Hey guys, I found this new chest piece that this girl was wearing and I can't find anything about it here's a description: On the sides there is flames stomach is showing Im sorry guys I cant be more specific, but is it possible there is someone who could find out what it is based on my vague description?
Take a screen shot if you can and post it. There are some here who won't need to look it up but will know it the moment they see it.
I believe you're looking for the "Flames" style. If that's not what you're looking for, try looking through the other chest styles on the wikia (http://dcuniverseonline.wikia.com/wiki/Chest_Styles). It is available for in game cash from the vendor in your HQ that sells chest styles. iirc, in the Watchtower, that's in the room with the sparring targets ... in the Hall of Doom it's one of the vendors around the center (outside the Sabotage Chamber). Many people set one of the color values to be skin tone. Here's the male version:
browse through these. let us know if you see it, and what it was. http://dcuniverseonline.wikia.com/wiki/Chest_Styles