Fireworks Aura bait and switch.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Great Architect, Feb 14, 2019.

  1. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Has anybody else spent time gathering 100 Hearts for the Fireworks Aura, checked in the Seasonal Collections to see which collection grants an Aura, and ended up buying the wrong collection piece, because the Collection that *actually* grants the Fireworks Aura is under Global Collections, not Seasonal?

    I'm really, really not happy about this.
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    no, because I know what the collection is called and I check first. but sounds like that sucks.

    Most have been under global collections for some time now though btw.
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  3. Great Architect Loyal Player

    The other collection does give you an Aura, alright - just not a feat one. So I did my research... I guess I have another 14 days to grind it via my Alts, but I was counting on that time to grab 25 2019 Base Items. It's a big loss :(.
  4. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    How this a "Bait & Switch"? o_O
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  5. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    What server do you play on? if its USPS I will buy you the collection you were missing for the aura that was bought incorrectly.
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  6. Plowed In Loyal Player

    What collections were you talking about? There’s only 1 new one this year, right?
  7. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Yes, but there is a collection from last year or the year before that cost 100 Hearts that does not provide a Feat. However, the 100 Heart collection piece this year grants a Feat once you finish up the collection and absorb the Aura.
  8. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    if you bought the one from the collection "love letters" instead, it's worth a healthy amount on the broker FYI and the one from the Fireworks aura collection can also be had from the broker and I think it costs might be "swap them out" that way if you didn't consume it already
  9. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Its probably good to note too that New Seasonal Items will always be at the top of the list including Collections on the Vendors. To help those even further, the Fireworks Aura comes from the Wild Love Collection.
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  10. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    No, because I google things before I make big decisions.

    Try in the Google search bar typing: "DCUO (exact collection name)

    Or even try "DCUO firework aura"
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Meh....I saw this at a contractor's office on a sign on the owners desk....I think it fits here.

    "Poor planing on your part does not constitute an emergency on our part"

    If you weren't sure what the payoff for the collection was, you should have checked, or if you know you wanted the Fireworks Aura in particular, you should have checked which collection it was from.

    Not saying it doesn't happen, but smack yourself in the head, swear it will never happen again and grind a little harder for the last 2 weeks (another alt can kick out 140 marks in that time...enough to buy 23 of the 25 base items for the feat).

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  12. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I don't know man. If a new collection drops and it's called "Wild Love", why would I look at other collections? Aside from that, usually every seasonal vendor lists its items chronologically. Meaning the newest stuff is at the top.
    I can to an extent comprehend that this would/could be confusing; in the end I just go by what I haven't had collected on my main yet, and go from there.
    Sorry if you lost some marks. On the bright side though, getting a new Monogrammed Grappling Hook is just ten days (10 mins each day) and it's tradable. You still have 14 days of the event so no rush :)
  13. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I've done that before. It sucks too. After that, I started to collect one of the pieces and see where it shows up so that I know what I am looking for or I google the collection. Either way, I usually double check everything before I commit to anything.

    You're in the same boat as this guy.
  14. tukuan Devoted Player

    I don't want to beat up on the OP too much but certainly caveat emptor applies here.

    That said I almost did the same thing with one of the summer collections. To be completely honest I don't get at all why they'd have title only feats for seasonal collections. I get it for some other things but IMO anything seasonal should at least give a 10 pointer feat.
  15. Great Architect Loyal Player

    You are all right, of course :). Just letting off steam, really - it's not like I don't have time to grab it before the event ends. If I'd waited a couple of hours, I'd probably have calmed down enough to not even bother posting this thread :p.
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Nah its good for the post count, the game away from the game :p
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  17. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    You talking about me Proxy? :p
    As for the mis-bought collection piece: you were going to buy, and complete, that eventually, right? You just did it sooner than you intended :D
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  18. Great Architect Loyal Player

    No, I wasn't, I don't think - but there's easily enough time left for me to grind those last few Feats this year, so I was just throwing my toys out of the pram, really :D.
  19. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    You were never going to complete the other Collection? o_O
    Most people do something they regret, and then need to vent (personally like to complete Seasonal Collections on all characters at the same time, which means keeping one piece in storage, most times try and have it be the same piece, butt the other day claimed that piece on a character without checking first, fortunately she had just only just started the Collection with that piece, so have to pick a different End Piece for her :p )
  20. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    I won't finish that Collection either. For me, I see it as a waste of 100 marks as there is no Feat attached to it. For me to go out of my way to finish a collection for a style piece and there be no Feat attached to it, it needs to reward me with one amazing style piece, otherwise I'll just ignore it.
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