Feat list is confusing :(

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aearth, Apr 27, 2021.

  1. Aearth New Player

    I mean, the current type of list is okay (Per Episode).

    But, What if we can access a one click menu, which shows the feats that can be completed based on our location.

    - We are currently in Doomed Metropolis, and there is a menu that we can click to see what feats are in this place.

    - We are currently in Raid: God Of Monsters, and there is a menu that we can click on to see what feats are in this place.

    It's very difficult if you have to scroll through the episode feat one by one ("if we remember the episode").

    What do you think?
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  2. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    But every hero knows to set the location services option in their cell phone settings to off. Otherwise Lex and Brainiac will always be one step ahead. Somebody clearly skipped their JLA orientation class...

    On a serious note, I do think at the very least we should be able to toggle between “By Episode” and “By Instance Type” sorting options. They already have both in the game, they would just need to add all the feats from one in to the other and vice versa. The location thing would be cool too but would most likey require significantly more programming time vs just making duplicate locations and an A/B toggle switch.
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  3. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    I mean at this point i would be happy w/a darn search feature of any type For the feat list.
    What kills me most is that the on duty doesnt tell u what episode things are. As a retuning player, this continues to be thorn in my side.
    I am daily saying to the league, what episode is this raid so i can check feats..... its incredibly annoying enough to have to constantly ask. I cant imagine how annoying it must be to be asked daily smh.
    Another thing is style feats vs the unattuned gear..... i have about had my fill google searching them non stop..... for the love of all that is good can the darn gear be called what the style is called? Short of again bothering leaguemates non-stop, or searching on google (both means im not even playin the game but instead searching answers). Just make the gear called what the feat is called so we can find it for cryin out loud!
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  4. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    i honestly font understand why we got a duo feat alert feat and raid feat tab if everything gets throwed into the episode feats i mean if i like to duo my duo feats first bcs its quicker i have to search them in all episodes thats annoying
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  5. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Dcuo feat tracker. Google it. You can scroll through them really fast with one hand and have your character run with the other. If you have two heads you would be even more efficient. Unfortunately, I only have the one.
  6. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    They have tinkered with UI lately. Glad to see it since the announced ending the ui update project in 2014. The UI sucks. It's been requested to be changed since beta. A new UI would be GREATLY welcomed. Problems that occur with multiple creative directors and owners over the years, along with getting DC approval for things using their license. & multiple platforms, including discontinued dirty consoles
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    A few things that (to me) would make it more user friendly.

    1) make it so that all episode feats are color or icon coded to make it easier to see solo/duo/alert/raid1/raid2 and 'general' feats. They have some of this in place now, with many of the duo feats being the orange icon, but for the rest it's not really solid and seems to change per episode. Maybe also a way to toggle some on and off once that's done. You'd still have to go into the episode entry, but at a glance can tell which ones apply to the content you are about to run.

    2) some kind of hotlist where you can mark feats for tracking...maybe 10 or 20 of them. That way when you go to the feats list you can have the 10 or 20 you are going to keep going back to (like the generals in OW Flashpoint...or style feats when you are choosing which piece to select "do I need boots or waist?....welp, gotta go check again"). This would be nice with collections as well, as sometimes finding those is the same needle in a haystack fight.

    3) Have completed feats hidden by default, including having the episodes that are completed closed out. A checkbox for 'show all feats' or something could be there to turn them back on, but how many times do you ever need to go back and see your 'closed' feats? For new players this won't make a huge difference, but once you get up over 300 or 400 SP, there is a LOT of completed feats to scroll past).

    Some sort of 'feats in my area' thing would be cool, but there are a lot of feats which are NOT really in an area (like origin augs, styles, rare drops, collections or investigations), so that would leave a lot to go back in the list for anyway.
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  8. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Yeah, the feat ui is definitely outdated and needs to be reformed in some fashion
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Feat tracker is great, especially for reading the descriptions on wordy feats...without...waiting...for...the...scroll, but as you can't see 'in' the feat where there is a list, it falls short. It's great to know that "Funstone Crystals" is incomplete, but do you need 'red, blue, yellow' or 'blue, purple, yellow'? Can't tell from the feat tracker. Missing pieces of styles, collection checklists, "kill XYZ on different runs" feats and so on all need the info inside the feat to be effective. If it had that, I'd say we've got a winner.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Those were all from the base game. There were no episodes when those were created, so they had to go somewhere. I guess they could all be peeled off into 'episode 0' or something, but as most base game feats are now given out with the CR skip, there's not much point for that.
  11. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    I BELIEVE the reason for this is: the raid and duo tabs are there for the original, no dlc, DCUO game. Once DLC’s started releasing, they started the episodes tab...
  12. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The feat menu is surely functionally, organizationally, and lexically challenged. Lots of strange choices over the years we would like to clean up.
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  13. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Those tabs you see there are from the early release of the game...before they started dropping DLCs (Fight for the Light was the first DLC). That covers the solos, duos, alerts and the raids (like Batcave raids, and FoS raids).
  14. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    By “we would like to clean up” you mean suck it up an continue not being able to figure out what gear = what style feat OR do u mean its something actually is going to be looked at and fixed?

    I mean really, as jacked as it is, it could simply be fixed by adding text to the gear, it could say “this gear counts toward the ___ style feat”. And for the love of all things good........ unattuned gear simply (if nothing else) needs to say UNCOLLECTED or COLLECTED SO WE K OW W/out the gear drop timing out while we try an search endlessly tryin to fig out what gear it is and if we need it only to have it time out an the game picks the loot drop for us (more often than not picking exactly what we dont need or the most useless item.....)
    Seems like some crazy simple an easy fixes to me..... ot really sure what could be holding this up tbh
  15. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Looking forward to any changes that would make the feat list an easier experience