Female Character Textures - The Black Spots (The Thread You Knew Had To Happen Sometime)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Anima, May 1, 2015.

  1. Anima Committed Player

    Disclaimer: If this thread has already been done, then disregard the parenthesized portion of the title.

    Hey there.

    Let me begin by saying that I am not here to ask that you allow women everywhere to be topless, though I am not particularly opposed to this notion.

    The truth is, this isn't about the censoring of certain body parts, but rather, the graphical eyesore that you have to deal with if you wear certain styles on female characters.

    Some examples:
    Eternal (Chest)
    Plant (Chest)
    Rapture (Legs)
    Split Personality (Chest)
    Necromancer (Chest) (ESPECIALLY this one.)

    We do actually have a decent variety of options for revealing styles if we want our characters to look that way. The problem is, many of them show the black spots, and for myself, that kind of ruins them, so I choose not to wear them.

    Before the trolls suggest I change my skin to "Glowing", I was wondering if it is at all possible to instead, modify these certain styles so that they will remove the black spots.

    In before perv.
    And possibly lock.
    • Like x 18
  2. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    In the real world I live where the law prohibiting women from going "topless" was removed. Men van just about everywhere, but misogamy lives on in the oddest places... boobs are jut sexual because we think they are. I think long legs and firm butts are,n ot the milk makers... Van we all just stop being twelve?
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  3. Sbel Devoted Player

    Meh. Just use some other skin, animal, rock, etc. Problem solved.
  4. comrade sonya Committed Player

    That doesn't address the problem
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  5. Sbel Devoted Player

    Fair enough. I didn't actually read the OP. ;)
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  6. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    If I remember correctly, they are part of the actual character models, so they can't be changed.
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  7. Anima Committed Player

    This is true, they definitely appear to be part of the character models.

    I was hoping they could make special cases for these styles where it would change the texture, though.
  8. comrade sonya Committed Player

    I wonder if it's possible to create a new human skin, the same as the ones we already have, and have it designed to cover the black spots with skin

    Almost how the animal/glowing/rock skins register to not show the black spots
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  9. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    It might be something they can do now since they are starting to add new skins !
  10. ChuckLess New Player

    Maybe they can allow us to color those spots...
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  11. Sbel Devoted Player

    Nah. They didn't put the black spots there accidentally, they put the black there because they didn't want skin there. So why would they change their minds now?
  12. just an honest dps New Player

    do you have example pictures? Not really sure what you're talking about..
  13. Sbel Devoted Player

    Some examples of the Necromancer chest, note the black spots on the... chest area:


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  14. comrade sonya Committed Player

    Likewise I could ask why did/do they make revealing outfits if they don't want us to show skin?
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  15. Sbel Devoted Player

    To show fur. (scales, lava, stars, etc.)
  16. comrade sonya Committed Player

    I highly doubt that they're making styles designed around people running around as foxes or mummies, barely anybody uses those skins
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  17. Veritech Loyal Player

    +1 for skimpy J

    The black spots must go, or be adjustable via color palette
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  18. mightybugthe1st New Player


    That's crazy! I don't recall the nipple blockers being that big a few years ago. Did they recently change their size for some reason?
  19. mightybugthe1st New Player

  20. Sbel Devoted Player

    I don't have any actual numbers, but I'd say that about 15% of characters are using non-human skins. About half of my characters are using non-human skins, including my main and 4 of my 6 111+ characters. Amusing fact: My villains are much more likely to be Human than my heroes are.