Fire AM: Breaking Game-Wide Rules

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TrueGODofMarvel, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    .... Notice how munitions AM damage increases the closer you get

    Brand new power and their AM is ALREADY better than ours
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  2. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Fire is just the designated respec bait (as in, the power people respec OUT of).
  3. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    It's crazy because the Census numbers actually depict exactly what you just said. Out of all the powers, Fire has the largest drop/quit ratio. I think it is the most popular power for pre-30 characters but becomes one of the least popular the higher the Cr
  4. MetalMario Loyal Player

    This is probably both because it's free and fire is good in other games.
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  5. VariableFire Loyal Player

    I actually planned on respec'ing out of Fire when I first started years ago, planning to switch to either Electricity or Hard Light, if I liked the game enough. Instead, I've stuck with Fire pretty much the whole time, barring breaks to play some alts up to lvl 30 to try out powers.

    It's not just about numbers for me. If I wanted numbers, I'd have either gone rage or ice by now, assuming I stayed as a tank (sorry Earth, but I couldn't even level you up to level 30 without getting bored). The thing is though, nothing looks and feels as good as Fire to me. I like burning stuff, blowing stuff up, and then rising from the ashes. Fire should be like a majestic phoenix; instead, it plays out like a movie cop with a revolver facing off against machine gun toting thugs. It gets the job done, but nowhere near as well as it should.

    Fire's AM was pretty much doomed the second they chose Mass Detonation to build around. They've never understood how poorly that power works in the wild and the AM just makes that worse, with the only benefit being not being a sitting duck while doing it. I've also mentioned before that Mass Det only holds up as long as fights take long enough for the crits to hit, meaning that once you hit gear level, the other powers way overshoot you.

    Quantum's AM almost mocks Fire's, with it being a version that Fire could have easily had if they'd reworked Mass Det instead of just boosting it.
  6. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    HAHA! Yep! It works how Fire should've worked to begin with, so sad.. But lets hope they make it work this way in a hotfix later on.
  7. RaNdOmHeRo New Player

    I'm at 8k might and with 147sp my highest crit.
    Is 19k..
  8. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    ^^^ had 8K might and I did rarely get 32k. The continual problem was trollers who refused to do POT. Seriously, everyone had full power, except the recharge troll, and the other troll would refused to throw POT. They got so used to doing instant because, hey they're damage dealers now, right? Their job is to stun adds first, right? And I'm not talking just boss fights. Even in hallways after fighting adds they'd make everyone recharge themselves. Odd how none of the other AM power users seem to have this problem.
  9. L T Devoted Player

    I disagree that Fire's AM isn't fun to play. For me the challenge is staying in motion and alternating between flame cascade and mass detonation appropriately so that you never lose the power back mechanic. It seems a bit buggy of late-- I seem to lose it when I don't think I should have-- but I still find it fun.

    There are several semi-AM load outs like using DOTs from inferno and overheat. If you try to do that you'll probably run out of power very quickly or at least stress your troll, because you're not really using the AM.