First impressions

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Sir-Ivy, Jan 27, 2016.

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  1. ZypherUSPC Committed Player

    So you're gonna post on twitter, YouTube and the podcasts about how these 10-15 PC guys aren't really the PvP Anti-Christs, right? :p
  2. Gods Disciple New Player

    Well it's been a long time since I've been on here... but a big update calls for a return!

    So my first impressions. First of all, thank god I am not getting 1 shotted anymore! I'm sure we can all say how nice it feels to be able to have a competitive fight that lasts longer than 5 seconds.

    Now down to the serious stuff - As an experienced / competitive 5v5 player I have had 5 scrims tonight and have only seen 1 kill running the 2 conventional set ups (2 DPS or 1 Tank and 1 DPS) involving fully experienced PvPers. To me this either says that the damage has been reduced too much or the health is too high.

    In regards to Arena queues - I have only queued for 2's as a Sorcery healer. The most memorable match I've had is being grouped with a CR 98 DPS against 2 fully geared and modded DPS's (again experienced). The match finished as a 1000 - 0 win for my team and I can honestly say, not as an experienced healer, there were no concerns about me and my team mate being knocked out or me struggling for mana. Again this highlights the damage reduction/ health point... To further emphasise this, please bare in mind my healer is 99 CR with no mods and only 139 SP.

    I appreciate this is only day one but this is the stand out thing I have noticed. As others have mentioned, I would also welcome back the RPS system.

    So in short. Its certainly a step in the right direction but with some tweaks needed - one way or another.
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  3. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Anti-Christ? Please.


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  4. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Every time I hear Anti-Christ I imagine this.
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  5. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    haven't played pvp in a long time but thought i would try it cause of the update

    1st match got a sorc that never seemed to run out of healing and i was unable to do any damage to him at all because he was healing it back faster then i could do it

    2nd match was a fire guy who i could not damage at all,his health bar never moved and i felt like i was fighting someone with god mode on

    after these 2 matches i just quit pvp again and i won't be playing pvp any time soon
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  6. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    When I see you guys being more open to other people's opinions, regardless of participation in testing solely with you all, you'll see me singing a different tune about you guys. Until then, the power of Christ compels you. :p
  7. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I haven't dueled in a long time, but i dueled a nature healer in pve gear, and it was impossible to kill him. I just assumed i was terrible, but as i watched people dueled him he never lost. Imo weapons were nerfed to much, but it' better than it was, even though that's not really saying much.
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  8. MrWon Committed Player

    This was an overall really great update. I give it a 9/10 rating for balancing out PvP!
    I was going to type out a essay with explanation about the problems I have with this update, but it'll take too long and people probably won't read so instead I'll do a list.
    • Due to the major damage reduction, Healers in 1v1 and 2v2 are very very hard to kill now.
    • Due to the major damage reduction, Fire tanks in 1v1 and 2v2 are very very very very hard to kill.
    • I get that the 3 tap rule was changed to 5 tap to nerf screen blocking in team battle and I get that the balancing was done mostly on a 4v4 and 5v5 perspective (team battle is much better now so good job!), but man the 5 tap rule in 1v1 and 2v2 is so annoying now. People with one hand keeps on doing endless tap spam and if I dare block their taps I get instant BB. It also gets confusing to know what tap will activate flip slash or what will activate flurry. So the 5 tap rule should stay in 4v4, 5v5, and 8v8 100%, but in 1v1 and 2v2 (if possible) should be changed back to 3 taps. (Sorry for the paragraph)
    • Snow devil damaged me like 3k in a 1v1 match........
    • For some reason the visual # for damage in legends is messed up I think. In one of my match I used flip slash, it says I did a 498 critical even though a big chunk of the enemy's health was lost.
    PS: Did the new 5 tap rule applied to legends too? because yesterday when I was playing legends on my new toon I was able to solo 2-3 pugs at the same time when they keep spamming tap, but now it's much more difficult to solo and get immunity against 2+ players spamming tap. I hope it didn't accidentally spill over to legends.
    Other then that, this PvP update was really good. I can't wait for the next one!
  9. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Yes. I don't really have an issue with it, given that blocking taps only really applied to DW and Shield weapons anyway.
  10. MrWon Committed Player

    But two-face man...he's a war machine with his taps now.

    PS: Good to see you again Shaw, I took a break from DCUO when a lot of you guys got banned from the forum. The PvP forum wasn't the same without you guys.
  11. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Most of us came back a week later. I only wish the changes happened sooner. Oh well. Better late than never. PM me if you want to keep talking.

    Rifle is hardly what makes Two Face dangerous. In fact this update bleeding into Legends has made his Harvey dom even more powerful, along with other Legends with High Damage Mitigation.
  12. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    I'm 7 tapping the bejesus out of people right now with shield. 1v1s and up. It's kinda ridiculous. :(
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  13. MrWon Committed Player

    Alright for sure, thanks man.

    Since Two-face 5th tap is already unblockable, the new 5 tap rule made it worst. Yesterday I was a playing 4v4 match and his taps were somewhat slightly tolerable, but now I want to quit and play arena whenever I see a two-face on the other team.
  14. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    It's too weak to mean anything. Especially since he only has 3 tap hold when he should have all of them. Same thing for John Stewart.

    EDIT: Also, you shouldn't be taking 4v4 Legends ques seriously unless you're feat hunting.
  15. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    May I ask what Tank Power did you guys run? You have to remember that Earth Tank and Atomic Tank absorb 47% instead of the intended 25%. It makes it incredibly hard to kill someone if both teams are on point.

    The Devs tried to adjust it on Test but couldn't quite fix it for some reason. We are hoping they fix it very soon.
  16. TRELL1 Well-Known Player

    It's just a tiny bit silly to rage about healers/fire tanks being op in 1s and 2s when this update wouldnt have addressed that.

    In my 4s and 5s, with seemingly competent players (admittedly I'm not PvP vet like some here) as long as people realize there needs to be a focus target matches are from a snooze. I'd still expect that healing may get toned down just a bit. I'm thinking HoTs in particular are a bit too strong.
  17. OmegaStarEX Active Player

    Glad the one shot saga of Pvp is prettty much over. Thats one issue taken care of.
    Lets see... Next on the List hopefully.

    1. Actually make it so Pvp Gear matter in arena's. Only in DC Universe is a level 3 on par with a level 30 with the best Pvp Gear. (Over exaggeration, but you get the point.)
    2. And the return of Role combat (RPS I think is what its called)

    3. PVP Instances? Wouldnt that be something.
  18. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    Damage is fine now.


    If you can self heal, you are at a large advantage.

    was just fighting a atomic dps and the ****er kept healing back most of the dmg i was doing
  19. Nitrac Well-Known Player

    Level 3s and fully geared level 30s aren't even close to being close to the same. Over exaggeration indeed.
  20. DCUO Post Loyal Player

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