Female Style Guide?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Commodore Bellamy, May 12, 2016.

  1. Commodore Bellamy Active Player

    Apologies if this has already been covered. I searched but couldn't find anything.

    We all know that DCUO has resources to show all the style sets, but they are all on male characters. Is there anywhere where I can get a guide that is female styles? I really wanted to see what the Spring Festival clothing would look like as a set on my female character, but I can't find anything but males. Does anyone know a guide? Does anyone at least have pictures of the Spring Fest clothes? I don't need the hoodie (got that), but the rest of it would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I don't use any one guide by itself. Whenever I need to preview a style, I just do a Google image search. Most will give you enough male and female examples.

    I do have a shot of the spring festival crown that I posted on twitter. I never used the mask or hoodie.
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  3. Commodore Bellamy Active Player

    Thank you :) This is the one piece that I've gotten for her. ^_^ I love it! I tried googling it and searching, but all I have found are male styles (don't know if they're from the Spring Fest., since I don't know what it looks like) and things from the St. Pat's Fest. It does make it more difficult to look, when I don't know exactly what I'm looking for. My eyesight is not great, so the preview screen doesn't always give me a great view.
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  4. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Have you tried the DCUO wiki? I'm not sure how complete it is for images of both male and female styles but they do keep pretty up to date with style pieces there.
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  5. Commodore Bellamy Active Player

    I'm really confused about this now. That's where I started, and all I saw were male references. I didn't see any resources that showed the female styles. Maybe I'm missing the elephant in the room.
  6. Netherith Well-Known Player

    Unfortunately the majority of our users are males so we have male characters in our style images but the styles that are female only are listed. Also the individual style pages (Head, Shoulders, Back, Feet, etc) do have a "Female" tab. Clicking that tab will show what female character we have showing off the stuff.

    Here is the Festival Crown by the way: http://dcuniverseonline.wikia.com/wiki/Festival_Crown.
    It is shown on a male character but as there really isn't much difference between a male head and a female head (although by the above image it looks like large hair styles cut through the crown and cover the flowers (like wonder woman's tiara)) I assume you can get a gist of what it may look like.
  7. Netherith Well-Known Player

    To be more blunt. There is no complete listing for styles as displayed on the female form. We have some images, but not all of them.

    The wikia has an up to date listing of the "Female Only" styles displayed on the female form but the majority of the styles are displayed on whatever character we are able to get all the styles on to first (as starting up a completely new character and collecting all the styles all over again is a very long process).
  8. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player


    This is why I am excited about style and gear unlocking. It will make the game way more "Alt" friendly.
  9. DarkLadyAthena Dedicated Player

    Wait, what? Are you saying that if I unlock a style on one char, I can somehow use it on every char? Can I do this already, or is it something they are working on? One of the things I like most about this game is ironically also the one thing I hate. It's so easy to make great characters, that I don't find time to actually play most of them. :p

    Btw, if I can unlock styles for everyone, does this include every style? For instance, I found Blood Bat gloves and boots, and decided I'd make a "Bloodbat Girl" (inspired by Batgirl, using the Bloodbat style.) But I already used the boots on my main. Can I use the boots on BBG soon, too?
  10. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    This is something they are working on releasing sometime this year. No word on how much it will cost, if certain styles will be unlockable, if cross faction styles will be included, or how it will be implemented.
  11. DarkLadyAthena Dedicated Player

    Heh, that's awesome. Thanks!