Final plea: Stop the fighting, work together

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Fatal Star, Aug 12, 2017.

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  1. Streven Dedicated Player

    Yeah well it seems like your problem is you addressed your concerns with crappy and not the developers where they should have been directed.
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  2. Xibo Loyal Player

    11 pages and no devs response.
  3. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    It's the weekend lol. I doubt they would want to use their time off to address a thread that started good and then went down the drain.
  4. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    Honestly the forums after this revamp are the best I've seen in a long time you have a bunch of people posting about the same things being too powerful and a bunch of things being too weak and then you have the people that wish that nothing will change and don't want anything done. So for the most part it's been pretty good and sure it doesn't always stay civil but I mean you gotta fight for what you believe in lol
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  5. Xibo Loyal Player

    Fury and Mental are garbage or you still didn't find a competitive playstyle?
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  6. loupblanc Dedicated Player


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  7. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    PS: Just in case, please do not take any of my statements personally, or that I am implying anything negatively.

    The correct comparison should be whether powers post-Revamp are doing similar things or functioning similarly to pre WM/AM days, and not have to compare damage post-Revamp versus AM damage during AM era.

    So, when I see "Sorc in particular you rock a pet and clip weapon combos with powers", it gets to me cos Sorcery dps beforehand, was never really about the pet.

    And on that note, Sorcery has totally changed. Sorcery's dps pet function was highlighted in the AM era, but pre WM/AM, the Fury pet was used only by pet-lovers. But non-pet users could still dps. Sorcery dps was always about the 5 dot damage on bosses, and the 2 group buffs from Soul Well and Vengeance Soul Aura (dps aspect removed in GU32), and the burst damage from Weapon of Destiny.

    Sorcery has more powers with the word Soul in them, than any other powerset. But post-Revamp, its got the least amount of Soul in it. And no, pets do not count. And no, a weapons-centered build does not count either. Right now, it has limited range pftt options for AOE, though it looks ok for single-target pftt, but not like the way it rocked in boss fights in the old days.

    That must be why Arbiter of Destiny isn't like the old days now.

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  8. Xibo Loyal Player

    They can log in on weekend too.
  9. Xibo Loyal Player

    I'd say instead....

    1) HL - 9000/s on single target without Heat Vision.
    2) Nature - DoTs.
    3) Electricity - DoTs.
    4) Gadgets - 15k on 3 targets.

    And i'm very happy with this because these 3 powers now have received a treatment that they should deserve.
  10. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Ok, please continue the “fighting".


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  11. Dezaras Loyal Player

    I've struggled since the revamp. Part of it is my fault, I admit, because I mainly played DCUO to make my YouTube series. However I know people at 300+ SP that are struggling too.

    It also doesn't help that I've noticed a lot of arrogant, obnoxious behaviour since the revamp launched. Basically anybody who struggled was shut down instantly. Called a noob, told to git gud or stop crying. So stuff I used to be able to solo now requires me to play with others. These people are not people I want to associate with. Yes there are people willing to help, but I've noticed more of the elitist bollocks, than anything helpful.

    As I said I've accepted my share of responsibility for the issues I'm having, but it isn't all on me. Hopefully there's some kind of compromise.
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  12. Drathmor Unwavering Player

  13. Sooner Well-Known Player

    The forums have been like this for over a year. It's just a continuation of the same thoughts that the "we want everyone to play exactly like me" crowd of the past year. Now it's just flipped and the whiners of yesteryear for stat clamping are now calling for "peace". It's very similar to the elections....Dems can say every nasty thing in the book, cheat and steal, but when they get the chair say "okay, let's all be nice now". Reps can say every nasty thing in the book, cheat and steal, but when they get the chair say "okay, let's all be nice now". Being in the chair doesn't make the toxic atmosphere created over the past year go away, just because you got your way.

    I just laugh at the thought that the forums are now "toxic". Where have you been? It's been that way for over a year.
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  14. Mighty Committed Player

    Completely agree with you, personally not a fan of pets, and personally I liked sorcery much, much more before it became a "pet power." For me in the quoted instances I was simply challenging the notion that only nature, elec, light, atomic and celestial played similarly post-revamp as they did during the AM days because some testers hatched a plan to con the developers into letting us keep the beloved awesome mechanics of light, nature and elec while putting the screws to everyone else.
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  15. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    Yeah, I've been Earth since about six months before it had the AM. I did not use a pet prior to the AM. I got tired of using one after the AM and developed my own rotation. It's not optimal, but it allows me to complete content, so I'll stick with it. It may perform better as I get more in rhythm with my rotation, too. Either way, we should be given options not tied to a pet at some point in the future.
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  16. Mighty Committed Player

    Totally agree. That was actually in my last feedback note to the devs pre revamp, I was trying to get a buff for upheaval to prop up earth's full-ranged damage while lessening its dependence on crystal. Not an earth guy, although aesthetically I think it's one of the coolest powers (and being an earth bender is BA). Just think it's a shame it has all these cool-looking abilities and yet you're pet-dependent in a lot of ways. Heck, when we parsed earth at mid/melee we didn't even carry fortify, we'd basically just use crystal like a robot sidekick, because going jackhammer and then clipping it with like, unstoppable, or tectonic break, or stones when they were off cooldown was a helluva lot more fun to play.
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  17. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player


    Gotta show them some SCIENCE BEACH!!!!! :D
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  18. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Obviously not following the same forums as you have. Link?
  19. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    I tend to agree, there have been dustups, but this is getting out of control. I wouldn't be surprised if a few timeouts get handed out today now that the weekend is over, TBH.
  20. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I'm shocked this thread is still even open to be honest
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