Fix This ARENA PVP Glitch.

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by ShadowTheHunter, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. ShadowTheHunter Well-Known Player

    I play a lot of Arena PVP on PS3. There is a glitch in Arena 1v1 in which someone will leave and someone new is automatically put in while the match is still in session. This has happened to me as well when I have queued up for a 1v1, and I get put into the middle of someone else's match. It is ridiculously infuriating when I have nearly won a match, and the person getting beaten decides to leave, and in comes some OP spammer and I lose what I have worked up for.

    I believe this occurs in legends as well.

    Please Fix this glitch.
  2. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Thts not a glitch. It's how match makeing works you can turn it off in your settings
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  3. ShadowTheHunter Well-Known Player

    Seriously? Wow, thanks for that. I now feel noobish.
  4. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    wait... you can stop other people from joining your match in progress?
  5. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    No but u can make it so u don't join a match in progress
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  6. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    I think op was referring to players joining a game and beating him , when he thought he had won but his opponent quit
  7. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Even when he say he gets put in the middle of someone else's match
  8. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Happens to the best of us :p
  9. ShadowTheHunter Well-Known Player

    I was referring to both, but mainly others being put into my matches after my opponent left. I disabled that feature today, however players can still be put into my matches when an opponent of mine leaves. I have trouble understanding the purpose of this, at the very least, players should be able to get PVP rewards for their opponent leaving, right?
  10. Talve Dedicated Player

    The main purpose of this system is behind 2v2 and larger matches.
    Lets say you are in a 5v5 match. Its a close one and suddenly one of your teammate's PC crashes. Now its a 4v5. Thanks to matchmaking there is still chance of making it 5v5 again and give otherwise screwed team chance to win.

    And even in 1v1s. Have you any idea how many people actually quit the game before it starts just after seeing who they are facing against (*cough* life of the Clutchmeister *cough*). Now when your opponent just leaves before the game start at least you can go next to the point and camp out until you get another opponent.
    Without this system it would have just been a huge time waste. You can't quit in this situation as you would just be deserter yourself, you would have no chance to get a new opponent and best solution would be just to camp on the capture point until game ends...and yes...lot of us are already maxed out when it comes to PvP gear and marks and just PvP to PvP - I know, amazing.

    So even though some people, including you, may not like the system, it has its uses to good amount of people.
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  11. ShadowTheHunter Well-Known Player

    I suppose.