Fix gadgets powerset

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by FixMyPower, May 9, 2023.

  1. FixMyPower Active Player

    1-False, it happened during tsde, get your facts straight. I know this because I was very active that dlc. It was broken long before Dark Knights.

    2- So you're saying that maximizing damage doesn’t correlate with the digits in the top right corner of the board? Pretty flawed logic don't you think?

    3-False, again. The game update was intended to fix a stealth bug which made clipping neo-venom boost into bunker buster possible with only using 5k supercharge and hologram/bot clipping. They made every ability use power upon hitting them and not after summon (Eg: suppressor turret) and every supercharge ability use super charge upon hitting them (caused problems for big-gun, when interrupted during animation super was still used and did not damage enemies). The issue is that abilities/supercharges use power/supercharge upon hitting them and not after what they were intended for.
  2. FixMyPower Active Player

    Who said anything about holo bot?? You are acting like the loadouts for gadgets prec are any different... Quad clip has been irrelevant since COUr/e and the skill gap didn’t change much (if it even changed) after the "fixes". Gadgets is still the same on the precision side you just need your troll to focus a little more on power, but the might side got completely done.
  3. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    You did, in your OP. You're literally digging at this point too, loadouts for gadgets definitely changed post power-cost change, because obviously people could no longer cheese the SC. You said so yourself.

    Just face it, your suggestion wasn't good, nor would it be a meaningful change.
  4. FixMyPower Active Player

    I referred to hologram/bot clipping nerf because that’s how most people would remember when this thing happened. I don’t care about holo/bot and i never mentioned anything about being against it or wanting back. My issue is suppressor turret like I mentioned a million times in all my replies but apparently I wasn’t clear enough. You could ask any top gadgets player, the neo-bunker cheese wasn’t that great and yes the loadouts are still the same (3 supercharges in stealth). The loadouts will never change until gemini gets nerfed. (neo venom, gas, speed drain)
  5. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Em, no, that's not how it happened though and I actually had to sanity check to make sure. The holo trinket change likely happened as a reaction of everyone (on my server at least) switching to that method of clipping post power-cost change.

    The power-cost change Feb 10th

    The holo/bubble gum trinket change March 11th

    Lets consider the non-stealth aspect of precision DPS play, if you're clipping taser-pull or cyclone push with ST, you're in a completely broken place again if they reverted the changes. Ignore 300 cost? Really? That's more than significant especially when the clip can be spammed in alternation with one of the mines or dervish.
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  6. FixMyPower Active Player

    If we revert the changes on gadgets in terms of power cost & holo trinket clipping, people will be mindlessly spamming their rotation again, using the quad clip after clipping into stealth etc. It removes an element of skill and allows anyone to do it.Which will cause a tidal wave of complaints from players who aren't gadgets.

    It was a year ago and they were within a month of each other and during the same DLC, I'd say i was close enough.

    How does a 300 powercost move remove an element of skill if nothing has changed on the prec side of things? I know this wasn’t intended because I know what caused the update and it was definitely not ST. ST has been around since Ultimate soldier and devs always knew about it. If it was an issue they would’ve fixed it a long time ago or when they were messing with it during the dark metal pt.2 DLC. This was a blind "fix" because they didn’t know how to fix the main issue (neo-venom boost clipped into bunker-buster). Suppressor didn’t hinder precision nearly as much as it did to the might side. Nobody in the end game community is gadgets might for a reason.
  7. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Good management of power use is a skill. And you're completely ignoring my example. You're basically saying change ST because it's power cost is too much for might, but it has a horrific effect on prec. Please comprehend balance. Doesn't matter their intention, if it was focused on supercharges or not, they were two separate things that got patched together.
  8. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Are you joking? Gadgets Prec is literally the best sweaty artifact-swapping power to play.
  9. you and me we got this Level 30

    here is a gadgets might player.

    0 power issues
    top dps
    us server

    As i always say : it doesnt matter the power , it matters who is behind the power.

    and btw i never seen a might gadgets player complaining about power issues , this is the first and i play on both us and eu. so again i dont think this post is targeted to the might side of gadgets :3.
  10. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    They are complaining about the power cost damage infliction using lernea's amulet, not running out of power. But the change they are suggesting will cause an imbalance for precision players.
  11. FixMyPower Active Player

    They did not intend to do that because if they knew what consequences it had on the might side of things, they maybe would’ve given it more thought. It was 1000% a blind fix towards a single issue I know this because reliable sources said the same thing. This was not intended and I feel like its unfair to the might side of this power because almost nothing change to its precision side. Power management shouldn’t be a "skill". I played almost throughout the whole dark knights DLC as gadgets precision and never once had issues with power. The only issues I've ever encountered (power-wise) where when the patch first hit. Trolls adjusted and never had to worry about it anymore.
  12. FixMyPower Active Player

    No it is not. Ice and elec are better if played properly and by a significant amount could even argue atomic. With artifacts such as lernea's, flute, mercy, ebon etc... might is becoming better than precision by the day and once gemini nerf hits, it will definitely be better. And precision is not the issue here please use the education you were giving and READ.
  13. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    This was probably the best comedy show I’ve went to recently. Make gadgets stronger lol. That’s funny. Can’t wait to see what he says next. If you’re being serious and want an op wish list. How about allow nature dps be able to stack and use other nature players poisons and allow them to get the wolf double damage buff while in healer role using green EoG to get infinite wolf buffs.

    Oh I know. Maybe bring back the old school HL fan bug that allowed you to multi fans by switching targets.
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  14. FixMyPower Active Player

    You really linked this video... well thanks for proving my point lol. Highest death count : hesy with 5 ,second highest death count : 1.
    This youtuber isn’t a great dps (no disrespect intended towards him) and those in his group weren’t either so damage isn’t really accurate. Nobody said anything about power issues... please read more carefully before you reply with nonsensical stuff.
  15. FixMyPower Active Player

    Not about making gadgets stronger. Make it usable. The only good loadouts have Suppressor turret in them and use lernea's (artifact in the game) and as of right now, its almost impossible to stay alive while putting out good damage. Healer needs to get a pickup or a cog? Dead. Healer needs to do mechanics? Dead. It is unusable. It was never OP it was just up there.
  16. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Post video of the struggle. Other videos are being posted. It's obvious whoever disagrees with you, they are either a bad dps, or the subjects in the videos are bad dps and horrible examples.

    So, there is no point going forward with you as it is obvious you have made up your mind that you are the sole authority of what a good dps is, and the current state of gadgets. So, it only makes sense to post a video to show how wrong everyone is.
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  17. Miserable Dedicated Player

    Only two videos have been posted. The first one is not using Lernea's so it's irrelevant. The second one actually supports OP's argument.
  18. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    The nonsense hit peak super fast too. I think I mentally checked out when they said ‘reliable sources’
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  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Healer needs to do stop spamming priorities excuse you keep yourself at max stack? Use finisher because the healer is there to allow you to chase the scoreboard.
  20. you and me we got this Level 30

    here he says that its power hungry which strichcode showed him that its not power hugry if you manage the loadout correctly

    here he says that the power isnt a hybrid anymore and its only precision , where my video comes in showing a guy dpsing as might going top dps. again am not saying anything sensible. but again u are neglecting everything we are talking about here just to prove urself right when you are not.