Feat Menu Update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ant Tao, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. Ant Tao Well-Known Player

    Devs, is a feat menu update possible? Recent feat hunting has made feel like the feat menu is annoying. I say this because I have to take out my phone and physically take a picture of my feats to avoid the tedious back and fourth. Here's a couple of examples/ideas.

    1.) Give an instant access button to the feat menu like the map and inventory (headlines has one for some reason).
    2.) Get rid of the recently earned feats section in the summary and replace it with the feats in progress that you pinned.
    3.) For all my peeps above a 3rd grade reading level, make all feats clickable so you can read the whole description at once as opposed... to... reading... your... feats... like... this.
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  2. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    How about:
    4.) Track a feat similar to how we track journal missions - especially for feats with a n/N (do task N number of times)
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  3. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    For #3, add even a option for reading speed, make it be able to be read at our reading speeds
  4. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Feat menu update might be next on the list of QoL improvements, I remember reading they said it needed to be addressed in Katinkovs thread
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  5. Dene Devoted Player

    I read it somewhere recently too.. just tried tracking it down but no luck.. I remember it because I was so happy they were looking in to it
  6. Revoemag Committed Player

  7. Dene Devoted Player

  8. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    Devs is you don't update the UI in 2018 after Deleting PS3 (R.I.P PS3) then all hope is lost.
  9. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Another example of why the UI update was so important.
  10. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I have a better idea:

    The feats of the current instance and their progress could be listed on the scorecard...
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  11. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I'd defiantly like a way to pin feats. That would be nice.
  12. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    If not pinning them, having a menu selection from the social menu (D-pad left -> Group -> (toon name)) that would let you see what feats that person needs from that instance, and if it is multi-part the parts needed.
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  13. Ant Tao Well-Known Player

    I like this idea. Put the pinned feat description under the journal mission in a different color or something. A small feat text box above the chat box would also work.
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  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Many great ideas here. Keep them coming.
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  15. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    What about something that when you click on a solo, duo, alert or an raid it brings up a list of feats still needed for that particular instance.
    Also, what about a tab kinda like LFG or Trade channels for just people "looking for feats".(LFF) I know i would use it all the time.
  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Everyone wanted it...especially the Devs. The decision came from much higher up. No point crying over this particular bowl of spilled milk since everyone (outside of upper management) is in total agreement that this would be beneficial.
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  17. Ant Tao Well-Known Player

    While we're at it, the base editor could use a grid view and an undo button lol.
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  18. AlienNomad Well-Known Player

    Interesting topic. I was actually thinking of a live feat progression happening during a mission. Example: Boss fight and a Feat notification of "1/4 bombs disarmed" appears on the screen. Many are not aware of how close they come to earning a feat, if they knew they might not want to disband so quickly.
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  19. Kestral Committed Player

    Oh god that #3 though...
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  20. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    I wholeheartedly agree with your first point. I have shortkeys for headlines but not for the feat menu that's supposed to be a central pillar of progression. What's this about? :rolleyes:

    I do like the recently earned summary though, it's useful to check if you got one or more feats without actively trying. May not happen frequently for veteran players but most certainly happens all the time for new players. Summarizing the recently earned feats makes it easier for new players to get a feeling for what kinds of feats there are and how to get them.

    #3 is also important. Feats have generally become much more complex over time and it's tedious to wait for the text to scroll through. It's also taxing on attention when you have to memorize word for word so you don't lose track of what the feat is about halfway through.

    Feat categories also need an overhaul. There is zero consistency, especially with style feats. Someone should take the time to reorder feats so that I don't have to scroll through 4 different categories (each with dozens of entries) just to find that one style feat I'm missing.

    Lastly, we have so many feats now that I haven't memorized what to do for each one of them, much less how they're named. New players don't have a year-long history of getting new feats piece by piece to get a feeling for what's what. We need a search function that lets us search through all feats by name, objective, description or even number of stars.
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