First Edition Feat Grinding League

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by FiremanMac85, Jan 13, 2021.

  1. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    Hey everyone, I know that there is a league recruitment page, but I figured I’d make a little post to tell you about us.

    I’ve played consistently since 2011 (520sp), but my old team is coming back after a 4 year hiatus. They need to catch up on old feats very badly.

    We are a hero league on the USPS/PC server!

    So while we are catching them up, we want to invite any new players, players in a dead league, or players who are promised help with old feats to join us.

    When I say we get old feats I mean it. I just typed out 11pages of instance feats from episode 1-21 in sequential order to power level his toon up bc he just started and is 290/80sp. And that’s just one person.

    So to all of you who are looking for a home to get actual feats done. Please join us. Comment below, or send me a message on discord! I will invite you to our league chat and schedule you in to run with us and get whatever feats you may lack!

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  2. Berza Committed Player

    In case you not know this website, which is one of the most useful resources for feat grinding.
  3. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    I have yet to try it BUT if u can, add me and send a tell if u need a burner for these feats. I was away 6.5 years (since sons of trigon).
    Been back 6 months and up to 440 sp. i need TONS of raid feats from alot of the middle content to recent even.
    Villian USPS
    Abysss Prime (yea, someone has my OG name lol).

    If u can add me an send tells, hit me up, i will help as i likely need them too
  4. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    I have 520sp, so most of my stuff is done. I made the list that is most efficient for leveling up new people at a much faster rate than most players. Thank you for the link though!
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  5. Marve1 New Player

    I’ve been away for about 8 years but I have the itch to get back into it. Past 2 days I’ve been just trying to absorb all the new features and watch videos on how new mods work. No one from my old league still plays. Would be awesome to be a part of your League and see what I’ve missed.

    I go by Marve1X currently.
  6. Shalayah Committed Player

    I’m willing to join.

    My character’s name is “Shalayah”

    I’ll probably be on later on today after I finish up some or my coursework but I’m definitely interested in a feat grinding league. I have around 270-280 SP if that’s acceptable.
  7. GoranUzumaki New Player

    Ohhh finally to find some experience league. I have 232 skill points, Can i join too?
  8. Saerein New Player

    I'm at 114 SP and would love to have a crew to do feat runs with if y'all would have me.

    In game name is Elia El
  9. ChakaKhan New Player

    Interested in joining Name: R0GUE TM
  10. Giddeus1138 New Player

    I would like to join if your still taking recruits. Discord name is Giddeus and toon name is Giddeus USPS. 202SP/291CR