glitching

    the glitch is still there, they broke something when they tried to fix the doors, no you can still attack through the door on the east side

    quantum can use tunneling to teleport through the door in the ares fight and the judges fight
  20. Troll New Player

    Ahhh I see, so instead of waiting for each team of 4 to be teleported underneath, they just tunnel straight through the east door & get to work?