Few changes/upgrades to replay badges....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by COMBATICUS, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Hey everyone, hope u guys enjoying the new alert and solo. I know I am. Love tanking it. Well first of all this isn't another get rod of replays I know it's not going anywhere let alone can do anythin to stop it. But....

    What I want is some sort of an upgrade on the replay system. What I mean by that is, say u got inv by a friend or lg mate that is at 2nd or last boss, u went in there to help them. So now u have to redo the whole alert/raid but u want to reset the bosses that u already are loot locked so that way u can re run the whole alert/raid.

    So what I'm suggesting is that to let us reset those bosses without us using a full reset, so it's 29 for alerts they can either let us unlock 2nd and last boss if that's the ones ur loot locked off, and charge us like 20 or less replays so we don't have to use all 29 badges when u don't need the entire alert reset.

    But before anyone says well they gonna abuse it only resets the last boss blah blah blah. Well first they can make it to where you have already either beat the raid or did more than half of it at least 2 bosses, so when u re-Q u have the option to reset those bosses. U want be able to reset these bosses one at a time if u already have beaten an alert/raid.

    I just am kinda tired of the fact that I need one boss from a raid and have to spend 87 just for that boss and depending where u are in that instance if u reset it at a weird time/area then ur forced to re-run the instance for the bosses that got reset. And I have been in gros where plays join and just leave once they done. But maybe just maybe if they allow this ppl might replay the whole raid and reset those bosses so thwy can run the whole instance.

    I hope I made my point clear lol, kinda hard to type on my cell when my 1 year old trying to smack it off my hand. But hope u get the general idea, feel free to input ur own opinions and thoughts.
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  2. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Guess replay badges put a bad taste in some ppls mouths lol huh? Specially since all this replay hate threads I seen. Anyways I know this might be on top of devs list but hope at least ur watch on spytle or mepps. This would be very useful