Fireball in Gates - Can someone identify?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by blklightning, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. blklightning New Player

    I was running Gates a few days ago as my Earth Tank. We had an Earth DPS as well. While we were waiting for someone who'd dc'd, I noticed this giant ball of fire spewing chunks of dirt. It had a connection to my toon. I could hang from it and there was an E to interact, but nothing would happen. No one else, but me, could see it either.

    Does anyone know what it is?

  2. Potent New Player

  3. Sumeric New Player

    That may be one of earth's supercharges. I think they have something meteor/volcano like, but I can't be certain though because I dont know anyone who uses them (myself included).

    Edit: I think it's called Meteor Shower, a 50% supercharge.
  4. Nodens Dedicated Player

    I saw something along that line a few days ago. It didn't look exactly like that, tho. -more like a small sun that seemed to be "burrowing" through the air. It was inside watchtower, and was moving slowly, but frequently changing direction. I seemed to be the only one able to see it. I could move around it, but couldn't interact with the effect.
  5. Deviant New Player

    Looks like Future HandOfChaos was trying to reach out to you...
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  6. LORD_SHOCKA New Player

    Guess Trigon is coming early
  7. blklightning New Player

    Hilarious responses!

    I don't think it's Meteor Shower. I was only able to find one animation for it and it wasn't that. I, personally, don't use SC while tanking... but I don't know what the Earth DPS was using. It stayed around throughout the entire boss fight. Should have captured longer video, but it wasn't my group and one of the players was remarkably annoying.
  8. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    Just tell us ur secret power! ^^
  9. Naija born Well-Known Player

    wait what? its like its sucking your soul ( wierd too wierd)o_O
  10. blklightning New Player

    When I get home, I'll run it again just to see if it repeats itself.
  11. General Powers New Player

    A glimpse of a future Earth supercharger? 0.0
  12. The Kitsune New Player

    If the wavy lines are anything to go by it is definitely connected to you. What is the power in the 6 load out spot. that might be it.
  13. blklightning New Player

    My loadout, at that moment, was:

    Earthen Grip > Epicenter > Sonic Cry > Jackhammer > Gemstone Shield > Hard Light Shield

    Yeah, it's totally connected to me, but... why? :p So wierd.
  14. The Kitsune New Player

    That doesn't match with anything in the earth power-set unless it is an unfulfilled meteor. Possible glitch. Either way it doesn't match anything in your load out. Did a quick google and came up with nada. :( Sorry I could be more help.
  15. blklightning New Player

    Well, there was an Earth DPS. He wasn't the easiest to communicate with (ESL, I think). I can't imagine that he would have wasted a super charge in the trash before the first boss.

    Can't wait to run it again.
  16. Righteously New Player

    :eek: you should have touched it xD
  17. blklightning New Player

    I did! I even climbed on it and hung from it (acro). Should have captured that part, too.
  18. aceCase Committed Player

    Funny you mention this, I did a duo earlier and noticed a weird floating disc shaped object following me(UFO!). I wasn't sure if it was me or the other guy but when I looked at the map the other player was somewhere else. So something was definitely following me. Odd. Weird glitch or perhaps its a secret test of something that's coming soon :eek:
  19. JayJay2515 New Player

    Your aggro must be so good you pulling adds from other dimensions
    • Like x 2
  20. Kristyana New Player

    Could be a bug in the unreal engine. I've seen this happen once in a blue moon here and in other games where a solid GFX doesn't disappear from your screen when it should.