Feat Grinding - Advice?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SethZoulMonEl, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I've been feat grinding since last October when a league-mate found out how high CR I had and how few SP. I have managed since that time to accumulate 90+ skill points and reach 137. I am at a point now where running any content literally makes me feel nauseated. Any advice on how to survive grinding more, or should I just take a break from the game?
  2. Benn 10 Committed Player

    Lol it only gets worse, you think you feel nauseated now. The Grind is a very rough road. Good luck though dude, they really do help out in the end. Happy grinding.
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  3. No Aywok New Player

    My method:

    • Overall, try to concentrate on feats from one DLC at a time. It is okay to "jump around", but having an overall goal really helps focus.
    • Choose 1 "grind" feat to work on per day, it does not matter if it is impossible to achieve quickly. I personally farm no less than 150 bits/day.
    a). This comes in many forms: PvP knockouts, PvP maps, Exo hunting, Reaper feat, Joker/Batman feat from Gotham Under Siege, you get the point.

    That's it, really. It's more a frame of mind and perseverance than anything. I have gone 3 full weeks at a time without so much as 10 feat points; it happens on the lengthy grind ones and is to be expected from time-to-time.


    More personally, I am Premium, so I was able to work on feats literally 1 DLC at a time. I did not purchase my first DLC until I was 1/2 T4 (Jesus, that Mark grind!). I had all that time to work on the Core feats, and got hundreds done just simply by playing.

    Aywok was created on 7/26/2013 (8/10 DLCs)... I think my skill points prove that my method/mindset works. :)
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  4. Benn 10 Committed Player

    Sheesh you put in some work. Lol
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  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I actually haven't focused on any DLCs yet. Most of my feats were for the classic game content and tier 5 DLC content. I do have almost all of Battle For Earth done now, but I am missing the 250 (ugh!!!) feat.

    I also don't really do PvP and would be fine with not getting any of those feats. I know I'm not alone in that. :-}
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  6. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Just do stuff naturally. You're at a disadvantage because you're later to the feat grinding party than those sitting at 180+ Skill Points. Pushing yourself to catch up will only kill your interest which will stop you from working towards your feats which is slower than taking your time and doing a little but often.

    Also, try and focus on feats which people are interested in obtaining now rather than waiting to go back and get them later. I've seen several people calling for groups for the Mist bounties recently. You need to beat 50 of them for the feat and it'll be harder to get groups for that as content ages. So may as well get it out of the way now.
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  7. Minx New Player

    Just don't. Play to enjoy...happy gaming!!!
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  8. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    I personally enjoy the notebook method.

    Just by listing and organizing all my feats has really helped. It's nice to have a visual aid outside of opening and closing your menu all the time.

    It also makes it easier to prioritize feats I am working on. Bumping off easy feats is just as important as gradually making progress on the really Grindy stuff. It was extremely helpful with finishing styles. Marking down style drop locations took some time in the beginning, but it made older content easier to run when you know exactly what your looking for.

    But you always have to remember. It's a game not a job. When it starts to feel like work it's probably time for a break.
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  9. Canadian Justice Committed Player

    My advice, if you even kind of feel like you need it then take a break while we are between DLCs. If you don't you may find yourself going in to the next DLC with a burnt out mindset and that will make for one very tiring DLC.

    As far as feat grinding goes just try to find a way to work a small amount of grinding in to your daily in game routine. Trying to grind out the grind feats will in most cases leave you feeling exactly as you do now so just take it bit by bit and have fun.
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  10. No Aywok New Player

    Looks like several had the same idea, to pick out something "grindy" and work on that over time.

    As far as the PvP feats, Seth, you're probably missing 2-5 SP by not doing the most basic, what I call, introductory PvP feats.

    I understand if PvP is not at all an option, however. Just thought I'd point out that there's some easy ones out there that require little to no headache (not to mention, these are mostly all gained within 5 Arena wins and 5 Legends wins.

    Working the PvP map feats up till at least 5 each will also grant you 0.8 SP in itself, I believe.
  11. ErnieB Loyal Player

    PVP, as much as I hate it, Last Laugh holds the most feats that require minimal grinding if you get a farming group, and since most are locked to a map you can't really grind them just wait for that map to enter rotation.
  12. Say New Player

    A way that helps me OP is to not make feat grinding a chore that I must do.Instead make it to a game to see who can get the most feats between you and your friends or get feats every now and then and enjoy playing the game.
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  13. Mad9 New Player

    I am in exactly the same boat as you. I feel burned out too. Heck, most of the feats left are pure and simple grind and nothing else and I can't bring myself to go about completing them as much as I want to.

    In fact, I have stopped grinding for feats all together. I don't want to spend my precious time farming 1000 Treasure chests, farm 10000 to 25000 exobits, salvage and craft 1000s of stuff.

    I can't see myself ever completing the Time Traveller style because I have ran the Huntress mission more than a 100 times with no luck with the head. I have just stopped running it. Since I completed all the other styles, I have not had a need to run the vault too which I stopped running in 2013.

    Everytime, I look at grindy feats, my system sort of shuts down. I'v taken a few days and weeks' break in between but it did not really help my cause. I tried to do some grindy stuff bit by bit (intermittently) but just got impatient and bored that could not continue it any further.

    I guess the only way of doing this is by biting the bullet and continue with the grind. It also makes me wonder what am I really trying to do here and though it would be some sort of an achievement in the game, it comes at a big huge cost of having to neglect my social life. Again, one could forgo some damage to social life but it also affects the professional life. I mean, I can make real money or game money but it won't be possible to have them both unless I hire someone to complete the feats for me (which I can at this point where I am exhausted).

    So, I am making an open offer of USD 50 for anyone willing to complete some of the grindy feats (extremely easy but time consuming) for my character. Feel free to send a PM.
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  14. IWineAlot New Player

    Well, whenever the grind starts to get to you, try bringing up this thread as motivation. That guy had it much worse than any of us members, and still managed to do it.
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  15. Locarthemanbeast Committed Player

    A good point I tell my league is if you need find feats for more sp start by looking at your styles. See where each piece your missing is coming from and make sure you run each one of those solo alerts and raids needed to find that one or more pieces needed to finish a style. Then make sure you do as much dlc you can and start working on PvP.
  16. owlman New Player

    Just do it.
  17. Mad009 New Player

    No, I just can't do it anymore.
  18. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Thanks for the great advice, everyone. I think I will take things a bit slower and just get feats as they come for a bit. I can always go back to intentionally grinding at a later time. :-}
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  19. Opamp Committed Player

    I have 88 SP and I thought I wasted enough time looking for feats.

    I can't imagine your pain =(
  20. Miggly Committed Player

    I suggest a break from the game. If you are F2P or Premium then start it now. If legendary and you really want to not waste your membership then hold out till the end and take a vacation. Last August my subscription ran out and I was looking to take a month vacation. It turned into a 6 month leave. While I was gone Sons of Trigon and War of Light pt. 1 came out. When I returned to the game it seemed new and I had my old friends and league mates help me catch up. And, the grinds were not a bother at all.
    Most people I have met and who have stepped away for some time always agree how it helps keep the game "fresh".
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