Feat Grinding - Advice?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SethZoulMonEl, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. billzill New Player

    My major piece of advice is: "an ounce of prevention is equal to a pound of cure." That means, planning out how best to accomplish various feats will save you significant tedium in the long run.

    One thing that helped me was transcribing all the info from the feat screen into a spreadsheet where I could easily sort and organize the information to see what the easiest way to accomplish things was. This may not work for you. Some people think lists and spreadsheets are boring. I do not. It definitely helped.

    Identify which feats are appropriate to tackle now and which are better saved for when you are better geared. For instance if you try to do Central City bounties when the mission is offered you will spend a large amount of your time trying to get a group together and trying to herd them all to the appropriate places. If you wait until you're T6, you can easily kill all nine bounties by yourself in a half hour. Same with Bottle Duos. When you're geared for Bottle duos you can expect them to take 20-30 minutes a piece and you have to find a partner. At T6 you can crush bottle duos by yourself by walking in and have all three done in 20 minutes. Speed feats are generally best saved for when you are severely overgeared for the content.

    Face long grinds head on. Example: You need 25 THOUSAND exos to finish that feat. If you spread it out over a year that's only 70 or so per day which is quite doable. But if you skip a day, you have that much more to do the next day. Skip a week and it's even more. Don't hunt exos for a month and that daily average starts to get scary.

    Don't pass on trash gear- you need it for your salvaging feat. Don't pass on Enchanted Beast Horns, you need those for your crafting feat. Don't buy exos, hunt them. When you buy exos you're not only paying money, you're robbing yourself of a feat tick.

    Some feats can be accomplished in a less-obvious way. Remember what I said about the crafting feat? forget it. Save up about several million in cash and just make soder cola primes, then sell them back to the soder vendor. You'll make back about a fourth of what you spent crafting them. It'll be expensive and tedious, but this method requires no loot and you'll wind up several skill points richer by the end. Just give up on making a profit, your profit is skill points.

    Another example: you get credit for doing bottle duos and breaking treasure chests even if you're locked on them. So you can rerun your bottle duos over and over, breaking the treasure chest inside each time for credit towards the duo, bottle duo and treasure chest feats. You won't get loot or marks, but by the time you're overgeared for that content you won't need their rewards anyway. MANY feats can be accomplished even if you're locked on the content (but not all, so check!).

    Above all: don't give up. It IS doable. I have met one person who has completed all of them and I am getting very close myself (816 complete out of 868). I accomplished the vast majority of my feats without any league at all. It is difficult and you will want to quit. Don't. You can do it.
  2. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Some of the stuff is honestly just not worth it to me....

    I'm over 160 SP now (time to fix the sig) and things like doing bottle duos another 150 times for 10 or 25 feat points just isn't worth the amount of time I would have to invest... I'd rather be 20sp short of the maximum than to invest that much time into things like 250 bottle duos (I'm at 101), 500 central city bounties (I'm at 252), etc...

    Some of them I just know I'll get there eventually. Like farming exobits. I'm just over 14,200 now and know I'll get to the 25,000 mark eventually, I'm just not going to farm for hours each day to get there...

    My biggest nemesis is the PvP feats, especially those from The Last Laugh... half the time the maps and modes aren't available, then the other 49% of the time I just don't want to PvP. :D
  3. Del Maestro Well-Known Player

    im doing the same right now. three days ago i was at 126 now im at 132. since im done with my 92 gear, its all i have left. i noticed i had some easy feats like not just the speed feat for inner and sub, but just to complete them on normal. so the feats were rolling in the first two days. yesterday? completed the reaper feat from 2000 and completed the black thumb feat from 0. unbelievably boring for 20 feat points
  4. billzill New Player

    And one last thing!

    Anyone who says it's okay to skip feats because they seem boring or hard was sent by the devil to lead you astray. Pay them no mind.
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  5. Aydarkzero Active Player

    Listen to music the entire time you grind it makes things easier
  6. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Things that have helped me:

    1. Don't run the same thing over and over again in a row just to get the feat.
    2. Don't spam crafting, but just make your own soders and drink them as much as possible, otherwise you'll get bored quickly (probably).
    3. Check your feats menu and try to do the skill based ones first, which are usually much more fun than the grindy ones.
    4. Try to get into pvp at least a little bit. If you're not good or have no gear do large group legends maps. You can literally get feats for losing or just beating up turrets.
    5. Talk to leagumates in voice chat about other stuff if you're doing boring instances.
    6. T bag the bosses that annoy you.
    7. Don't stress out about getting feats or your current skill points.
    8. Play both roles in group content.

    edit: #9. Try to do instances that give you shots for more than 1 feat at a time or grind towards two feats, so grind challenges, duos, alerts that have styles you also need and/or that you have to do x number of times.
    10. Buy collections from the broker.
  7. TroEL Dedicated Player

    My suggestion is to take a break from the game altogether for a while. At least a week. When you come back you'll be hungry for DCUO and the grind is nowhere near as bad. This is the only method that has worked for myself
  8. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    Most of whats been said applies to me as well. I like being methodical if I'm leveling up an alt in that I'll make sure to get as many feats as possible before I hit level 30 (Booster, exploration, contact missions, briefings, races etc.).

    I'm pretty much at a point now where unles I change my movement/power all I really have left are the grinding feats and a few of the really hard one to get (primordial demons etc.). I'm patient and I try to take a longer view of things.

    Never hurts to pic up as many exobits as you can. memorize all the spawn points around your lair and you're sure to pick up to a dozen or so every time you exit and enter your base.

    Even if you're loot locked from the Battle for Earth duos they'll still count towards the feat.

    I'm working towards my CC bounties. I stopped for a few months after I finally got to 250 and I'm at around 350 now. I try to do a few each day but I also wont spend a lot of time hunting them. Some days when they feel like it theyre all where they should be and I get them all, some days its only two or three.

    Mixing it up helps. Now that were on the tail end of DLC 10 and my toons are all or just about full t6 I'm shifting my attention to cleaning u my feat journal.

    if you get really sick of grinding something (right now I could stand to never see another amazon again..) take a break from it and find something else to do.
  9. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    currently im working on two that i dont really want to do but i want them done.
    the central city bounties....im t6 i solo them everyday much easier than finding a group im 270 out of 500
    the player bounties i hit 100 last night and it bumped up to 250 not sure if it goes higher i hope it doesnt i have all my pvp gear and am working on building a healer armory.
    the other pvp feats will come over time i just started pvp about 3 weeks ago have all the style feats for it
    I have my t6 im gathering marks of valor for the styles now
    they r and feats will just have to happen over time
    i do mine over dlcs as well so last laugh and the last central city feat are keeping me busy